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Who is your favorite RttP poster?

[Jun 6,2008 11:31am - aril  ""]
DYA looks more like Dino Radja than Larry Bird.
[Jun 6,2008 11:35am - pam ""]
DYA is made of awesome.
[Jun 6,2008 11:36am - aril  ""]
I used to think the same thing until I smelt his Indian Food farts that take place during our band's practice.
[Jun 6,2008 11:37am - pam ""]
DYA and I have managed to successfully avoid meeting in person for years.
[Jun 6,2008 11:43am - aril  ""]
I'm sure you'll meet DYA (closest thing to Jesus Christ himself, of course) now that our bands playing shows.
[Jun 6,2008 11:46am - aril  ""]
Similarities with DYA and Jesus:

-Both are really good with woodworking.
-Both have the ability to turn water into alcohol. (DYA turns it into beer)
-DYA enjoys fine cuisine - specifically Middle Eastern food
-I saw DYA walk on water once to grab a floating beer
-DYA can cure diseases with his touch.
[Jun 6,2008 12:01pm - Kadooganucleus  ""]
Fuckin a', I'll be David Robinson. I used to pick him and whoever-he-was-with on NBA Jam all the time.
[Jun 6,2008 12:20pm - RustyPS ""]

Kadooganucleus said:Fuckin a', I'll be David Robinson. I used to pick him and whoever-he-was-with on NBA Jam all the time.

That'd be Sean Elliot, if my memory serves me.
[Jun 6,2008 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
when DYA throws a d20 it measures on the Richter scale.
[Jun 6,2008 12:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

xmikex said:Here's the official RTTP Dream Team

Rich Horror as Charles Barkley
DYA as Larry Bird
MSD as Michael Jordan
Yeti as Clyde Drexler
Dreadkill as Patrick Ewing
Tomx as Magic Johnson
Drew as Karl Malone
Thuringwethil as Chris Mullin
Nick Dysentery as Scottie Pippen
Kadoogan as David Robinson
Rusted Angel as John Stockton

and the Rev as fat Chuck Daly.
Carina can be... Lenny Wilkins. The rest of you can fight to be Christian Laettner.

I guess that makes me Scalabrine :(
[Jun 6,2008 12:58pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
a rare but true lol.
[Jun 6,2008 1:16pm - aril  ""]
on NBA Tournament Edition you could play as Hillary Clinton.
[Jun 6,2008 1:21pm - DYA / NLI  ""]

xmikex said:
DYA as Larry Bird

*insert French Lick joke*

pam said:DYA and I have managed to successfully avoid meeting in person for years.

LIES. We met briefly outside Funtroll, only you were as drunk as I should've been and therefore forgot.

aril said:Similarities with DYA and Jesus:

-Both have the ability to turn water into alcohol. (DYA turns it into beer)

I have to object, here - I actually turn beer into water, and at an alarming rate.

Yeti said:when DYA throws a d20 it measures on the Richter scale.

Well, yeah, that's true.
[Jun 6,2008 4:14pm - pam ""]
You know as soon as I posted that I thought "I bet I did meet him at some point but was too drunk to remember".

[Jun 6,2008 4:16pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 6,2008 4:17pm - aril  ""]
the first time I met DYA, he had a kegerator. a KEGERATOR.
[Jun 6,2008 4:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I also drive an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.
[Jun 6,2008 5:16pm - the_reverend ""]
human skulls full of semen.
[Jun 6,2008 7:24pm - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:Here's the official RTTP Dream Team

Rich Horror as Charles Barkley
DYA as Larry Bird
MSD as Michael Jordan
Yeti as Clyde Drexler
Dreadkill as Patrick Ewing
Tomx as Magic Johnson
Drew as Karl Malone
Thuringwethil as Chris Mullin
Nick Dysentery as Scottie Pippen
Kadoogan as David Robinson
Rusted Angel as John Stockton

and the Rev as fat Chuck Daly.
Carina can be... Lenny Wilkins. The rest of you can fight to be Christian Laettner.

nice. i love ewing and his huge snookerholes. i heard rumors that giuliani had planned to route a duck boat championship parade through ewing's nose if the knicks had been able to stop hakeem and the rockets in game 7.
[Jun 6,2008 7:29pm - dreadkill ""]
i am the ewing of this board, but the alaa abdelnaby of real life.

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