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10 smartest and 10 dumbest dog breeds

[Apr 11,2008 9:43am - the_reverend ""]
some dogs don't just look retarded, they are retarded.
[Apr 11,2008 9:50am - SapremiaNJ ""]
I already disagree with this list. Maybe i just have a super beagle!
[Apr 11,2008 9:53am - GodlessRob ""]
Actually they missed one, as far as smart dogs. The Pitbull (American pitbull terrier) or the American Staffidshire Terrier ( a mix of a pit and a bull mastiff, basically an 85lb. pitbull) are often forgotten because of their stigma, but ARE in fact one of the smartest dogs.
Along with being the only dog that smiles when it is happy. I know I own 3
[Apr 11,2008 9:55am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
I grew up with a Scottish Terrier who was a frickin' GENIUS.

I miss Sandy, I think about her every day.
Sparky was awesome too.
[Apr 11,2008 10:09am - the_reverend ""]
all dogs can be smart or dumb. A lot of the pure breed dogs are getting stupider (re: goldens and chocolate labs) cause of inbreeding. Mutts are the only way that we are going to get/keep smart dogs.

As for #1: border collie that's pretty true. they aren't smart in the same way that poodles are. they are smart in that it's bred into them to follow orders. out of the box, they will herd sheep for you and listen to sheep herding commands even if they have never heard them before. my dad has one. his gets all excited, rolls on her back and pee archs in the air... then when you step back, she jumps up and whips you with her pee-soaked tail.

but #whatever: the sheltie are basically border collies. they are bred to follow instructions for dog shows. amazing stuff. they are also genetically programmed to pee on my leg.

#2: poodles. they are smart in a creepy way where you know that there is just something more going on in there. and then you turn your back on them and they start picking locks and writing up email-scams. their english isn't perfect... but it gets grannies to send them cash.
[Apr 11,2008 10:14am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
[Apr 11,2008 10:16am - xmikex ""]
My father had an irish setter (who most people say are an unintelligent breed) that he raised from a puppy, and he had a million stories about how smart that dog was.

Years later my parents got another irish setter who is.... although I love him to death... a big dumb oaf.
[Apr 11,2008 10:17am - GodlessRob ""]
Kain and P.I.T.A
P.I.T.A, smiling.
Both Diamond and P.I.T.A were rescues.
[Apr 11,2008 10:19am - ZenErik ""]
I like PITA. Looks like cookies and cream.
[Apr 11,2008 10:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
Goldens may rank smarter than Labs, but (except for some instances) Goldens are pussies. My Labs will launch willingly into icy water to retrieve a bird -- Goldens are afraid to get their pretty fur wet.
[Apr 11,2008 10:21am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
both doggies are adorable.
[Apr 11,2008 10:24am - xmikex ""]
Those are some handsome dogs.
[Apr 11,2008 10:26am - GodlessRob ""]
Actually there are 3. Kain is at the top with PITA as a puppy and Diamond is at the bottom. The are both brindle and look alot alike accept when in person. Kain has about 30morelbs then diamond.
And as for the little Pain In The Ass she is part pit and part Australian cattle dog. The little shit thinks everyday is circus day. Sits on the back of my recliner, like a cat. Can jump from a stand still to just about over my head. She's nuts. But then again she is still a puppy.
[Apr 11,2008 10:32am - Yeti ""]
all dogs go to heaven.
[Apr 11,2008 10:32am - the_reverend ""]
Andy: look at a red golden if you want a non-pussy. a lot of the yellow goldens are pussy show dogs. I assure you that my goldens would have kept up with a lab since my dad uses them to hunt ducks. red goldens = hunters, yellow goldens = show.
the only thing is that labs fur is shorter/better for water since its short.
[Apr 11,2008 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
rob: you kept their ears which make them look soo much better. dobbies, boxers, and pitbulls unlike dicks look so much better uncut.
[Apr 11,2008 10:41am - ariavette ""]
[Apr 11,2008 10:41am - ariavette ""]
[Apr 11,2008 10:42am - Yeti ""]
[Apr 11,2008 10:49am - GoatCatalyst ""]
My Toy Fox Terrorist, Basil Veadtuck Adams, is brilliant yet rude as all heck... and very portable. Beautiful hounds, Rob.
[Apr 11,2008 10:52am - GodlessRob ""]
Yea I hate pit's with there ears cut, another part of there stigma. They only did that because of fighting, so the other dogs don't have something to grab. Now most of the fucking stupid asses do that to make them look more intimidating. plus it's fucking crewl.
[Apr 11,2008 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
labradoodle death from above!
[Apr 11,2008 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
my brother's dogs
[Apr 11,2008 11:00am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I'm gonna make me a terrifying golem out of discarded foreskins and cropped puppy-dog ears n tails.
[Apr 11,2008 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
truth salom
[Apr 11,2008 11:08am - the_reverend ""]
my dad's border collie
my dad's merema
my dad's black lab mix (he had some sort of stroke so one side of his face was droopy and then shrank, but came back)
[Apr 11,2008 11:25am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
thar be no dog dumber than my mom's cairn terrier.
[Apr 11,2008 11:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:[img]

yes! sharky the shark dog is my hero
[Apr 11,2008 12:45pm - Yeti ""]

GoatCatalyst said:I'm gonna make me a terrifying golem out of discarded foreskins and cropped puppy-dog ears n tails.

but a greyhound for a tuxedo would be best.

so lets prepare these dogs,

kill 2 for matching clogs!

see my vest, see my vest, see myyy veeest.
[Apr 11,2008 12:48pm - the_reverend ""]
see my loafers? former gophers.
[Apr 11,2008 12:58pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i want a molosser...

[Apr 11,2008 1:02pm - Yeti ""]

this is my kind of dog.
[Apr 11,2008 1:04pm - Godlessrob ""]
Holy shit that thing looks like it's on fucking 'roids. little fucker looks like he could pull my truck!
looks like a cross between a bulldog/rotty/pit.
[Apr 11,2008 1:10pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
yep check moloss world and shit. very cool stuff.

ill take a moloss or a sick brindle pit...maybe a malamute if it wasnt for all that damn hair.
[Apr 11,2008 1:12pm - Godlessrob ""]
You'll get to meet my brindle pits in a week and a half! Though you can't take 'em home with you.
[Apr 11,2008 1:14pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i will grab one at the end of the summer i have a good breeder in mind...gonna name 'em zappa.
[Apr 11,2008 1:33pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Bassett hounds arent so much dumb as they are lazy. they just dont care.

Corgis were missing from their list. they are really good herding dogs and usually are very smart.
[Apr 11,2008 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
there is a difference between "good" and "the best". this is a "the best" list... not honorable mention time.
[Apr 11,2008 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
a story about a dog ass-leaking all over a car:
[Apr 11,2008 1:42pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
im just biased about Corgis as they are the cutest dogs ever. im so gonna have one and let it perch on my shoulder and carry it everywhere =^_^=
[Apr 11,2008 1:43pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 11,2008 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
wait, I've seen that movie before.
[Apr 11,2008 1:44pm - mortalis ""]
my german shepherd is indeed the shit. the dachshund is awesome, too, but he's kind of neurotic. he does know how to get what he wants, though.
[Apr 11,2008 1:46pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

the_reverend said:wait, I've seen that movie before.


kekeke indeed.

Corg rush!
[Apr 11,2008 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
[Apr 11,2008 3:19pm - Granny_Monster ""]

thegreatspaldino said:im just biased about Corgis as they are the cutest dogs ever. im so gonna have one and let it perch on my shoulder and carry it everywhere =^_^=

I want 85 Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Fucking most adorable dogs ever.
[Apr 11,2008 3:20pm - dreadkill ""]

Yeti said:[img]
looks like a motorhead album cover
[Apr 11,2008 3:22pm - ariavette ""]

mortalis said:my german shepherd is indeed the shit. the dachshund is awesome, too, but he's kind of neurotic. he does know how to get what he wants, though.

my friends boyfriend has a german sheperd that I want so bad, such an awesome dog, very smart, very well trained fun to play with
[Apr 11,2008 5:26pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:Andy: look at a red golden if you want a non-pussy. a lot of the yellow goldens are pussy show dogs. I assure you that my goldens would have kept up with a lab since my dad uses them to hunt ducks. red goldens = hunters, yellow goldens = show.
the only thing is that labs fur is shorter/better for water since its short.

I said there are exceptions -- there's a guy that runs 2 goldens at one of the hunt clubs I retrieve at and his dogs both have their Master Hunter certificates and handle very well. I have 2 British yellow labs, so I am not looking for any more dogs -- my hands are full with training these 2! I like labs -- they are kind of like the 4WD version of a dog.

Sounds like your dad and I should hang out this fall.
[Apr 11,2008 5:31pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i have a brit golden and a two weimaraners. the weimars are unreal in the woods, excellent speed, and agility-- but i have never seen an animal swim like my brit golden..shit will fucking dive bomb off rocks to retrieve waay out.
[Apr 11,2008 6:15pm - mortalis ""]

ariavette said:
mortalis said:my german shepherd is indeed the shit. the dachshund is awesome, too, but he's kind of neurotic. he does know how to get what he wants, though.

my friends boyfriend has a german sheperd that I want so bad, such an awesome dog, very smart, very well trained fun to play with

yeah ours is pretty much ideal. she even gets along great with the kittens.
[Apr 12,2008 11:24am - BlackoutRick ""]
[Apr 12,2008 11:33am - Griffgasm6000  ""]

thegreatspaldino said:im just biased about Corgis as they are the cutest dogs ever. im so gonna have one and let it perch on my shoulder and carry it everywhere =^_^=

Yep, corgie's are dominant. Here's my little buddy.
[Apr 12,2008 11:34am - Griffgasm6000  ""]

Griffgasm6000 said:
thegreatspaldino said:im just biased about Corgis as they are the cutest dogs ever. im so gonna have one and let it perch on my shoulder and carry it everywhere =^_^=

Yep, corgies are dominant. Here's my little buddy.

[Apr 12,2008 11:35am - Griffgasm6000  ""]
[Apr 12,2008 11:41am - the_reverend ""]
whoop whoop
[Apr 12,2008 11:41am - thegreatspaldino ""]
there is a tri-color corgi puppy at the pet store in newtonville and its the cutest tri-color i have ever seen. off the wall cuteness!
[Apr 12,2008 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 12,2008 11:52am - Griffgasm6000  ""]
Yeah, my dog Otis was shipped in from Wichita, KS. He's the runt-o-the-litter, so he's half the size of a regular corgi.
[Apr 12,2008 12:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck that.. My parent's have a Mastiff and he's not dumb. He's pretty smart.
[Apr 12,2008 12:12pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

the_reverend said:[img]

YES... thats an awesome picture. so adorable.
[Apr 12,2008 12:23pm - punk potenza  ""]
i got a puggle back in november cute as fuck, and not dumb persay but can be stubborn and a total kiss machine. i hate golden retrivers every one i have met is fuckin psycho. and pitbulls are the best love em to death!
[Apr 14,2008 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 14,2008 7:49pm - Nobody Cares  ""]
Haha. Thanks rev, those are my dogs. Winnie (left) was adopted from NC, she's a supposed corgi mix, but we are skeptical. And Toby (right) is the real deal, Pembroke Welsh. I have delusions they are my children, since I never plan on breeding humans. She is 1 and a half, and he will be 5 this year. I was suprised corgis weren't on the smartest breeds. Toby is extremely attentive and understands lots of words. He has a true smile also. Your labradoodle gave me new respect for them, its a best of both worlds type mix. Your brother's doberman was impressive, its such a good thing to adopt and or rescue than to support puppy mills in any way.
[Apr 14,2008 7:57pm - the_reverend ""]
yo, email me and I'll send you a lot more pictures.
[Apr 14,2008 8:05pm - Nobody Cares  ""]
Haha. Thanks rev, those are my dogs. Winnie (left) was adopted from NC, she's a supposed corgi mix, but we are skeptical. And Toby (right) is the real deal, Pembroke Welsh. I have delusions they are my children, since I never plan on breeding humans. She is 1 and a half, and he will be 5 this year. I was suprised corgis weren't on the smartest breeds. Toby is extremely attentive and understands lots of words. He has a true smile also. Your labradoodle gave me new respect for them, its a best of both worlds type mix. Your brother's doberman was impressive, its such a good thing to adopt and or rescue than to support puppy mills in any way.
[Apr 14,2008 9:35pm - the_reverend ""]
like I said right above this, email me and I will send you some more pictures
I took like a lot that day.
[Apr 14,2008 9:38pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
i miss my dog, near the end he rocked a doggie wheelchair so hard
[Apr 14,2008 10:25pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, we took my brother's dog to see the other dog and family that had to give her away.
[Apr 15,2008 8:12am - Nobody_Cares ""]
Sorry for the double reply, never posted with the sidekick before. I will hit you up. I also like to exploit my dogs for album artwork and myspace pics, example here:

and here
My music

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