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Possible first tattoo?

[Dec 21,2007 2:42pm - dreadkill ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Lamp said:I've tried as hard as I can to figure it out but I've seriously never understood body modification.

"People make fun of me all the time for being different. I think what I should do now is get a giant picture inked on my skin so those same people will have something else to point and laugh at and I can prove further how ignorant and stupid they are, just like when they make fun of the quarter-sized holes in my ears."

Have you considered the remote possibility that some folks might not be doing it for a reaction?

i'm with you. i think most people get tattoos because they like them, not because they are trying to be different or get a rise out of people.
[Dec 21,2007 2:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Lamp said:Have you considered the remote possibility that I don't buy into other peoples reasons for what they do, ever?

No. Wait, hold on...


Ok, yes. What do I do, next?
[Dec 21,2007 2:54pm - Lamp ""]
Well, then there you go.
[Dec 21,2007 3:12pm - Lamp ""]
Seriously though, everyone must be projecting some sort of imagine, tattooed or not. I assume people with ink want to project an image of their interests to other people and possibly strike up a conversation or something. I don't have any ink because I want to project an image of myself to people that says "Leave me the fuck alone, now."
[Dec 21,2007 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
which in turn makes you project the image of a pompous dick.
[Dec 21,2007 3:26pm - Lamp ""]
Okay, so what's your point?
[Dec 21,2007 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
that was my point.
[Dec 21,2007 3:29pm - ariavette ""]
yeah i got mine where noone could see it, same with piercings i have b/c i do it for me and noone else, just b/c you get tattoos doesn't mean you are someone who needs attention. Obvioulsy some ppl do that but not everyone
[Dec 21,2007 3:34pm - Ryan_M ""]
Lamp said:I don't have any ink because I want to project an image of myself to people that says "Leave me the fuck alone, now."

This is awesome.
[Dec 21,2007 4:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Lamp said:Seriously though, everyone must be projecting some sort of imagine, tattooed or not. I assume people with ink want to project an image of their interests to other people and possibly strike up a conversation or something. I don't have any ink because I want to project an image of myself to people that says "Leave me the fuck alone, now."

Is playing music subject to the same rules?
[Dec 21,2007 4:26pm - Lamp ""]
Of course it is. Everything has some image tag hooked onto it whether I like it or not, unfortunately.
[Dec 21,2007 4:38pm - brandon... ""]
Thats also a pretty big tattoo for your first, id try something small first. Get a feel for it.
[Dec 21,2007 5:28pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'm not really getting that tattoo. This thread has nothing to do with me getting that specific. It was just a way for me to name this thread.
[Dec 21,2007 5:28pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
[Dec 21,2007 10:13pm - Lamp ""]
Holy crap, yet another thing I completely forgot all about surfaces to mind with the wonder of the Internet...
[Dec 21,2007 11:47pm - iamadouche NLI  ""]
get a nucluar intercontinental ballistic missle on your cock........... or balls on your chin
[Dec 21,2007 11:48pm - iamadouche NLI  ""]
or a golf ball on your ass cheek for a hole in one!
[Dec 22,2007 12:09am - sxealex ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:
Have you considered the remote possibility that some folks might not be doing it for a reaction?

Everything we do is for a reaction... Whether its your own, someting's or someone else's.

I would find it very hard to think of something we do for no reaction.
[Dec 22,2007 12:02pm - pam ""]
I think I know who'll be taking the "Most Abused Poster" award in this years RTTPy's.
[Dec 22,2007 12:23pm - diarrhea_blumpkin nli  ""]
Lamp said:Seriously though, everyone must be projecting some sort of imagine, tattooed or not. I assume people with ink want to project an image of their interests to other people and possibly strike up a conversation or something. I don't have any ink because I want to project an image of myself to people that says "Leave me the fuck alone, now."

This isn't true for everyone who has ink. I do believe that there are people out there that do follow this motto, esp. people with tribal or a big ol' tramp stamp. Everyone of my tattoos have very personal meanings, they are all memorials to close friends and relatives who have passed away. I did not get these tattoos so i can be the center of attention or be different or project some sort of 'imagine'.

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