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Lecture on US Govt.'s complicitness in 9/11

[May 29,2005 1:57am - dread_104 ""]
PatMeebles said:For anyone spouting the business relations between Bush and the Bin Ladens should consider how many relatives Osama had. He had 50 or more siblings, and his father was an oil business Saudi (what a coinkadink). Almost noone in his family had spoken to or even heard from Osama for many years. To say that Bush's ties with the Bin Ladens makes him connected to Osama in a non-coincidental way is a very weak argument at best.

what about the video of Osama at his son's wedding, praising the attack on the USS Cole. His mother and siblings were there too. This was 6 months before 9/11. And after the French press reported this, suddenly there's this anti-French BS in the U.S. what a coinkadink...
then the New Yorker reported that the Bin Laden family has not cut ties with Osama, and in fact has been funding him for years with his $30million.
after a few months of this stuff coming out and questions being asked, the Bin Laden family is asked to leave the Carlyle Group.
nothing shady there...but hey, you got your $300 check. Go to sleep.

[May 29,2005 12:02pm - Niccolai ""]
I hate these cookie-cutter arguements where both sides throw completely fake uninformed facts they heard from a co-workers about 'The last time Osama talked to his familly' or 'Bush and Osama used to send chainletter Emails back and forth' and things of the sort as if it's unaliable fact.

Someone needs to post another dictionary quote as if it's an unfallible holy document and is completely correct and relevant to everything 100% of the time.

I'm going to make a sandwich. With Turkey in it. Faggot.
[May 29,2005 12:35pm - anonymous  ""]
dread_104 said:PatMeebles said:For anyone spouting the business relations between Bush and the Bin Ladens should consider how many relatives Osama had. He had 50 or more siblings, and his father was an oil business Saudi (what a coinkadink). Almost noone in his family had spoken to or even heard from Osama for many years. To say that Bush's ties with the Bin Ladens makes him connected to Osama in a non-coincidental way is a very weak argument at best.

what about the video of Osama at his son's wedding, praising the attack on the USS Cole. His mother and siblings were there too. This was 6 months before 9/11. And after the French press reported this, suddenly there's this anti-French BS in the U.S. what a coinkadink...
then the New Yorker reported that the Bin Laden family has not cut ties with Osama, and in fact has been funding him for years with his $30million.
after a few months of this stuff coming out and questions being asked, the Bin Laden family is asked to leave the Carlyle Group.
nothing shady there...but hey, you got your $300 check. Go to sleep.

Links, please.
[May 29,2005 12:40pm - PatMeebles ""]
Woops, that was me
[May 29,2005 3:26pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
If you're sick of uninformed arguments, watch/listen to Professor Griffin's lecture.
[May 29,2005 8:50pm - Niccolai ""]
If he makes me a sandwich with turkey than fine. Otherwise P-Griffy is going to haveto bite the bullet on this one.
[May 29,2005 8:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[May 29,2005 9:11pm - PatMeebles ""]
The second I looked at the summary of the speech topics I thought of this.

[May 29,2005 9:21pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

remember it's the good guys vs. the evil terrorist organization, not one and the same !
[May 30,2005 8:47am - Niccolai ""]
Is it possable to get one of those Cobra logos with the decepticon heads in it to emphasize the evil?
[May 30,2005 8:58am - Niccolai ""]

There we go.
[May 30,2005 5:04pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Fuck that, Transformers is gay as hell compared to GI Joe... Cobra is all powerful, the Decepticons are just another crappy kiddy show group.
[May 30,2005 7:01pm - Niccolai ""]
I'll cut chu meng.
[May 30,2005 7:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Niccolai said:I'll cut chu meng.

those are some bad roaches.
[May 30,2005 7:29pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
you gonna wish i never cut you...
[May 30,2005 7:38pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
__THeMoor__ said:you gonna wish i never cut you...

your name just reminded me how awesome that fucking song is
[May 30,2005 7:39pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i'm gonna cut you up so bad you gonna wish i didn't cut you up so bad
[May 30,2005 7:39pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bobby darin tonight
[May 30,2005 7:46pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
SacreligionNLI said:__THeMoor__ said:you gonna wish i never cut you...

your name just reminded me how awesome that fucking song is

that's why it's my name; it's the best fucking song ever. period. i creamed my pants when they played it live on their last tour.
[Sep 11,2014 11:03am - 9/11 INSIDE JORB  ""]

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