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Album of the year

[Oct 28,2008 2:31am - goatcatalyst ""]
Disagree and you're a dildo-gumming, wrongfaced faggot with semen in your ear... and poor taste.

OLD WAINDS "Death Nord Kult"


[Oct 28,2008 11:14am - goatcatalyst ""]
45 views and not one "thank you" or "oh my, Ryan, you're so fucking right".

Why do I even bother to bestow my rare philanthropy on y'all dicklicking ingrates???

[Oct 28,2008 11:15am - thebloodening ""]
thank you.
[Oct 28,2008 11:17am - goatcatalyst ""]
Welcome, buddy.
[Oct 28,2008 11:20am - immortal13 ""]
My album of the year:


But I'll definitely check that out. Thanks brah!
[Oct 28,2008 11:21am - BSV_ent_MTL  ""]
[Oct 28,2008 11:39am - goatcatalyst ""]
Arghoslent is definitely in my top five.

I'm also really into this new Lifelover (horrible name for a great band) album. Definitely more "experimental". I'll post a link later.
[Oct 28,2008 11:42am - notloggedin  ""]
argoslant are nazis you assholes
[Oct 28,2008 11:44am - darkwor  ""]


I heard Incorrigible Bigotry for the first time last week and haven't stopped listening...gotta pick up the new album..
[Oct 28,2008 11:47am - rbss  ""]

notloggedin said:argoslant are nazis you assholes


Better self-censor what I can listen to because it's too controversial
[Oct 28,2008 12:03pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Oh, there Nazis?

Looks like Old Wainds has now become my #2 pick of the year.
[Oct 28,2008 12:04pm - rbss  ""]
[Oct 28,2008 12:04pm - rbss  ""]
grammar nazi
[Oct 28,2008 12:10pm - goatcatalyst ""]
That was an intentional misspelling, hoss.
[Oct 28,2008 12:11pm - rbss  ""]
Well then.
[Oct 28,2008 12:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand.
[Oct 28,2008 12:25pm - dftg  ""]
actually, arghslent are not nazis. You don't like them because they don't like black people, so YOU STEREOTYPED them into a category with people they have nothing to do with. way to go, hypocrite.
[Oct 28,2008 12:46pm - notloggedin  ""]
how about im a fake troll and you guys got worked up over nothing
[Oct 28,2008 12:54pm - brian_dc ""]
hi DYA
[Oct 28,2008 1:35pm - dftg  ""]
seig heil.
[Oct 28,2008 1:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]
let's get back on track here...

Old Wainds > everything and anything.

prove me wrong. i double dog dare you.
[Oct 28,2008 1:52pm - quintessence ""]
checking this out... THANKS ryan!
[Oct 28,2008 3:12pm - darkwor  ""]
the zip file for the album seems empty....i'm no stranger to the enternet but i'm pretty sure it won't extract for me..if it's as good as you say i'll probably order it along with the new Arghoslent anyway.
[Oct 28,2008 3:20pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
Originally i thought this thread was gonna be about Revocation.
[Oct 28,2008 4:02pm - immortal13 ""]
This album is intense.
[Oct 28,2008 4:48pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Never heard Old Wainds. I will check it out.

The new Arghoslent is up there.
[Oct 28,2008 5:12pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have their 2006 digipak release in stock!


[Oct 28,2008 6:02pm - Conservationist ""]
Ban all Nazis, throw them in jail.

Bill White of Overthrow.com now IS in jail, which is a loss for all of us since he's a hippie Nazi:

[Oct 28,2008 6:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]
^ this thread is about Old Wainds, butthole.

and darkwor, pretty sure it's a .rar file, not a zip.

and i'd highly recommend anybody pick up the "Scalding Coldness" digipak from Dwyer. that album is fucking incredible. well-produced black metal with killer riffs and perfect atmosphere (in my seldom humble opinion).
[Oct 28,2008 6:32pm - Conservationist ""]

dftg said:actually, arghslent are not nazis. You don't like them because they don't like black people, so YOU STEREOTYPED them into a category with people they have nothing to do with. way to go, hypocrite.

This thread isn't about Nazis.
[Oct 28,2008 6:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
dftg has treated me to many beers, which is more than i can say for you, conservatio.

kick rocks, smartypants.
[Oct 28,2008 6:58pm - Conservationist ""]

immortal13 said:My album of the year:


But I'll definitely check that out. Thanks brah!

Does anyone have a link for this one?

[Oct 28,2008 6:59pm - Conservationist ""]

goatcatalyst said:dftg has treated me to many beers, which is more than i can say for you, conservatio.

kick rocks, smartypants.

Kisses to you, cutie pie!

I'm not sure if my reply was intended to be taken as seriously as it was. But it did explain the confusion. (?)
[Oct 28,2008 7:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
haha - you should know better than to take me seriously... ever

... well, unless i'm talking about Old Fucking Wainds!!!
[Oct 28,2008 7:56pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I rocked this over and over at work today. This is good black metal.
[Oct 28,2008 9:06pm - Conservationist ""]
Origin mp3 links

No goats can be serious, unless they're being serious. Hard to tell.


[Oct 28,2008 10:51pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]
I was one of those 45 at the beginning. But I didnt want to say thanks until I knew it was good.

Thanks. Its sick.
[Oct 28,2008 10:57pm - Murph ""]

Number One


Number Two


Number Three

Honorable Mentions:

Disfear - Live the Storm
Russian Circles - Station
Kehlvin - Holy Cancer
Torche - Meanderthal (2008, right?)

And, since it most likely will be based on samples I've heard

Trap Them - Seizures in Barren Praise
[Oct 29,2008 9:31am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'm gonna add the new Enslaved and Cult of Luna to the albums of the year list.
[Oct 29,2008 11:30am - pam ""]
[Oct 29,2008 11:32am - aril  ""]
they're always ftw, you should know that by now.
[Oct 29,2008 12:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
can't wait for the new Trap Them. saw em last week in the basement of my friends' record store (Redscroll... you may have heard me mention them) and the new jams were on some Volume 4 type heaviness. love the fuck out of that band. that'll definitely make top ten.

and it's honestly not like i'm trying to win some obscurity pissing contest with my pushing of the Wainds. i just sincerely think they crush 99% of the bands in the genre and in my benevolence, i wish to share the wealth. motherfuckers is from the arctic fucking circle. and they sound like it!!! they deserve to be heard waaaay more than any of the turds getting ads in that selfaware hipster fagrag decibel!
[Oct 29,2008 1:43pm - quintessence ""]
Whatever, Nazi!
[Oct 29,2008 1:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Oct 29,2008 2:39pm - Murph ""]
Old Wainds is awesome, and the new one tickles my fancy with a frosty finger.

...I have heard the entire new Trap Them album, because some nice little fairy dropped it at the foot of my bed, and it is a heavy piece of ass. Really diggin' Justain in that band.

Hehe, I'll add that since I like the band and want them to do well, I am keeping this bit of info for myself, and picking up a copy of the LP.
[Oct 29,2008 3:08pm - Conservationist ""]
Old Wainds isn't that obscure. I'm sure some of the tr00 kVl7 blakk m3tal crowd will show up and list a garbage list of random Norse-Germanic words, Hebrew mystical symbols and obscure drug names and claim they're all better, even though they all sounds like a tap left on in the middle of the night while the dog scratches in the background.
[Oct 29,2008 3:11pm - Conservationist ""]

Old Wainds
Disfear (liked them since Soul Scars)
Cult of Luna
[Oct 29,2008 3:12pm - Murph ""]

Conservationist said:Downloading:

Old Wainds
Disfear (liked them since Soul Scars)
Cult of Luna

Defintely grab Mouth of the Architect - Quietly if you don't have it already.

Just a really great record.
[Oct 29,2008 3:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]
haha - such is the pissing contest turned golden shower that is the black metal underground.

"my production is scuzzier than yours"

"we recorded in a dilapidated, ancient aqueduct"
[Oct 29,2008 3:35pm - Conservationist ""]
Yeah, I know. It's painful to watch. People have forgotten about MUSIC QUALITY in their desperate bid for BAND EQUALITY, or having us all know their two-chord two-CD-R black metal "project."

They are so afraid of Kings -- big bands that everyone knows -- that they've ensured that no one is gonna rise above the level of being equal and having their own equally obscure, equally novel, flutes, etc. black metal band.

blackmetal.co.uk is the epicenter of this attitude, since it's on Brokeback Island where they really go nuts for the idea that everyone must participate.

It is painful to watch. The average "tr00 kvlt" black metal now is basically Blink 182 on shitty production settings in GarageBand with necro symbols and "outrageous statements" cluttered around it, and it generally sucks. I've really pissed some people off with this statement: "Well, if it's that obscure, it must suck," because they forget that Darkthrone, et al, never wanted to be obscure but were obscure because their music scared normal people at the time.

Nu-black metal will scare no one.

Murph, I'm searching out of the MotA - Quietly now. Thanks for the tip.

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