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March 4th in New Bedford!1! The recap thread.

Knights of Columbus (Rochester, NH) - [acariya][bare_these_arms][beyond_nothing][black_onyx][burdens_will_be_broken][love_to_hate][only_blood_will_tell][randomshots][spill_kit][when_legends_die][beyond_the_flesh][dreaded_silence][goreality][it_will_end_in_pure_horror][randomshots][smite_the_righteous][the_accursed]
[Mar 4,2006 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
cause the other thread is too f'n long. write you reviews in here.

I got here just in time for IWEIPH to start.
[Mar 4,2006 9:37pm - the_reverend ""]
it seems the anti-smoking rules was put in a decade to late for this place. it smells like the inside of a smoking leather jacket.

It Will End In Pure Horror: this was probably the best sounding time I've seen them. Who would have thought it with this small club. Rich was his hilariously WTF-is-he-doing self. After their set, I'm reminded once again to never ever shake hands with him. I'm also a little let down. There was a ladies room right behind the stage. I figured he would work it into is stage act that he has to go in there and retrive products from the douchebags/trash bins. the bassist has really thin strings and plays a buch more of the parts as compared to other bands.
[Mar 5,2006 1:19am - the_reverend ""]
wow, the acursed are playing now. anyone who missed beyond the flesh is a flyingdick hole.
[Mar 5,2006 1:35am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Did you buy a GOREALITY shirt?
[Mar 5,2006 1:59am - the_reverend ""]
no, I rarely bring any money with me to shows.
plus, o would have looked like everyone else.
[Mar 5,2006 2:20am - the_reverend ""]
south shore people: to the east before you get to exit 19 on 24, why would a helicoptr be landing there?
[Mar 5,2006 2:33am - RichHorror ""]
This was my first time seeing BTF, they were indeed phenomenal.
[Mar 5,2006 2:38am - Smite_The_Righteous_Bassist_aka_The_Mexicutioner  ""]
[Mar 5,2006 2:40am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 5,2006 2:46am - RichHorror ""]
I've realized one reason I prefer playing in Boston. By the time I get home all the pictures are up, and I can get to the good work of placating my out of control ego.
[Mar 5,2006 2:50am - the_reverend ""]
and I have promises to keep and miles before I sleep.
miles before I sleep.

like an hour from home
[Mar 5,2006 2:52am - RichHorror ""]
I know. Just usually, I go home to Cape Cod, which like an hour and a half. Usually longer, because I tend to fall asleep at the wheel, only to wake up as I hit the drunk bumps.
[Mar 5,2006 2:58am - the_reverend ""]
driving ny braille? I have done that a few times... tonight.
just got coffee and I'm rocking some falsetto indie rock to keep me wakies.
[Mar 5,2006 2:59am - Sinistas ""]
that was fucking awesome.

oh yes.
[Mar 5,2006 3:04am - RichHorror ""]
I usually use Phobia or Fuck On The Beach when I need to be awake and not veer off the road, turning my car into a flaming fiberglass coffin.
[Mar 5,2006 3:09am - pam nli  ""]
We tried to go to IHOP with the Flesh but it was real dark in there...if you know what I mean. And there were four pigs out front. So now I'm home, angry, and hungry.
[Mar 5,2006 3:11am - the_reverend ""]
my car wouldn't be on fire, it would be full of electrons.

attn pam: the makes of run lola run call. it seems that mari needs her hair color back.
I think she was pissed, but she was talking in german so she sounded pissed regardless.
[Mar 5,2006 3:12am - RichHorror ""]
I got a handjob from a german girl once... but her sexy talk terrified me, so I plunged a rusty screwdriver in the side of her neck.
[Mar 5,2006 3:13am - RichHorror ""]
Oh, I almost forgot.

YOU'RE full of electrons, penisbreath.
[Mar 5,2006 3:22am - pam nli  ""]
the_reverend said:my car wouldn't be on fire, it would be full of electrons.

attn pam: the makes of run lola run call. it seems that mari needs her hair color back.
I think she was pissed, but she was talking in german so she sounded pissed regardless.

How about you get back to drivin' fucker.

[Mar 5,2006 4:15am - jon helme nli  ""]
thanks for coming aaron, it wouldnt have been as fun with out your smile making us all warm and toasty inside
[Mar 5,2006 4:25am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading in a minute.
[Mar 5,2006 10:08am - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:After their set, I'm reminded once again to never ever shake hands with him.

Wait... is this because I writhe and roll around on dirty floors, or because when we play I spit on my hand and rub it on my head?

[Mar 5,2006 11:29am - pam nli  ""]
Pics are siiiick. BTF are headed home, they're excited to see the pictures. They sold more merch up here than they normally do at home, they were pretty surprised at that and how everyone knew the lyrics.

I, however, am surprised no one has quit their bands after watching them.

This was a pretty sick show. Make with the reviews, Aaron!! LAZY!!! Gawd.
[Mar 5,2006 11:33am - RichHorror ""]
I'm always amazed no one quits their bands after seeing IWEIPH, due to the level which music has sunk.
[Mar 5,2006 11:39am - RichHorror ""]
And the speed which Aaron reviewed IWEIPH speaks volumes as to his deep and unflinching love for me.
[Mar 5,2006 11:43am - pam nli  ""]

hahahha fuckin' Travis
[Mar 5,2006 11:47am - RichHorror ""]

Tim Giblin is a gentleman of the highest order.
[Mar 5,2006 12:18pm - dreadedsilence  ""]

you'll have to excuse me. i had to take a shit in the middle of our set
[Mar 5,2006 12:22pm - pam nli  ""]
I wish I had my camera out when Aaron was kneeling on the floor during Beyond The Flesh smiling like an 12 year old girl watching Justin Timberlake. It was adorable.
[Mar 5,2006 12:23pm - the_reverend ""]
RichHorror said: when we play I spit on my hand and rub it on my head
[Mar 5,2006 12:26pm - pam nli  ""]
[Mar 5,2006 12:58pm - Sinistas ""]
that's a classic face, Magnus!
[Mar 5,2006 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
ds's old drummer had the same facial expressions.
[Mar 5,2006 1:22pm - Sinistas ""]
and Mike still has the same guitar strap. Hmm.
[Mar 5,2006 2:05pm - RichHorror ""]
dreadedsilence said:[img]

you'll have to excuse me. i had to take a shit in the middle of our set

I know how it is.
[Mar 5,2006 3:21pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
the_reverend said:ds's old drummer had the same facial expressions.
*really old DS pic*

HAHAHA oh man

This was a fucking killer show. Thanks to all the bands we played with and thanks to the Rev for the pics.

Beyond the Flesh were soooo fucking tight. It was unbelievable.
[Mar 5,2006 3:46pm - fishcakes ""]
what a fucken blast!!!
[Mar 5,2006 10:14pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:dreadedsilence said:[img]

you'll have to excuse me. i had to take a shit in the middle of our set

I know how it is.

magnus romagnus hatching a brown egg. when i got out of the shower today, my girlfriend who hates messageboards was on rttp saying "chris looks like he's taking a shit in this picture."
[Mar 5,2006 10:23pm - dreadkill ""]
time for me to weigh in with what i remember about this show. i had a few drinks last night.

IWEIPH: they started the night off right. i didn't even want to do my usual between song banter because the stuff rich does onstage is untouchable. i enjoyed his antics.

dreaded boobs: i think we played a decent set. apparently it was hard to hear my vocals, but i sing about penises alot, so that was probably a good thing. the audience gave us a pretty good reaction, so i was happy. we fucked up here and there, but it was a fun set.

smite the righteous: tight and energetic as always. their sets always kick ass. my girlfriend got a demo because she enjoyed the hell out of STR. i knew she would.

goreality: they've become one of my favorite death metal bands since we played with them at the new wave in november. nice guys and great musicians. they kicked ass.

beyond the flesh: hadn't seen these guys in a while and they were damn good. didn't get a chance to talk to those guys. totally awesome set.

the accursed: these guys always put on a good show. by the time of their set, i was so drunk i was moshing, and i think moshing is gay. the level of stage presence is ridiculous with these guys. a killer set as always.

[Mar 5,2006 10:24pm - dreadkill ""]
by ridiculous, i mean very intense.
[Mar 5,2006 10:35pm - dreadkill ""]
i am the nicest person ever when i'm drunk. i think i tried to buy just about everyone at the show a drink last night. beer + metal = a very happy DS frontman. i think i had more fun at that show than anyone has ever had at any show since music was invented.

i met alot of nice people and got to hang out with some good people i don't see often. once again, i have to thank jon for doing a great job putting this show together. i owe jon and pam drinks next time i see them. we were very happy to share the stage with such great bands last night. also thanks to the reverend for taking excellent pictures of all the bands (and listening to my drunken ramblings) and the IWEIPH guys for hooking us up with gear and saying GRAH! sorry our drummer shit himself on your drum throne. thank you everyone for putting up with my drunk ass and making it a fun night for me. new bedford rules.
[Mar 6,2006 8:51am - fishcakes ""]
I don't see how I can still have a hangover today but I do. FUCKING VODKA!
[Mar 6,2006 8:53am - dreadkill ""]
i still feel kind of shitty too.
[Mar 6,2006 9:00am - sinistas ""]
me three, but that's from being overly bored yesterday
[Mar 6,2006 9:04am - pam nli  ""]
you know everyone at that show was hungover in a bad bad way. I'm kinda glad I only had a few beers!
[Mar 6,2006 9:26am - dreadedsilence  ""]
surprisingly i wasn't hungover. i passed out that night pissed off cuz i thought i'd be sick on sunday, but i wasn't. it was pretty sweet
[Mar 6,2006 11:12pm - fishcakes ""]
[Mar 6,2006 11:34pm - pam nli  ""]
[Mar 6,2006 11:38pm - RichHorror ""]
I fucking KNEW it.
[Mar 7,2006 1:33am - dreadkill ""]
what a boozebag :spineyes:
[Mar 7,2006 2:20am - pam nli  ""]
he's a total drunkard. the secret is out.
[Mar 7,2006 6:00am - Sinistas ""]
at least he was surrounded by his own kind!
[Mar 7,2006 7:06am - succubus ""]
secret? definitely no secret ..though he hates beer
[Mar 7,2006 8:27am - dreadkill ""]
Sinistas said:at least he was surrounded by his own kind!

uh...i don't know what you're talking about, pal. i'm straightedge.
[Mar 7,2006 8:53am - sinistas ""]
I'd say "and I'm the Pope", but I haven't announced the formation of my cult yet...
[Mar 7,2006 10:14am - dreadkill ""]
i'm only letting girls into my cult.
[Mar 7,2006 11:19am - RichHorror ""]
I'm only letting girls into my balls.
[Mar 7,2006 11:38am - dreadkill ""]
i only let parasitic worms into my balls.
[Mar 7,2006 11:41am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 11,2006 2:42am - the_reverend ""]
damn, this is behind..

Dreaded Silence: well, this is the first time that I've seen them without ken playing guitar. He was able to focus totally on singing. This actually made his singing much better. It sounds a lot more katatonia. they somes off key opethy singing is more in key with out his 1/2 dozen brain cells trying to do double duty. although he seems to be bored some of the time without nothing to do. (holy double negative!) I thought it was funny that one guitar is plugged straight into a head and the other goes through a pods. They covered blue october.

Smite The Righteous: one of their song, I swear you could sing "london after midnight" along with the chorus. They covered year of our lord's song "Devine poison". pam will kill me for saying so, but they sounded a lot like all that remains while playing that song.

goreality: the vocals are so unmistakably anoxia. However, the vocals aren't it all. The songs are 5x as long as the average anoxia song. So they get to do a lot more around dan's vocals. They actually had some slower parts and back up singing. they were musically more traditional deathmetal along the lines of some cannibal corpse/deicide unlike the devourment influences like anoxia has.

beyond the flesh: so.. How awesome was it that they started right off with bitter defeat! that rules. For a while, I was in the back, watching the drummer. He was so pricisely all over the drums it was unreal. Not only did he play all over this hi-type-pinging-metal-things, and not only did he have a double bass, he also had double hi-hats. That was awesome. They played a ton of tracks I know and love off the new CD too (screaming ferret sent it to me). I honestly have never played in a band, but if I did, I too would quit. Their amazing skill at the instruments they each play just boggles the imagination. I have no factual evidence to back up this claim, but I'm going to start the rumor that watching btf is why loki quit and cut his hair.

accursed, the: their set was a good olde tonne of funn. All theirs all there in such a close knit friends. John even got lifted up into the air. That shit doesn't happen just anywhere short of a taste of silver show. They covered helloween. Loki begged for drinks the whole set and. tim played some beyond the flesh. at one point, all the pushing was directed at fishcakes. he's pretty massive and didn't even move on the beer soaked floor.
[Mar 11,2006 11:39am - dreadkill ""]
we covered blue oyster cult. i'm glad you hear the katatonia influence. i remember getting pushed into fishcakes a bunch of times and drinking my weight in alcohol. all the bands ruled. i need to see them all again at their upcoming shows.
[Mar 11,2006 1:00pm - pam nli  ""]
See the difference is...The Year of Our Lord was TALENTED and ORIGINAL. I totally hate you now.
[Mar 11,2006 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]
ds: that's what I meant, honestly, I looked up the lyrics online while you were singing the song. i didn't know it.
[Mar 11,2006 1:52pm - the_reverend ""]
pam: you are just mad cause now the fifth element called and milla wants the wig back.
[Mar 11,2006 1:54pm - brian_dc ""]
pam nli said:See the difference is...The Year of Our Lord was TALENTED and ORIGINAL. I totally hate you now.

all that remains has plenty of talent. say what you will about the originality, but the guitarwork alone is enough to validate them being called talented.
[Mar 11,2006 2:50pm - fishcakes ""]
nobody rapes my mothers moose
[Mar 11,2006 3:01pm - HHH Moe  ""]
I can balance pretzels on my nose and then eat them without touching them. That alone validates me being talented.
[Mar 11,2006 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
*twirls sticks*

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