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Most consistent Thrash Metal band

[Aug 17,2004 1:44pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
[Aug 17,2004 2:25pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
mikedown said:Nasty Savage..

Why is that funny? They actually have stayed true to their sound, but of course nothing will touch the godly s/t debut...
[Aug 17,2004 2:26pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:After "Coma of Souls" everything sucked until "Violent Revolution", KREATOR were lame for the entire 90's.

Not a fan of those 2 albums either... Though I used to like Coma Of Souls, only cause it was my first KREATOR.
[Aug 17,2004 2:27pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
dyingmuse said:i meant sabbat (uk) the singer from skyclad

Ummm... I was the only one that mentioned SABBAT, and I definitely meant the Jap. band ;)
[Aug 17,2004 2:27pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
MarkKevorkian said:Exhumed

What? Are you still drunk from Friday?
[Aug 17,2004 3:57pm - Arrik-  ""]
to Powerkoksucker: Yes there is a NE thrash scene,CSDO..thats's John's point.

You may not like CSDO,,but it's simply not accurate to say CSDO is not thrash, or has remained consistant to Pre-early 90's thrash.
[Aug 17,2004 3:57pm - Arrik-  ""]
..D.R.I ,another consistant "Thrash" band.
[Aug 17,2004 3:59pm - anonymous  ""]
You sound like a little teenager who wants some CSDO dick.
[Aug 17,2004 5:22pm - vivi ""]
i feel like a shitstorm is going to brew if i say this for some reason but....no one mentioned slayer?
[Aug 17,2004 5:24pm - vivi ""]
oh yeah and does possessed count
[Aug 17,2004 6:29pm - Dissector ""]
Possessed would count but I dont think they were around long enough. I might have misunderstood this thread but I thought it was like bands that were around back in the good ol days of thrash and still around today and still kicking ass. That was my interpration.
[Aug 17,2004 7:37pm - JoeDavolla ""]
I didnt mention Slayer cause they havnt released nething "great" since Divine Intervention(1994).
[Aug 17,2004 8:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
my bad on the sabbat, i saw them on the other gay csdo threads so i thought it was the same. either way the first 2 sabbat albums were awesome for the time!

and john, kreator were semi gay in the 90' but i lost touch after cos so i was just saying that they are still around and last i heard on the live album they were still kicking ass.
[Aug 17,2004 9:27pm - vivi ""]
i remember liking what i heard of that last slayer album, but i dont own it
[Aug 18,2004 4:12pm - Arrik ""]
Regarding rusty dildo's sarcastic post.

One may not like CSDO,,put it is not acurate to say they are not "thrash",, Eric never took the early 90's deviation. So to insinuate they are not consistant is wrong too.. You make yourself look bad by the ill thought out ctitique, dum dum.
[Aug 18,2004 4:13pm - Arrik ""]
To the Reverend: You are right about Testament,, I wish you were wrong,,but they did deviate.
[Aug 18,2004 4:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Aug 18,2004 4:51pm - Blue ""]
haha. way to go, rusty dildo.

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