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Demoncy, Forest Of Impaled, Hell-Born, Warhorse, Hirudinea NOV 21 BOSTON

the Chopping Block (Boston, Ma) - [demoncy][forest_of_impaled][hell-born][hirudinea][methadrone][randomshots]
[Sep 26,2003 1:41pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
NOV 21
Chopping Block, Boston 21+

Demoncy (the most important US black metal band at the moment)

Forest Of Impaled (hateful black/death from Chicago)

Hell-Born (black/death from Poland)

Warhorse (the return of DOOM)

Hirudinea (violent black/death attack)

Go or rot. This is the best metal tour to come to Boston in forever. Demoncy is pure evil put to music. You will never see anything like them again.
[Sep 26,2003 1:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
stop this 21+ shit... maybe there would be a scene in boston if shit wasn't 18+ or 21+
[Sep 26,2003 1:45pm - joe/notcommon ""]
there is a scene in Boston
[Sep 26,2003 1:48pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Get older? I dont know, sorry man. There aren't any big places that would do a show like this. I might be able to get you in though if things go my way.
[Sep 26,2003 1:52pm - RustedAngel ""]
well, I'm 20, but the YOUTH are the future of metal! A slipknot show is all ages, but a local show isn't.
[Sep 26,2003 1:55pm - RustedAngel ""]
joe/notcommon said:there is a scene in Boston


[Sep 26,2003 2:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
fuck 21+. this is a killer show, i have to miss it cause of that shit. demoncy rules.
[Sep 26,2003 2:49pm - armageddonday ""]
I'm glad they found a show for that day, they asked us to do it in town but we're having a big hardcore band from Japan playing that night, so I had to pass....the sad thing is that I'm actually going to miss that show..
[Sep 26,2003 5:26pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Shit on a stick, I want to go. Just downloaded some Demoncy and Forest of Impaled, US black metal that's actually good for a change.

Stupid being under 21 and missing one of the only few black metal shows of the whole damn year. Fucking bars and their fucking "business" and their stupid need to rely on "selling alcohol" to stay "open." Argh/pfft.
[Sep 26,2003 5:47pm - ratt_mowe ""]
damn i am older than you? thats frightening. 27 more days and i will be able to legally buy alcohol. happy day for me. so dont anyone forget, my brithday = oct. 23rd. i expect presents on my front door.
[Sep 26,2003 5:59pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]

[Sep 26,2003 10:14pm - the_reverend ""]
what? Forest of Imapled at the chopping block?
unholy fuck!
[Sep 27,2003 6:52pm - ColdNorthernVengeance  ""]
Wow...a black metal show in Boston...I'll be there:nuke:
[Sep 27,2003 8:48pm - joe/notcommon ""]
RustedAngel said:joe/notcommon said:there is a scene in Boston


there is no boston metal scene in Maine
[Sep 27,2003 11:49pm - phantos ""]
whoa... thnx for the update Mike.
Ill be there... hopefully.
[Sep 28,2003 6:19pm - Mike_STE ""]
When was the last time a really good band came from Boston since ISIS.
[Sep 29,2003 2:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
Sam Black Church was the last good band from Boston.
[Sep 29,2003 2:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
joe/notcommon said:RustedAngel said:joe/notcommon said:there is a scene in Boston


there is no boston metal scene in Maine

I lived in boston for a year, and there was only 1 show, and it was a hardcore show. More metal shows up here than in Boston. That says a lot.
[Sep 29,2003 5:01pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
There are metal shows, they're just almost all 21+.

The best shows are always at my house anyway.
[Sep 29,2003 5:08pm - university of boston metal shows  ""]
the shows really picked up this year
nobody cares what you think about whether there are boston metal shows or not because you live in Maine and never come to any of the boston metal shows.

there is one on friday
then another on monday
[Sep 29,2003 10:27pm - armageddonday ""]
university of boston metal shows said:the shows really picked up this year
there is one on friday
then another on monday

Hey could you send flyers to the store if there's any metal show in Boston?
Armageddon Shop
436 Broadway
PRovidence, RI 02909

[Oct 15,2003 1:53pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Warhorse can not play. Methadrone (ex Incantation, Disciples Of Mockery, WOMB members (CRAIG PILLARD) from NJ will be taking their place. They play black/doom.
[Oct 16,2003 4:48am - CNV  ""]
Awesome...Craig Pillard rules! WP
[Nov 14,2003 5:07pm - Ninkaszi@work  ""]
[Nov 14,2003 6:24pm - phantos ""]
thnx for bumping this. its on my calender now. killer.
[Nov 18,2003 7:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
Where is Forest of Impaled the night before? Do they have a webpage? Are they still on Red Stream? I wish I was 21.
[Nov 18,2003 7:16pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Nov 18,2003 9:08pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Warhorse isn't playing. Thats too bad because they rule. Craig Pillards (ex Incantation, Disciples Of Mockery, Womb) new band Methadrone is playing instead.
[Nov 18,2003 9:10pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
This is the first date of the tour. Forest Of Impaled is playing the next day at a black metal fest in NYC with Antaeus from France. I will try to find a link.
[Nov 18,2003 9:32pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
[Nov 18,2003 9:56pm - BornSoVile ""]
Fuck!! Antaeus is nasty. Not to mention Krieg is playing that New York show as well. This scene is awesome right now.
[Nov 19,2003 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
hahaha, I just e-mailed you asking if this was still going on.
I'm going to go to this.
no doubt.
[Nov 19,2003 5:50pm - Ninkaszi@work  ""]
haha yeah I just got the email. I feel bad for anyone that doesn't go to this. It's going to be amazing.
[Nov 21,2003 8:20am - the_reverend ""]
what time is this at?
[Nov 21,2003 3:28pm - succubus ""]
bump! time anyone?

i'm going to be in lowell attending

but i'm supposed to meet the rev after...so how long do i gotta freeze my ass?
[Nov 21,2003 4:38pm - the_reverend ""]
holy shit!
I can't believe this show is happening.
I guess i'll be there around 8pm.. unless I get told otherwise.
guess I'll just drink and worry about my car while I wait.
[Nov 22,2003 3:18am - the_reverend ""]
ok, Im back from the show.
it was a little late.
and I'm actually at my radio statoin now, installing another computer for the live stream.
pictures will be up shortly.
[Nov 22,2003 3:22am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are up.
[Nov 22,2003 3:36am - succubus ""]
thanks for waking me..i fell asleep in your bed working on photos

though i doubt i will be up when you get home zzzz
[Nov 22,2003 3:36am - the_reverend ""]
my review in a little while.
I'm setting up a pc now
[Nov 22,2003 4:16am - the_reverend ""]
hirudinea: I thought that they played pretty good. no broken equipment and one of the mics (mike's mic) was feeding back/falling down a lot.

forest of impaled: the kick drums weren't mics so you couldn't really hear them. besides that they were awesome. they were the reason that I wanted to go to this show and I wasn't let down... especially cause...

hell-born: damn! they stole the show for me. Part black metal and part tough-metal-vocals (like amon amarth's live). I need to get their cd for my radio show.

demoncy: the members were all in corpse paint which was fine by me cause it sounded great. the singer seemed really anonyed, but I was digging it. Their vocals where more traditional-high black metal screams.

methadrone: I heard about this band a while ago, but forgot about them. the first song confused me. 2 bass players + a drum machine. both bass players played their basses like they were normal guitars... which was odd. After the first song was over I got in to it. it was doomy, sludgey, droney music which was semi-lulling me to sleep. reminds me of old school godflesh which chords from the new doom cd "hall of amentitis" by cephalic carnage.
[Nov 22,2003 5:42am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
This show fucking ruled. The turnout was much better than I was expecting, it was the most people I've seen in the Chopping Block.

I thought we played ok. I couldn't hear the drums at all, and I had to keep looking over. That mic stand sucks balls. I was cramped the whole time trying to sing down to the friggin thing.

Forest Of Impaled was amazing. This was the second time I got to see them. Really tight musicians. I just wish they played longer.

Hell-Born was ok. Nothing really impressed me too much, but not bad.

Demoncy could have been better, but I thought it ruled. The new guitarist fucked up a few times, but no big deal. They played some great songs.

Methadrone was my favorite of the night by far. It was so good. It was a continuation of the band WOMB, and it might be even better. This was the first, and only show planned for the time being. I'm going to try to get them to come back. They liked it here and got a good response. Really doomy evil set. I'm going to go pass out to the demo now. Craig Pillard is a genius, the end.

[Nov 22,2003 8:01am - Kalopsia ""]
hahahahaha 2 bassists that's fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
[Nov 22,2003 2:02pm - frank ""]
sam black chursch used to be great man.
insane vocals, and the unique "shiver" scream over blasting metal guitars and solid drumming. Jet and those dudes were great, and at ine time, and integral part of the boston scene. Used to love to rage with them.
huge supporters of NORML.
Agreed, the boston scene, needs to change (in terms of allowing the younger crowd to participate) but it wont ever happen....
its all about $$
metal, although loved by a small and dedicated populus, has never been lucrative in the buisness sense-aside from the fact that we drink, pillage and destroy to no end so. Seems like basic math...
[Nov 22,2003 2:14pm - HiImPaul ""]
I remember womb they were pretty sick, same with diciples of mockery i believe roy from necrohamonic put out some sick shit from DOM. Im pissed I missed this show.
[Nov 22,2003 4:13pm - todayistheday  ""]
rusted angel how can you say theres not a scene is boston? boston only has the best harcore scene in the freaking country and theres like 100 shows every day......it does suck that some are 21 plus though..but its probably like that in every major city where a show is at a bar...stop your bitching
[Nov 22,2003 4:13pm - todayistheday  ""]
rusted angel how can you say theres not a scene is boston? boston only has the best harcore scene in the freaking country and theres like 100 shows every day......it does suck that some are 21 plus though..but its probably like that in every major city where a show is at a bar...stop your bitching
[Nov 22,2003 6:53pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Paul, yeah Roy put of the Womb/DOM split cd. Such a good cd. He also put out a Funebrarum cd as well. If you like DOM, you might like it. It's really dark, heavy death metal. One of the best death metal albums I've heard in years.
[Nov 18,2011 1:26pm - AndrewBastard ""]
show was kult.

that dude singing for Demoncy arranged for Even at Deathgasm to release the Horn of Valere demo I gave him that night.
[Nov 18,2011 1:30pm - 88  ""]

CNV said:Awesome...Craig Pillard rules! WP

White Pride! WP!
[Nov 18,2011 1:31pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
show was titz
[Nov 18,2011 1:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
I remember not being 21 yet. Was sooo close. Fuck.
[Nov 18,2011 1:44pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
I wasn't 21
[Nov 18,2011 1:46pm - AndrewBastard ""]
my boy matt wasnt 21 either but we got him in...
[Nov 18,2011 1:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck. I was down in dartmouth. I used to love Forest of Impaled.
[Nov 18,2011 1:50pm - Geminiii ""]
I wasnt 21. I got in anyway. Just told the doorman I wont drink. Some guy foynd beherits drawing down the moon lp for 2o.oo and was able to find original blasphemy and beherit cds in the distros.. Was legendary and and great. Especially to see METHADRONE
[Nov 18,2011 1:52pm - Geminiii ""]
Ya thats right! Andrew helped get me in!! The memories!
[Nov 18,2011 2:01pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Matt, did we meet officially that night?
[Nov 18,2011 2:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only shaved head Andrew was real. I don't think I met Matt until our first show together in March 05.
I remember meeting Andrew under horrible circumstances of when I roomed with our gay drummer and had a lot of his shitty stuff strewn about.
[Nov 18,2011 2:17pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah we hung in your dorm room and he liked children of bodom.

[Nov 18,2011 2:18pm - AndrewBastard ""]
umass amherst?
[Nov 18,2011 2:24pm - Geminiii ""]
Ya thats right! Andrew helped get me in!! The memories!
[Nov 18,2011 5:02pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Only 3 more days?!? Nice!
[Nov 18,2011 5:51pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
i know, first thing i thought was wow thats gonna be awesome
[Nov 18,2011 5:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
im 21 years old and what is this
[Nov 18,2011 9:03pm - OCR Kult  ""]
I filmed that entire show that day
[Nov 19,2011 1:18pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
post the videos

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