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total hippy question re: milk....

[Jan 3,2010 2:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
So I like milk but really on skim milk; if it's too thick in kinda scetches me out...

Anyway, I think I've developed or am developing lactose intolerance; both my mother and sister did later in their lives and I think I'm next...

so my question to vegans/vegetarians/hippys: which hippy milk can I get that is similar to SKIM MILK (i.e. not thick or creamy) and will actually taste good in cereal (which I eat LOTS of)...

[Jan 3,2010 2:35pm - Murph ""]
[Jan 3,2010 2:37pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
[Jan 3,2010 2:37pm - dertoxia ""]
i dont know much of nothin about nothing.....but i do know that Chocolate Silk is the tits.
[Jan 3,2010 2:43pm - DreadKill ""]
I used to live off milk but now it makes me sick. I think I developed lactose intolerance too. I feel the same way when I eat ice cream or too much cheese.
[Jan 3,2010 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
most silk is really thick. 8th continent might not be. you can also water it down and just shake it a lot.

personally, i stick with malk.
[Jan 3,2010 2:47pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I also believe TruTaste makes a lactose-free skim milk.
[Jan 3,2010 2:49pm - ZJD ""]
rice milk is about as thin as it gets for plant based milk dealies so i would try that. almond milk is not super thick either and tastes pretty great, but i dont buy it and it might be expensive.
[Jan 3,2010 3:14pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Yeah, that Silk shit looks gross...

Rice milk is nice and thin, maybe I'll try that.
[Jan 3,2010 3:17pm - revnon  ""]

that's what I use unless I'm making mixed drinks. then I use either the creamer or vanilla.
[Jan 3,2010 3:22pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I dont want flavors or any sweet shit...

I want lactose free milk that has the viscosity of skim milk and isn't all sweet and shit.
[Jan 3,2010 3:23pm - revnon  ""]
that's not what I go for. I love my milk to be as thick as possible.
[Jan 3,2010 3:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 3,2010 3:29pm - revnon  ""]
ditto. I was raised on whole milk so I think that skim is just milky water.
[Jan 3,2010 3:37pm - blue ""]
Andrew, the same thing happened to me when I was about 17 or 18. I couldn't handle dairy the way I used to when I was a kid. Rice Milk is definitely what you're looking for. I prefer it to skim. Light Silk is pretty good too, regular is like heavy cream to me.
[Jan 3,2010 3:43pm - revnon  ""]
I prefer my milk to be as close to ejaculate as possible.
[Jan 3,2010 4:09pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Rice Milk FTW
[Jan 3,2010 4:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
I usually can't handle much dairy but I suck it up and shit water like a man. Ice cream is just too good.
[Jan 3,2010 4:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 3,2010 4:22pm - martins ""]
Stay away from soy milk. Phytoestrogens and all that. LOL, right?

Almond milk is a great alternative and you can make it yourself. I made it a few weeks ago and you can use the left over almond meal too. Tastes really good too.
[Jan 3,2010 4:31pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i just re read my first sentence up above and realised I'm bad at hungover typing.
[Jan 3,2010 4:45pm - the_reverend ""]
you know what helps cure a hangover? whole malk.
[Jan 3,2010 4:54pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I have only drank whole milk and will not switch. Although I am 36 years old and just started to get shooting pains all over my abdomen. It happens first thing in thew morning when I put a bit of milk in my coffee. After that though the rest of the day I drink milk and no pain. Weird.
[Jan 3,2010 4:59pm - gslice  ""]
at the risk of being redundant, rice milk is what you want, I used to date a lactose intolerant vegetarian and thats pretty much the only thing that I could use with cereal when I was at her place
[Jan 3,2010 5:20pm - sxealex ""]

AndrewBastard said:Yeah, that Silk shit looks gross...

Rice milk is nice and thin, maybe I'll try that.

silk is really good wtf?
[Jan 3,2010 6:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I prefer rice milk over soy milk myself. But, on the other hand, I'll take skim or 1% milk over anything. I'd want to die if I was lactose intolerant. Nothing better than chugging milk straight from the jug on a hot, humid summer day.
[Jan 3,2010 6:15pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
rice milk rules.

also the harvey milk picture...hahahah
[Jan 3,2010 7:48pm - martins ""]
Just drink cream. Shit rules.
[Jan 3,2010 7:56pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jan 3,2010 9:26pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
soy breaks down as estrogen in your body. if you're a man, i'd stay away from that shit
[Jan 4,2010 12:09am - Murph ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I prefer rice milk over soy milk myself. But, on the other hand, I'll take skim or 1% milk over anything. I'd want to die if I was lactose intolerant. Nothing better than chugging milk straight from the jug on a hot, humid summer day.

[Jan 4,2010 12:11am - shannon ""]
Milk smells gross and is swimming with antibiotics+hormones...I use Silk in my cereal and coffee...I dig it
[Jan 4,2010 12:25am - martins ""]
lol so you replace something that has antibiotics+hormones with something else that has pesticides+lectins+hormones. weeee
[Jan 4,2010 12:51am - Pires ""]

the_reverend said:you know what helps cure a hangover? whole malk.

it's the vitamin R. Works wonders for the hangover.
[Jan 4,2010 7:51am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

dertoxia said:i dont know much of nothin about nothing.....but i do know that Chocolate Silk is the tits.

I love meat, but man....that stuff is god, I drink it all the time, and use it in cereal haha
[Jan 4,2010 9:55am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]



[Jan 4,2010 11:12am - Jeff_Met_Aliens ""]
vanilla silk. Throw in a shot of soy protein into some vanilla silk. Tastes like a milkshake. Be that a shitty imitation of a milkshake, but close enough while still being actually healthy.
[Jan 4,2010 11:17am - ouchdrummer ""]
i love whole milk.... although i can understand why the viscosity would freak you out.
[Jan 4,2010 11:27am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
i get whole unhomogenised milk from a farm in union. they also have local goats milk. the heart problems connected with dairy started when they started homogenising the milk to give it longer shelf life
[Jan 4,2010 1:07pm - martins ""]
Is it unpasteurized too? I've been looking forever for a source for unpasteurized unhomogenised (raw) milk nearby.
[Jan 4,2010 1:08pm - brian_dc ""]
find a farmn
suck a cow
[Jan 4,2010 1:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]

brian_dc said:find a farmn
suck a cow

Well yeah... or just send a local farm an email, they'll definitely sell you milk.
[Jan 4,2010 1:12pm - martins ""]
There's a place in andover but it's only raw goat's milk. I've never had goats milk except in cheese, yogurt, and ice cream form.
[Jan 4,2010 1:14pm - ouchdrummer ""]
goat milk is real good.
[Jan 4,2010 1:26pm - brian_dc ""]
You're so reasonable, Jimbo
[Jan 4,2010 1:43pm - ouchdrummer ""]

brian_dc said:You're so reasonable, Jimbo

and practical.
[Jan 4,2010 2:08pm - lamp ""]
On the topic of Chocolate Silk, I dig it more than regular chocolate milk. It has a stronger flavor but isn't as heavy.
[Jan 4,2010 2:10pm - brian_dc ""]
I support that.
[Jan 4,2010 2:13pm - ouchdrummer ""]

lamp said:On the topic of Chocolate Silk, I dig it more than regular chocolate milk. It has a stronger flavor but isn't as heavy.

I like the heaviness of reg-choch milk. But i think silk-chocolate is wonderful too..... I'm gonna go buy some chocolate milk right now.
[Jan 4,2010 3:03pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

martins said:Is it unpasteurized too? I've been looking forever for a source for unpasteurized unhomogenised (raw) milk nearby.

its pasteurised, but has the cream line.

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