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[Oct 8,2009 6:59pm - xgodzillax ""]

its a quick mix, so its not done. just a sample though.

[Oct 8,2009 7:02pm - Hmmm  ""]
Needs moar talent.
[Oct 8,2009 6:55pm - xgodzillax ""]
i agree
[Oct 8,2009 6:59pm - Hmmm  ""]
Nah it's sick.
[Oct 8,2009 7:00pm - xgodzillax ""]
i still agree on the needing more talent issue. and thanks dude
[Oct 8,2009 7:06pm - aril  ""]
When is your next show
[Oct 8,2009 9:16pm - xgodzillax ""]
maybe next month, i have no idea. SMC takes care of the shows
[Oct 8,2009 9:22pm - Archaeon ""]
Not listening until you guys put out an actual recording. gawd
[Oct 8,2009 10:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
cool, good sounds. gang vocals rule.
[Oct 8,2009 11:07pm - xmikex ""]
I hate to over sell it. But I'm the greatest vocalist ever.
[Oct 8,2009 11:07pm - xmikex ""]
Crippler crossface.
[Oct 8,2009 11:29pm - trampletheweak  ""]
glad you guys recorded vocals, sounds great
[Oct 8,2009 11:29pm - xgodzillax ""]

Archaeon said:Not listening until you guys put out an actual recording. gawd

um, it is an actual recording.

[Oct 8,2009 11:34pm - Archaeon ""]
OH LAWD REAL RECORDING. listening in a bit.
[Oct 8,2009 11:47pm - xgodzillax ""]

xmikex said:I hate to over sell it. But I'm the greatest vocalist ever.

[Oct 9,2009 3:20am - NLI  ""]
[Oct 9,2009 3:59am - goatcatalyst ""]
I'll never book you niggers!!!

[Oct 9,2009 4:01am - goatcatalyst ""]
Jk luv you
[Oct 9,2009 9:14am - xmikex ""]

xgodzillax said:
Archaeon said:Not listening until you guys put out an actual recording. gawd

um, it is an actual recording.


[Oct 9,2009 9:19am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I actually really dig this

Possible split??
[Oct 9,2009 9:23am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Wasn't into those other recordings but this sounds...
Preeeeeeetty, preeeeeeeetty, preeeeeetty good.
[Oct 9,2009 9:25am - sever ""]
not too shabby. me gusta.
[Oct 9,2009 9:31am - RustyPS ""]
really, really awesome....xmikex, are you a permanent member?

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Possible split??
[Oct 9,2009 10:19am - C.DEAd  ""]
Really want to hear this. Will check it out on my break or when I get home. Eric is so good at what he does. I can only assume it sounds awesome.
[Oct 9,2009 10:23am - aril  ""]
I'll be honest 'Zilla. I had no idea a man of your size (at least that one pic I saw of you) would be able to drum like that. I commend your abilities
[Oct 9,2009 10:28am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Uh.. Gene Hoglan? Get with it, dude.
[Oct 9,2009 10:28am - xmikex ""]

C.DEAd said:Really want to hear this. Will check it out on my break or when I get home. Eric is so good at what he does. I can only assume it sounds awesome.

I've said it before but I'll throw it out there again. Eric is the fucking man, and does brilliant work.
[Oct 9,2009 10:32am - aril  ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:Uh.. Gene Hoglan? Get with it, dude.

There's plent of fat drummers, but Godzilla looks a tad larger than Hoglan.
[Oct 9,2009 10:33am - C.DEAd  ""]

xmikex said:
C.DEAd said:Really want to hear this. Will check it out on my break or when I get home. Eric is so good at what he does. I can only assume it sounds awesome.

I've said it before but I'll throw it out there again. Eric is the fucking man, and does brilliant work.

That he is. I can't wait for him to finally come and record the new Hirudinea stuff. Well, not him finally....WE finally have the stuff together.
[Oct 9,2009 10:35am - aril  ""]
backed with those eric comments
[Oct 9,2009 10:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll get a nice ear raping later today.
[Oct 9,2009 10:35am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
This song is awesome. Perfect quality for this style too.
[Oct 9,2009 10:36am - brian_dc ""]
myspace player isn't loading the song for me. this is some bullshit
[Oct 9,2009 10:40am - arktouros ""]
yeah usually not my style but this is badass, great sound. and i've seen people 90lbs and 500lbs rip on the drums.
[Oct 9,2009 10:42am - aril  ""]
500 pound drummer? that's awesome, that's got to be on youtube.
[Oct 9,2009 10:43am - joeycobra ""]

brian_dc said:myspace player isn't loading the song for me. this is some bullshit

same here...It's being shitty this morning.
[Oct 9,2009 10:47am - arktouros ""]


not 500lbs but...it's nile
[Oct 9,2009 10:49am - boblovesmusic ""]
I should listen to this at work!
[Oct 9,2009 10:49am - arilliusbm ""]
yes, plenty of fatter drummers in metal.
I want to see the real deal though, a 500 lb+ dude slamming the skins.

anyway, the ItS track is good.
[Oct 9,2009 11:08am - xmikex ""]

[Oct 9,2009 2:46pm - MadOakDevin ""]
yeah, the myspace player isn't working for me either. wack
[Oct 9,2009 2:54pm - xgodzillax ""]
it was taken down because i was told to take it down.
[Oct 9,2009 2:59pm - xmikex ""]
Too big for the Space.
[Oct 9,2009 4:31pm - W3 nli  ""]
yuh we dont do previews sorry gawys, it should be done by the end of the weekend.

thanks for the support, buy some JD and smoke a bowl.
[Oct 9,2009 10:17pm - MadOakDevin ""]
good call. putting up a rough mix irks me, too.
[Oct 9,2009 10:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
yuh had no say in it, i only have computer access @ work and over friends houses.

i understand about being excited but a few things need to be fixed in the tracks.
[Oct 9,2009 11:38pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

xmikex said:


[Oct 9,2009 11:48pm - xgodzillax ""]
by the way, it was a TALKGIRL and that was in 01. LOL
[Oct 9,2009 11:59pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Oct 10,2009 12:58am - xgodzillax ""]
[Oct 10,2009 1:02am - xmikex ""]
psst. somebody let me know when you guys are going to finish mixing. ill be there.
[Oct 10,2009 1:04am - Murph ""]

xmikex said:psst. somebody let me know when you guys are going to finish mixing. ill be there.

[Oct 10,2009 1:07am - xmikex ""]
just call my naaaaame....
[Oct 10,2009 2:05am - xgodzillax ""]
mike, im not sure when thats gonna be. but i too wanna go. booley wont be able to, but text me and ill get the info and get back to you
[Oct 10,2009 3:12pm - W3 nli  ""]
shits gonna be deep.
[Oct 10,2009 3:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
theres no song to listen to up on that sight
[Oct 10,2009 7:07pm - W3 nli  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:theres no song to listen to up on that sight

W3%20nli said:yuh we dont do previews sorry gawys, it should be done by the end of the weekend.

thanks for the support, buy some JD and smoke a bowl.

[Oct 10,2009 7:26pm - Pires ""]
Boourns. Boooooourns.
[Oct 11,2009 1:03am - W3 nli  ""]
finishing the mix and mastering tomorrow, will post as many songs as we can.
[Oct 11,2009 4:57pm - badsneakers ""]
Damn can't wait to check out the songs when I get back to MA!
[Oct 11,2009 5:36pm -  ""]
tonight, shit gets reallllllllllll
[Oct 11,2009 5:36pm - xgodzillax ""]
that last post was me. this thing keeps loggin me out
[Oct 12,2009 2:26am - xgodzillax ""]


[Oct 12,2009 3:24am - xmikex ""]
die alone or you're a pussy
[Oct 12,2009 3:26am - xmikex ""]
If the nobel prize committee had heard these songs 2 weeks ago they would have given the peace prize to eric for making this band sound better than Rush on heroin.
[Oct 12,2009 4:09am - xgodzillax ""]
permanent full time or youre a pussy. lol
[Oct 12,2009 8:23am - inject-now-nli  ""]
sounds sick guys. great stuff going on. eric did very good me thinks.

vocals kind of remind me of brian livoti/old kevin sharp highs.
[Oct 12,2009 12:30pm - RustyPS ""]
shit sounds fucking mint d00ds
[Oct 12,2009 4:19pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Oct 12,2009 6:22pm - xgodzillax ""]
Dead on the red line, niggas!

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