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Tues MAR 6th EERIE(rec release), THE UNDER(ex Grief, Disrupt), STASIS, RAT CORPSE(ex Defcon 4) @ O'Briens

[show listing]  _______________________________
[Mar 6,2012 6:34am - Robing ""]
[Mar 6,2012 9:16am - xmikex ""]

whiskey_weed_and_women said:
Robing said:and is mad at me cause I put his band on an eyehatgod show he probably will never shut up about.

Much appreciated for that show well over two years ago, the same amount of time Nick hasn't been in INTHESHIT. Weird how people keep thinking he's still in our band when Alex has been drummering for us since june of 2010.

Just throwing that out there.

[Mar 6,2012 1:02pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 6,2012 4:41pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 6,2012 4:47pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm going
[Mar 6,2012 4:58pm - ABastard NLI  ""]
[Mar 6,2012 5:05pm - nekronaut ""]
Broke.. fuck
[Mar 6,2012 5:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

xmikex said:
whiskey_weed_and_women said:
Robing said:and is mad at me cause I put his band on an eyehatgod show he probably will never shut up about.

Much appreciated for that show well over two years ago, the same amount of time Nick hasn't been in INTHESHIT. Weird how people keep thinking he's still in our band when Alex has been drummering for us since june of 2010.

Just throwing that out there.

[Mar 6,2012 5:44pm - Geminiii ""]
Ourbus van is on its way. Well see you soon robin
[Mar 6,2012 6:32pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 7,2012 7:03am - Robing ""]
[Mar 7,2012 12:09pm - alexc nli  ""]
good show
[Mar 7,2012 12:12pm - Robing ""]
Good job sound wise
[Mar 7,2012 12:14pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Stasis really impressed me want to see more of them.

The Under sounded wicked good, definitely more of them as well!

I honestly didn't notice the wall of amps until Eerie's set which was loud as fuck!

Rat Corpse grew on me
[Mar 7,2012 1:49pm - Robing ""]
[Mar 9,2012 6:25pm - Geminiii ""]
Played our Ohio gig at 'now,that's class' and it went really well. Wild attendees at a very fucked up club. There was a skateramp inside the place. Free drinks. And a fat black crack dealer tried to sell me hair products. Hahaha! Slept in the van At night ftw
[Mar 9,2012 6:28pm - Robing ""]
My boy Aaron sold you that van.
[Mar 9,2012 6:31pm - Geminiii ""]

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