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the official 2007 what did you get for the holidays thread

[Dec 26,2007 2:34pm - RichHorror ""]
I feel nothing but envy for you.
[Dec 26,2007 2:41pm - Mess ""]
i don't know wtf just happened. i'll try again.
[Dec 26,2007 2:45pm - dreadkill ""]
i got a car wash gift book, a dvd, a bunch of candy, a dvd player, a patriots mug, a crystal patriots decanter and glasses from my girlfriend, a skating penguin, a book on mythology, a mjollnir necklace, a shirt, american express gift cards, and a plate of cookies.
[Dec 26,2007 2:47pm - Mess ""]

infect: that's a sick xmas present. thing's sweeeeeet.

my sis got me a replica german ss knife. the real thing would have been better but it's still pretty cool and sharp. i like learning and collecting as much wwii memorabilia as i can. it looks like this one here...

[Dec 26,2007 2:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
dreadkill said:i got ... a mjollnir necklace...


[Dec 26,2007 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
xmikex said:The George Foreman Next Grilleration

hooolyyy shiiiit
[Dec 26,2007 3:19pm - tylernli  ""]
my dad got the same thing
[Dec 26,2007 3:42pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Yeti said:i got a rock.

I already said that in this thread Linus!


[Dec 26,2007 3:57pm - ouchdrummer ""]
My mom got me the new Anaal Nathrahk album... it rules.
among socks and other clothing items.
Can't forget the shampoo for men with thinning hair.... yeah, not funny.
[Dec 26,2007 5:06pm - ancient master  ""]
0 degree sleeping bag
sleeping pad
compact camp stove
Carved in Stone - Hear the Voice
The Soil Bleeds Black - Alchemie
quitting my depressing job...
[Dec 26,2007 5:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
$120, a $25 best buy and Strawberries gift card and a subcription to National Geographic, Some dress shoes and a pony.
[Dec 26,2007 5:21pm - pam ""]
I'm jealous of the National Geographic subscription...
[Dec 26,2007 6:38pm - Blue ""]
i got an assload of clothes and a 16gb ipod touch.
[Dec 26,2007 6:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Shit, I dones forgot. A book about battles of the Crusades.
[Dec 27,2007 3:51am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
The only 2 things I asked for this Christmas were a computer desk and money towards more RAM for my computer, which I didn't expect to get, but I ended up with:

-$100 cash towards the desk since the one I wanted was out of stock
-$250 towards RAM which I'm probably just going to put towards a completely new computer
-$100 in gift cards to Bed, Bath & Beyond, which I bought teeth whitening shit, a fogless mirror for the shower because I hate shaving in the sink and a Man Groomer, because I'm the fucking wolfman.
-$100 in other gift cards and cash
-TomTom ONE GPS-best fucking gift ever
-Bushisms day-by-day calendar
-Auto emergency kit
-Rhythm & Harmony book
-Clothes and miscellaneous items

I also got myself a shitload of free time from work (80-100 hours a week has now become 20-30, thank fucking christ) so I can finally get all of my art done (especially for those who have been waiting patiently...you'll get your stuff soon, haha).
[Dec 27,2007 7:13am - the_reverend ""]
MFR's post is the girliest in this thread
[Dec 27,2007 10:21am - DrewBlood ""]
i got...
-bass strings
-3 wall mounted instrument stands
-four dress shirts & two ties for my corporate job
-cuff links
-a zip up sweater
-a winter jacket
-the best pea coat ever made

i'm pretty stoked
[Dec 27,2007 10:25am - Niccolai ""]
Saitek Eclipse II PC keyboard
Razer death adder gaming mouse
surroud sound for my computer
optimpus prime Mr potato head
[Dec 27,2007 10:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Niccolai said:optimpus prime Mr potato head


[Dec 28,2007 12:31am - Hungtableed  ""]
Multiple Guitar Center gift cards bought me one of these in a black/almost pearlish-finish
As a guitar player who thoroughly enjoys playing drums, I'm satisfied.


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