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Thanks to all the models

[Apr 20,2005 1:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:I have a feeling you guys weren't suppose to be posting those links...

we're not?
[Apr 20,2005 1:11pm - litacore ""]
the_reverend said:in the heraskerdaskerdoo photos, the tallest one looks like a dood.

I better wear platforms next time :stupidflanders:
[Apr 20,2005 1:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
RustedAngel said:the_reverend said:I have a feeling you guys weren't suppose to be posting those links...

we're not?

no, I think Carina wanted to wait until she had picked the "best of the bunch" before we were allowed to post them...
[Apr 20,2005 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
ra: I don't think carina wanted the link out... but I might be wrong.

larrisa: I'm sorry to tell you, but your all girl band seems to have been infultrated by the common house d00d.
If you need some reading material on the matter:
I hope that helps.
[Apr 20,2005 1:36pm - litacore ""]
the_reverend said:ra: I don't think carina wanted the link out... but I might be wrong.

larrisa: I'm sorry to tell you, but your all girl band seems to have been infultrated by the common house d00d.
If you need some reading material on the matter:
I hope that helps.

but damnose aint a girl
. . . NOW I'm confused :spineyes:
[Apr 20,2005 1:58pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, but he could be.
carina told me all about the show she went to.
[Apr 20,2005 3:04pm - damnose ""]
it is true that I own a pair of high heels my size, plus a skirt, stockings and power blazer. infer whatever you'd like from that.
[Apr 20,2005 4:43pm - BSV  ""]
um, how can i view the pics?
[Apr 20,2005 4:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
carina could you send me a link please? i havn't seen any of these yet. i will never forget when you call me and jay 12 year old girls cause no one shot us!

[Apr 21,2005 1:03am - RustedAngel ""]
The Somerville Armory Foto Festival press release...

Imagine a giant abandoned castle like Armory filled with over 30
six bands,15 photographers and two make up artist. Where every person
agrees to not charge for their talents. In exchange everyone gets to
try new looks and techniques. But mostly everyone gets new images to
update their portfolios or their CD covers and press images.

The magic of the event was not only was there no money exchanged but
also that there were varying degrees of talent involved. Some of
Boston's best commercial photographers as well as heavy metal
photographers worked side by side helping each other by holding
reflectors,sharing lighting gear and techniques. Models of various
degrees worked arm in arm,sharing the limelight as well as tips of the
trade. All this without a hint of cattiness. Musicians from super pop
fame to unsigned death metal acts all lined up knowing that their promo
kits where going to be packed with new images of many different styles.

The Somerville Armory was recently purchased by Joseph Sater (owner of
the Middle East Cafe) and ex-rock musician turned real estate developer
Allan Carrier. with over 2,900 square feet space to be converted to a
community arts center.

What to do with all this talent and all the images? An art show of
course. From May 3rd to may 16th At the Zeitgeist Gallery, 1353
Cambridge st. Inman Sq. Camb. All the photographers will be displaying
their best images from their day at the arsenal, in a group show
called; “Armory”. Not only will prints grace the walls, but two video
installations as well. One screen will show live footage of the event
in all its glamourous mayhem. The other screen will have a video slide
show of the photographers favorite images from the days event.

The Armory Foto-festival was created and organized by Pia Schachter

“Armory” will be on view at
Zeitgeist Gallery
1353 Cambridge st
Inman Sq. Camb

May 7th saturday from 3-6pm
show is on view
From May 3rd to May 16th
The Gallery hours:Tuesday thru Saturday, from 1to 7 pm,
Sundays from 2-7,

For more information call, Pia
tel: 617-905-8721
e-mail; pia@piapix.com

Photographers include:
Joel Benjamin
Brian Bothwell
John Lawler
Carl Trembley
Sean Hennessy
Brian Bothwell
Scott F. Lanes
Wade Gosselin
Anna Clark
Deb McCarthy
Fred Gianelli
Carina Mastrocola
Leonard Greco
Filipe Marques
Bruce Bettis
Pia Schachter

Bands included were
Foutains of Wayne
and many more
[Apr 21,2005 1:57pm - litacore ""]
guys check out front section of the Phoenix, page 8! A write-up!

Carina's top second column
[Apr 21,2005 3:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
christraper, you made all of our metal group shots less metal by smiling in almost all of them. hahahahahaa. you freaking jibba smokah.
[Apr 21,2005 3:12pm - succubus ""]
yes what tom said dammit!!
[Apr 21,2005 3:15pm - Christraper ""]
yea.....sorry. wont happen again i promise.
[Apr 21,2005 3:33pm - Christraper ""]
I was nervous because im not used to getting my picture taken for anything so i figured id have a few drinks but then i had a few too many. And then you guys kept telling me to make a mean face and give the horns like every fucking shot which wouldve made me chuckle even if i was sober.
[Apr 21,2005 3:37pm - paganmegan ""]
I think the very idea of a raper of christ grinning is pretty funny in and of itself
[Apr 21,2005 3:40pm - Christraper ""]
exactly. you might even ask yourself "what was christraper so happy about?"
[Apr 21,2005 3:40pm - Christraper ""]
but then if you look closely youll see the flask in my hand.....
[Apr 21,2005 6:47pm - BSV  ""]
cool, i just deleted a bit of the url and got to look. most of them are pretty sweet. sorry if i pissed everyone off having some dope and whiskey, it sorta helps me get in the mood, hope it wasn't wicked unprofessional. my only complaint for that whole day would lack of communication. i never knew where anyone was or what we were doing. me and jay spent most of our time searching for people, that building is like a maze at times, plus i didn't like wandering through other peoples sets. i hope i did everything right, maybe i shoulda stood closer to the front and center on the final group shots, no one told me to do so so i stayed. my mothers pissed i don't have a solo shots, oh well, maybe next time, if my rep isn't trashed for being and irresponsible drinking drugging metalhead. :p
[Apr 21,2005 8:37pm - succubus ""]
sorry but you guys got there late and after we had taken a good amount of photos. I tried getting individula shots of everyone..unfortunately quite a few times i was looking for you and was told you were outside then towards the end of the day i was absolutely drained...if it's any concilation, i really like the ones with you in the middle with the fisheye doing the claw and horns and picked a couple of those as my faves.

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