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Things We'd Like To Do With The OlsenTwins

[Sep 15,2004 7:35am - korpse-l- ""]
Devin said:I wouldn't mind seeing their heads impaled on flagpoles. Mary-Kate's head should be on a flagpole thinner than Ashley's, though.

I'd like to impale their heads on pencils and sell them in a school store or something. they look like those little f'n pencil trolls from way back.
[Sep 15,2004 8:41am - wood ""]
Fantasy #12: Have them transfer all their $$ over to me.
Pay a doctor a couple million to cut them both in half from the top of their heads to their cuntass.
Then sew Ashley's half onto mark-kates half so I can Literally fuck them both at the exact same time!!!
[Sep 15,2004 9:07am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I would like to make one of them (probably the coke slut) let me do whatever degrading sexual things I wanted to her, or I would flip that switch that would kill her sister in some fantastic death machine gadget I would have created.
[Sep 15,2004 10:43am - wood ""]
Fantasy #122: Get their $$ and pay witch doctor to shrink their heads.
Then peel their mini faces off their little skulls.
Then have my ball sac skin replaced with their face skin.
Then my left and right nuts would look like the Olsen twins.
I would staire at them in a mirror while playing with my asshole and jerking off.
[Sep 15,2004 10:46am - blue nli  ""]
wood + the olsen twins = the greatest time anyone could possibly have.
[Sep 15,2004 12:02pm - wood ""]
Fantasy #46: I'd get their $$.
Pay to have Mary-Kate's cunt surgically put where Ashley's mouth is.
Ashley's mouth would be put in MK's crotch teeth and all.
I would kill MK. and cut her bottom half off and hang it on my wall like art. a Olsen mouth cunt and two legs.
Ashley would eventually die cause all she could eat is my dick and well since her mouth is a twat she can't swallow.
after she died I'd turn her flesh into a new pair of boots.
[Sep 15,2004 12:06pm - Mike FOD  ""]
Tie one of them up and cut their eyelids off. Have the other one keep taking her picture (flash of course) while you hold an assault rifle to her head so she doesn't get out of line. Simple yet effective.
[Sep 15,2004 12:47pm - Christraper ""]
Wood- Is that Curly singing for you guys?
[Sep 15,2004 1:09pm - wood ""]
Fantasy # 27: I build a giant device like the ones used by gynecologists to stretch open twats.
I hook it up to Ashley. every day I turn a crank that stretches her stink hole a little more.
she sucks me off every morning and if she does it good I give her pills for the pain in her cunt.
When her hole is big enough I hunt down Mary-Kate and rape her inside her own twins pussy.

Yes... Curly drops the mad Death vocals for Command Presence. *Shameless self promotion* He can be heard on CP's The Danger Sessions, EP out now. and live at Snakenet's Northern Aggression Show!! For some old school love pick up a copy of Inherit the Meek.
[Sep 15,2004 1:27pm - blue nli  ""]
wood playing the rock....soooooooo dreamy!
[Sep 15,2004 1:27pm - Christraper ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I dont think Ive ever gotten as fucked up as I did when I used to hang out with Curly! Tell him Jay from Sorcery said hi!
[Sep 15,2004 1:47pm - Shannon  ""]
There are some seriously demented minds at work here!!!
[Sep 15,2004 2:06pm - Christraper ""]
Shannon said:There are some seriously demented minds at work here!!!

you love it.
[Sep 15,2004 2:27pm - wood ""]
Shannon said:There are some seriously demented minds at work here!!!

Thank you
[Sep 15,2004 2:35pm - wood ""]
Fantasy #129: Drill a hole in the back of Ashley's head and fuck her brain matter.
Keep Mary-Kate as rape slave for a couple of years.
When bored with her play a game with her I call Don't slice the weenie.
While I am still inside her take a knife and try to cut through her stomach to dig out my penis.
If I slice my junk I lose in more ways than one.

[Sep 15,2004 2:54pm - Shannon  ""]
Christraper said:Shannon said:There are some seriously demented minds at work here!!!

you love it.

yeah, about as much as a frontal lobotomy!

[Sep 15,2004 2:55pm - Shannon  ""]
wood said:Shannon said:There are some seriously demented minds at work here!!!

Thank you

Not sure if a "your welcome" is adequate here
but I will say "may no woman ever run into you in a dark alley"!
[Sep 15,2004 3:59pm - wood ""]
They never "run into me" there.
I always take them there. Tis my favorite spot to bring a date.
I've always busted a nut in some bitch when ever I've taken her to my favorite alley.
And as far as I know they have all got off too... well it was either an orgasm or their last dying twitch.

Fantasy #13: Deep throat Ashley and by deep throat I mean Slit her neck and stick my rod in-between her vocal chords.
Chop Mary-Kate's legs off and spin her like a top on my cock till I'm about to spurt.
Pull out blow a load on her face and draw a target with it.
get some darts and play new MK face target game.
get bored and smash her face with a sledge hammer.
Fuck the pile of goo that used to be her face and then burn whats left with gasoline.
[Sep 15,2004 4:38pm - Shannon  ""]
wood said:They never "run into me" there.
I always take them there. Tis my favorite spot to bring a date.
I've always busted a nut in some bitch when ever I've taken her to my favorite alley.
And as far as I know they have all got off too... well it was either an orgasm or their last dying twitch.

Shit, maybe I should try to run into you in an alley then!!!

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