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Tues MAR 6th EERIE(rec release), THE UNDER(ex Grief, Disrupt), STASIS, RAT CORPSE(ex Defcon 4) @ O'Briens

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Feb 22,2012 10:26pm - Robing ""]
[Feb 22,2012 10:28pm - Robing ""]
[Feb 23,2012 6:41am - Robing ""]
Top get into it.
[Feb 23,2012 11:35am - Robing ""]
Thread troll free so far.
[Feb 23,2012 12:26pm - Robin's FSU Rolodex  ""]
Sorry, got stuck in traffic.... Sold out yet?
[Feb 23,2012 1:24pm - Robing ""]
Now it's not fat-free either :(
[Feb 23,2012 1:26pm - Robing ""]
No chance of this selling out until MAYBE 8:05pm night of show after doors open.
[Feb 23,2012 1:27pm - trioxin_245 ""]
oof wish we had been able to do this, good show is good.
[Feb 23,2012 1:28pm - Robing ""]
This show is out of control.
[Feb 23,2012 1:33pm - Robing ""]
This show is out of control.
[Feb 23,2012 1:35pm - Robing ""]
ONLY 8bucks!
[Feb 23,2012 1:39pm - 8bux  ""]
For a bunch of poop at O'Brien's.
[Feb 23,2012 2:01pm - Robing ""]
ONLY 8bucks!
[Feb 23,2012 2:02pm - Robing ""]
Nah its worth it.
[Feb 23,2012 2:23pm - Robing ""]
8bux post your band or shows, its probably poop and your jealous.
[Feb 23,2012 2:33pm - Geminiii ""]
Thanks Robin. You're the man! Haters are gonna hate!
[Feb 23,2012 4:12pm - Robing ""]
They can smell my fucking ass.
[Feb 23,2012 4:34pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Robing said:8bux post your band or shows, its probably poop and your jealous.

May 1st, Middle East upstairs

Psycho (ex-GG Allin)
FUKK (ex-AxCx, ex Grief/Disrupt)
Insult (ex-AxCx)
The Enemy Within (ex-Blood for Blood, ex-Milo's Syndicate)
Audrey Hell (spawn of Kilslug)

I win thhhppppptt
[Feb 23,2012 5:26pm - Geminiii ""]
I think he meant the 8bux posting Josh. That guys probably not in a band. BTW... ur shows gonna be awesome
[Feb 24,2012 4:46pm - Robing ""]
[Feb 26,2012 6:13pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Should be a great time.
[Feb 26,2012 7:46pm - xgodzillax ""]
looks like I may have to show up to fight some niggas...
[Feb 27,2012 11:11am - Robing ""]
Cool Ill get a restraining order today.
[Feb 27,2012 11:52am - Robing ""]
[Feb 27,2012 12:02pm - Pussy Patrol  ""]

Robing said:Cool Ill get a restraining order today.

Your arrested!
[Feb 27,2012 12:07pm - Burnsy ""]

Robing said:Cool Ill get a restraining order today.

How are you going to get one? Are you guys ex lovers or family?
[Feb 27,2012 12:08pm - RustyPS ""]

[Feb 27,2012 12:33pm - Robing ""]
Anyways, Top for good show.
[Feb 28,2012 6:30am - Robing ""]
[Feb 28,2012 1:58pm - GeminiII ""]
Oh my God!!! Tig ol bitties
[Feb 28,2012 5:33pm - Robing ""]
TOP! James from Last Rights on drums.
[Feb 28,2012 5:50pm - xgodzillax ""]
restraining orders, used by pussies
[Feb 28,2012 5:55pm - GeminiII ""]
Vaginas are pussies
[Feb 28,2012 5:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
Won't be able to make this, but congrats on the release, Matt
[Feb 28,2012 6:00pm - Everybody On RTTP  ""]
Will you two pathetic fucks hurry up and fight already?
A drunken man-child vs. a 400lb diabetic -LOLxINFINITY
[Feb 28,2012 6:01pm - GeminiII ""]
Cheers jim! Ill hold one for you
[Feb 28,2012 6:23pm - Robing ""]
I ain't touching a fat faggot. He's been looking for my address and police are notified of all his emails. Also if I were him the toughest dudes in Boston will be there at this show so stop posting in my threads and have a nice day.
[Feb 28,2012 6:33pm - GeminiII ""]
Its OK Robin. Well tip 4 full stacks right onto all offenders
[Feb 28,2012 6:36pm - Robing ""]
He totally called my girlfriend a cunt cumdumpster and is mad at me cause I put his band on an eyehatgod show he probably will never shut up about.
[Feb 28,2012 6:42pm - GeminiII ""]
Aside from the very immature comments another your lady.... why get mad about being on an eyehategod show? Mystified
[Feb 28,2012 6:44pm - Robing ""]
His band used all my equiptment. Id love it if he came over and met my dog chopper that actually hates fat people.
[Feb 28,2012 6:50pm - GeminiII ""]
Hahaha! I know you've got a Very bizarre Gibson guitar. This shows gonna rule
[Feb 29,2012 10:06am - TOUGHEST DUDES IN BOSTON  ""]
Hey Robin, we aren't your personal bodyguards- stop dropping our names and fight your own battles.
[Feb 29,2012 10:47am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

Robing said:and is mad at me cause I put his band on an eyehatgod show he probably will never shut up about.

Much appreciated for that show well over two years ago, the same amount of time Nick hasn't been in INTHESHIT. Weird how people keep thinking he's still in our band when Alex has been drummering for us since june of 2010.

Just throwing that out there.
[Feb 29,2012 7:11pm - Robing ""]
[Feb 29,2012 7:22pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
will Eerie fit at O'briens ? the crowd will have to watch from the sidewalk .
all those stacks !
[Mar 2,2012 12:12pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 5,2012 7:08am - Robing ""]
[Mar 5,2012 10:21am - Geminiii ""]
Very psyched for this show
[Mar 5,2012 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
I was planning on being there, but I have to teach a class.
[Mar 6,2012 6:34am - Robing ""]
[Mar 6,2012 9:16am - xmikex ""]

whiskey_weed_and_women said:
Robing said:and is mad at me cause I put his band on an eyehatgod show he probably will never shut up about.

Much appreciated for that show well over two years ago, the same amount of time Nick hasn't been in INTHESHIT. Weird how people keep thinking he's still in our band when Alex has been drummering for us since june of 2010.

Just throwing that out there.

[Mar 6,2012 1:02pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 6,2012 4:41pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 6,2012 4:47pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm going
[Mar 6,2012 4:58pm - ABastard NLI  ""]
[Mar 6,2012 5:05pm - nekronaut ""]
Broke.. fuck
[Mar 6,2012 5:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

xmikex said:
whiskey_weed_and_women said:
Robing said:and is mad at me cause I put his band on an eyehatgod show he probably will never shut up about.

Much appreciated for that show well over two years ago, the same amount of time Nick hasn't been in INTHESHIT. Weird how people keep thinking he's still in our band when Alex has been drummering for us since june of 2010.

Just throwing that out there.

[Mar 6,2012 5:44pm - Geminiii ""]
Ourbus van is on its way. Well see you soon robin
[Mar 6,2012 6:32pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 7,2012 7:03am - Robing ""]
[Mar 7,2012 12:09pm - alexc nli  ""]
good show
[Mar 7,2012 12:12pm - Robing ""]
Good job sound wise
[Mar 7,2012 12:14pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Stasis really impressed me want to see more of them.

The Under sounded wicked good, definitely more of them as well!

I honestly didn't notice the wall of amps until Eerie's set which was loud as fuck!

Rat Corpse grew on me
[Mar 7,2012 1:49pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 9,2012 6:25pm - Geminiii ""]
Played our Ohio gig at 'now,that's class' and it went really well. Wild attendees at a very fucked up club. There was a skateramp inside the place. Free drinks. And a fat black crack dealer tried to sell me hair products. Hahaha! Slept in the van At night ftw
[Mar 9,2012 6:28pm - Robing ""]
My boy Aaron sold you that van.
[Mar 9,2012 6:31pm - Geminiii ""]

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