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Barack Obama pushes for illegal alien amnesty. He's my new hero.

[Feb 25,2009 2:35pm - Typical Liberal Emobag  ""]
This week, as a guest on a Spanish language radio show, President Obama stated his continued support for giving amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants, which would force Americans looking for a job to compete with amnestied aliens for work. (El Piolin Interview, February 18, 2009 and CBS4—South Florida).

During the radio interview, President Obama said: “We’re going to start by really trying to work on how to improve the current [immigration] system so that people who want to be naturalized, who want to become citizens . . . are able to do it; that it’s cheaper, that it’s faster, that they have an easier time in terms of sponsoring family members.” Following that, President Obama acknowledged what legal American workers already know intuitively—that amnesty is not in their best interest—but then endorsed amnesty anyway. President Obama said: “And then we’ve got to have comprehensive immigration reform. . . . Politically it’s going to be tough. It’s probably tougher now than it was, partly because of the fact that the economy has gotten worse.” (El Piolin).


He is our progressive future. Look at this man, and how he has pushed aside other problems to face our moral duty as a nation to help the less fortunate. We know that biology, race and nations falling apart into third-world disorder are social constructs. Intelligence is a social construct too. But most people just push the plight of poor immigrants under the rug. Barack Obama didn't, and as if reaching down from a cross, he has extended a hand to help them.
[Feb 25,2009 2:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2009 2:49pm - darkwor ""]
that sucks.

but legal immigrants must pay taxes. giving amnesty to illegal immigrants means people who didn't pay taxes before must pay them now. the illegals are already here. there's more coming. immigration will continue. make them pay taxes and become citizens.

i fail to see what's bad about this, BESIDES multicultralism and diversity and all that bullshit.
[Feb 25,2009 2:51pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Fucking fence jumpers.
[Feb 25,2009 2:55pm - metal_church101 ""]
Wet backs have more rights than I do and still don't have to pay taxes.

[Feb 25,2009 2:59pm - darkwor ""]
although i do hope when he says "comprehensive immigration reform" he means keeping it consistent with the EMIGRATION rates...unfortunately it probably doesn't.
[Feb 25,2009 2:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2009 3:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i already posted a thread about this entiled "Amnesty Bill"
[Feb 25,2009 4:07pm - MattBreen ""]
Im about it.
[Feb 25,2009 4:10pm - orgymf@work  ""]

darkwor said:that sucks.

but legal immigrants must pay taxes. giving amnesty to illegal immigrants means people who didn't pay taxes before must pay them now. the illegals are already here. there's more coming. immigration will continue. make them pay taxes and become citizens.

i fail to see what's bad about this, BESIDES multicultralism and diversity and all that bullshit.

bad economy?
diminishing resources?

yeah, no troubles
[Feb 25,2009 4:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]
good, fuck you guys.
[Feb 25,2009 4:41pm - Typical Liberal Emobag  ""]

ouchdrummer said:good, fuck you guys.


[Feb 25,2009 4:44pm - ouchdrummer ""]
sorry, too busy with my immigrant wife, can't do it this week.
[Feb 25,2009 4:49pm - darkwor ""]

orgymf@work said:
darkwor said:that sucks.

but legal immigrants must pay taxes. giving amnesty to illegal immigrants means people who didn't pay taxes before must pay them now. the illegals are already here. there's more coming. immigration will continue. make them pay taxes and become citizens.

i fail to see what's bad about this, BESIDES multicultralism and diversity and all that bullshit.

bad economy?
diminishing resources?

yeah, no troubles

i'm talking about the illegals that are already here. this doesn't give amnesty to people not living here.

as i said, if he means to reform immigration laws to make it easier and cheaper for immigrants to come here and live, then that sucks.
[Feb 25,2009 4:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm buying an island, who's in?
[Feb 25,2009 4:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
And by "island" I mean "spaceship."
[Feb 25,2009 5:52pm - Typical Liberal Emobag  ""]
We're that much closer to paradise thanks to Barack Obama and his illegal aliens. We are almost that progressive society, that city upon a hill, that we dreamed of so long ago, us progressives. Join me in a toast of tofu wine?
[Feb 25,2009 6:09pm - paganmegan ""]
Don't fuck with tofu

Although: I am with you on the extending illegals citizenship being a bad thing: it cannot help the already suffering economical climate as this would only add to the competing for resources and jobs AND send a signal to any foreigners considering illegal immigration that this is OK, accepted, and rewarded.
[Feb 25,2009 10:15pm - Murph ""]
My girlfriend is from Sweden and is moving here in September, so hope she gets leniency.

She's smokin' hot so I hope there isn't a problem.
[Feb 25,2009 10:44pm - pam ""]

Murph said:My girlfriend is from Sweden and is moving here in September, so hope she gets leniency.

She's smokin' hot so I hope there isn't a problem.

There won't be. She's white, she'll have no problem.
[Feb 25,2009 11:05pm - Murph ""]

pam said:
Murph said:My girlfriend is from Sweden and is moving here in September, so hope she gets leniency.

She's smokin' hot so I hope there isn't a problem.

There won't be. She's white, she'll have no problem.

You're so right, that it's right.

There's a word that rhymes with right...I think it's also a part of the light spectrum...
[Feb 25,2009 11:08pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
The more illegals he makes legal, the more DEMOCRATIC VOTERS...
[Feb 25,2009 11:09pm - pam ""]

Murph said:
pam said:
Murph said:My girlfriend is from Sweden and is moving here in September, so hope she gets leniency.

She's smokin' hot so I hope there isn't a problem.

There won't be. She's white, she'll have no problem.

You're so right, that it's right.

There's a word that rhymes with right...I think it's also a part of the light spectrum...

[Feb 25,2009 11:22pm - Murph ""]
Yeah, my girl is so goddamn white.

Or as I refer to her, "Hitler's wet dream."
[Feb 25,2009 11:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
She'll probably going through the proper legal procedure to gain citizenship and will more than likely get a job. Oh and she's white; like our president....oh wait.
[Feb 25,2009 11:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Actually she may not get a job with this economy...but you know where I was going with that...
[Feb 25,2009 11:40pm - Murph ""]
Actually, I think she's getting a student visa, to get a second degree.

She's in the works of starting out her own online boutique carrying Nordic designers.

What a catch.
[Feb 26,2009 12:11am - Dankill  ""]

AndrewBastard said:The more illegals he makes legal, the more DEMOCRATIC VOTERS...

DING DING DING, Tell the man what he's won, Vanna........
[Feb 26,2009 5:01am - paganmegan ""]

AndrewBastard said:The more illegals he makes legal, the more DEMOCRATIC VOTERS...

That's the point of it. Everything the current administration is doing is directly linked to retaining power for the Democratic party. The system of "checks and balances" is on its ass: Congress is democrat-controlled, the White House is democrat controlled. It only remains balanced when power is divided, otherwise it just becomes an orgy of power seizure. Just read Animal Farm and study Civics if you are lost on this
[Feb 26,2009 8:23am - ouchdrummer ""]
my wife is black (see profile) as in real dark brazillian, she pays taxes, she works 2jobs, one of which NONE of you would want to do, and she has endless immigration problems, if only she were white.. wait then i wouldn't like er.
[Feb 26,2009 8:57am - orgymf@work  ""]

darkwor said:
orgymf@work said:
darkwor said:that sucks.

but legal immigrants must pay taxes. giving amnesty to illegal immigrants means people who didn't pay taxes before must pay them now. the illegals are already here. there's more coming. immigration will continue. make them pay taxes and become citizens.

i fail to see what's bad about this, BESIDES multicultralism and diversity and all that bullshit.

bad economy?
diminishing resources?

yeah, no troubles

i'm talking about the illegals that are already here. this doesn't give amnesty to people not living here.

as i said, if he means to reform immigration laws to make it easier and cheaper for immigrants to come here and live, then that sucks.

yeah, but illegals who are already here are still kinda part of those problems bro
[Feb 26,2009 8:59am - W3 @ work  ""]
stop holding down my peoples, potato potato podato
[Feb 26,2009 9:00am - orgymf@work  ""]

pam said:
Murph said:My girlfriend is from Sweden and is moving here in September, so hope she gets leniency.

She's smokin' hot so I hope there isn't a problem.

There won't be. She's white, she'll have no problem.

incorrect assumption, my third cousin patrick came here illegally from ireland, he was caught and (rightfully) deported.

i like the dude, but i told him the same thing i would tell any illegal, come through legal channels, work and pay taxes. the only difference between what i told him, and what i would say to an immigrant from country where english was uncommon, is i didn't have to tell him to learn english.
[Feb 26,2009 9:05am - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:my wife is black (see profile) as in real dark brazillian, she pays taxes, she works 2jobs, one of which NONE of you would want to do, and she has endless immigration problems, if only she were white.. wait then i wouldn't like er.

as i said, being white doesn't get you off the hook.
if she came here through legal channels, then she does not deserve such treatment and i am sorry to hear of this travesty jim, and i really do mean that bro.

but if she came here illegally, well, what do you expect?
[Feb 26,2009 9:26am - matt breen  ""]
white people are fat
[Feb 26,2009 9:29am - brian_dc ""]

matt%20breen said:white people are fat

[Feb 26,2009 9:34am - W3 @ work  ""]
Brian's just mad cause he's only a fat kid on the inside
[Feb 26,2009 9:35am - brian_dc ""]
I'm agreeing with my boy, Matt
[Feb 26,2009 9:36am - orgymf@work  ""]

matt%20breen said:white people are fat

I am the FAT GOD.
as overlord of all things obese, i survey over all of my obese followers, and i must tell you that most of them are black females, hispanic females, and white men in the south.
[Feb 26,2009 9:38am - W3 @ work  ""]

brian_dc said:I'm agreeing with my boy, Matt

no need for such harsh words
[Feb 26,2009 9:48am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
BTW, the amnesty'd immigrant idea automatically voting Dem idea falls down pretty quick when you look at it too close. HISPANIC PRO-LIFE CATHOLICS, FUCKIN UP UR THEORIES
[Feb 26,2009 9:49am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 26,2009 10:49am - Conservationist ""]

pam said:She's white, she'll have no problem.

Actually --

If you talk to expats coming to the USA, your race/ethnicity is not going to help or hinder you unless you're fleeing a country in war where you might be persecuted.

Several members of my family, trying to get into this country, found out the hard way. You need to get an immigration lawyer and lay out the bucks for anything to happen.
[Feb 26,2009 11:09am - orgymf@work  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:BTW, the amnesty'd immigrant idea automatically voting Dem idea falls down pretty quick when you look at it too close. HISPANIC PRO-LIFE CATHOLICS, FUCKIN UP UR THEORIES

it's actually kinda split down the middle.
since half of em will vote democrat just because of the way republicans feel about/against their undocumented relatives.

but i do agree that alot of the religious hispanic wingnuts, will vote for the religious white wingnuts.
[Feb 26,2009 11:17am - darkwor ""]
[Feb 26,2009 11:33am - AndrewBastard  ""]
Statistically it's 60/30 with latinos/hispanics voting left/right, respectively. Thats in THIS past election where McCain supported amnesty...
[Feb 26,2009 11:38am - pam ""]

orgymf@work said:
pam said:
Murph said:My girlfriend is from Sweden and is moving here in September, so hope she gets leniency.

She's smokin' hot so I hope there isn't a problem.

There won't be. She's white, she'll have no problem.

incorrect assumption, my third cousin patrick came here illegally from ireland, he was caught and (rightfully) deported.

i like the dude, but i told him the same thing i would tell any illegal, come through legal channels, work and pay taxes. the only difference between what i told him, and what i would say to an immigrant from country where english was uncommon, is i didn't have to tell him to learn english.

I never said anything about coming illegally. I was referring to the high number of Europeans the US allots citizenship to yearly. Since there isn't as many white people trying to come here as there are brown people trying to come here, she wouldn't have so long a wait as, say, a Mexican would attaining citizenship the legal way.

I'm 100% against amnesty for people who broke the law, by the way, before everyone jumps on me for being a "liberal douche" or whatever.
[Feb 26,2009 11:54am - Conservationist ""]

pam said:I never said anything about coming illegally. I was referring to the high number of Europeans the US allots citizenship to yearly.

According to American History magazine, October 2006, 14% of immigrants to the USA are from Europe, versus 31% from Asia, 24% from Mexico, 11% from the Caribbean, and 6% each from South and Central America.

[Feb 26,2009 12:00pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
It's actually not that much lower than the number from Mexico...more Asians than anyone else.

So people need to stop calling those of us that want to close borders racists! We don't want any more white Europeans here either! THERE ARE TOO MANY HUMAN BEINGS.
[Feb 26,2009 12:36pm - orgymf@work  ""]

AndrewBastard said:Statistically it's 60/30 with latinos/hispanics voting left/right, respectively. Thats in THIS past election where McCain supported amnesty...

and if he had not supported amnesty, he would have had fewer of their votes.

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