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stupid band names

[Feb 13,2004 10:07am - anonymous  ""]
Drug Test...and all those other faggot-ass straight edge bands..theyre all abuncha faggot ass pussys who go in groups to start shit with people,but when theyre alone theyre the biggest pussies alive..get a fucking life people....
[Feb 13,2004 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
wow... drug test are the nicest people ever...
[Feb 13,2004 11:10am - George ""]
yea faggot ass faggot. why dont you shut yo faggot ass mouf up faggot. pussy. get a life. faggot ass pussy. god i hate faggot asses

[Feb 13,2004 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
george, just cause you suck dick for coke and mushrooms doesn't mean everyone has to.

the kids from drug test are super nice and while they are edge and all, they are some of the nicest people.
[Feb 13,2004 11:33am - George ""]
look you wanted it, the coke and mushrooms were just a bonus.
[Feb 13,2004 3:48pm - retzam ""]

morkul said:you like some pretty gay ass shit bro. you feelin all right there jerky?

Do you search this site for threads that I have posted in so you can start petty arguments?

[Mar 30,2004 4:55pm - Dan the man  ""]

That is like some gay desease.
[Apr 29,2004 6:24pm - stumpy  ""]
[Apr 29,2004 6:34pm - attendmyrequiem ""]

Joe/NotCommon said:is there really a band called Moshy Mosh?
That could be worse then the breathing process

[Apr 30,2004 1:03pm - Pyopsus  ""]
Within The Fray, Terminally Aborted Your Ghost, In Dire Need, Black My Heart, Ed Gein, gay, gay, gay.
[Apr 30,2004 2:06pm - davyp ""]
Flaming Poopdick and Spider Gays are gay names what a bunch of fags, faggy fag fags, holy crap what faggy, stupid gay ass names, fags. RAISING KUBRICK AND SPIDER GATES RULES.....
[Apr 30,2004 6:14pm - joostin ""]
Pyopsus said:In Dire Need

yuck. that's terrible. way to be artsy and wanna-be poetic.
[Apr 30,2004 9:45pm - Pat Meebles  ""]
Any band names with a season, the word "ashes," or some poetic gayness
[May 1,2004 8:22pm - smallwiener ""]
Shaniqua and the Skull Fuckers
[May 2,2004 12:30am - joe_shmo ""]
You guys forgot Porphyria. What dumb ass names their band after a gay disease?
[May 8,2004 2:10am - deadwaterishotterthanhomos  ""]
the number twelve looks like you is a reference to a twilight zone episode.
[May 8,2004 4:21pm - todayistheday  ""]
six bullets for your crew
[May 8,2004 4:21pm - intricateprocess ""]
lord blasphemer
every band that has a word that another band has i.e.:conspiracy,process
yeah yeah yeahs
sleater kinney
ellen degeneres, oh wait, nevermind
[May 9,2004 1:43pm - Aegathis ""]
Sweat pants boner and eat a bag of dicks. Funny names but thats just about it, how can you expect any one to like you if your band name is either of those. "Yes my son plays in the band Eat a bag of dicks" or "Im trying out for Sweatpants boner." I dont care if their good bands, too silly of names for bands, especially for something youd put quite a bit of time and effort into.
[May 9,2004 6:53pm - JellyFish ""]
hahaha good point.

throwdown, dillinger escape plan, insane clown posse, every time i die, superjoint ritual, evergrey, love is red, embrace today

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