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Parents, how do you trick your kids into liking metal?

[Jan 25,2012 9:25am - the_reverend ""]
I got my sprout listening to metal by saying "When we listen to metal, we eat cheese" So when we listen to metal, I give him cheetos.

Last night (he's only 26 months old), he kept bugging me to listen to metal. My iPod only synched up random C-named bands, but I had him listen to cephalic carnage. Of course when I came back, a cradle of filth track was playing, but I think I found my in.
[Jan 25,2012 9:35am - KEVORD ""]
When are you gonna start listening to metal?
[Jan 25,2012 9:36am - arilliusbm ""]
Trick? I don't trick him. Trolling kids is inappropriate.
[Jan 25,2012 9:42am - dreadkill ""]
my daughter's favorite song is neon knights. she wants to listen to it every time we're in the car.
[Jan 25,2012 9:42am - Alx_Casket ""]
Start them off with power metal. That's my plan, at least. Teaches good values lol
[Jan 25,2012 9:45am - KEVORD ""]
I went to a Duck Duck Goose game and a Cradle of Filth show broke out.
[Jan 25,2012 9:48am - JDDomination ""]
Beat them when anything but metal is playing
[Jan 25,2012 9:52am - arilliusbm ""]
I started him out on classical music and movie themes. He first got into Star Wars (he's obsessed now) because of the music I showed him. Granted, I only see him on weekends now so my musical input is limited. He doesn't quite understand black metal yet, so I'm holding off on that for now. I generally play atmospheric stuff now, like Kauan and Dark Sanctuary. Every now and then I toss in some thrash.
Keep in my I don't want to force anything on him, because he should decide what he likes.
His favorite bands right now are Doomriders and The Black Keys (not my doing) and I told him not to be a hipster and he asked what that was. LOL
[Jan 25,2012 9:57am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 25,2012 10:13am - xmikex ""]
Frequent trips to uncle dwyer's house...
[Jan 25,2012 10:16am - the_reverend ""]

Alx_Casket said:Start them off with power metal. That's my plan, at least. Teaches good values lol
great idea. They are going to have to know how to fight off ice dragons sooner or later. I might finally have a use for my large collection of blind guardian.
[Jan 25,2012 10:19am - Alx_Casket ""]
Have him watch you play Skyrim while he listens to the music, and teach him to yell Thu'um! whenever he sees a baddie.
[Jan 25,2012 10:21am - arilliusbm ""]
Forcing music on your kid is like forcing religion down their throat. DO NOT SUPPORT
[Jan 25,2012 10:22am - Alx_Casket ""]
I somewhat agree. Which is why I'm going to have my child use last.fm to discover music on his own, based on what his like-minded toddler friends enjoy.
[Jan 25,2012 10:25am - arilliusbm ""]
I play stuff. If he likes it, awesome. If not, so be it.
[Jan 25,2012 10:27am - arilliusbm ""]
When my kid is older and understands more about stuff, hell yea. But young kids are bound to like anything they listen to. My kid hates reggae for some odd reason, though. He has musical skill, so I'm trying to keep his mind open.
[Jan 25,2012 10:28am - Alx_Casket ""]
Force him to practice piano for 7 hours a day.
[Jan 25,2012 10:31am - the_reverend ""]
His new thing is getting on youtube on the iphone. clicks through things and searches. ridiculous. Especially when momma says "I don't want you clicking around" and then I look and the suggested videos for his humpty dumpty search are all about girls getting hot and heavy.
[Jan 25,2012 10:33am - xmikex ""]
I would advise going the traditional route of forcing him to listen to radio bullshit his entire childhood, throwing out his Guns N Roses and Naughty By Nature tapes, and letting his cousin introduce him to Sepultura Beneath the Remains somewhere around age 13.
[Jan 25,2012 10:33am - largefreakatzero ""]
More importantly, when are you getting him his first rifle?
[Jan 25,2012 10:35am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 25,2012 10:38am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

xmikex said:I would advise going the traditional route of forcing him to listen to radio bullshit his entire childhood, throwing out his Guns N Roses and Naughty By Nature tapes, and letting his cousin introduce him to Sepultura Beneath the Remains somewhere around age 13.

You're describing me, only without the cousin/brother/etc. feeding the metal to me, I found it on my own, being an only child and all.
[Jan 25,2012 10:39am - Manowarrior  ""]
Sad. Metal is either in the blood, or it isn't. It is a personal awakening into a world of fighting denouncing the oppressive forces our fathers and their fathers before them tried to pass onto us.

To try to pass the values of metal onto an offspring by force is the very thing that metal is supposed to rebel against.

I hope your kids rebel and listen to Phish when they grow into adolescent and resent your trying to brainwash them, morons.

[Jan 25,2012 10:43am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 25,2012 10:50am - arilliusbm ""]
Exactly, Mano. If he wants to listen to metal, I won't force it on him. I only expose metal, among other types of music.
In b4 I'm accused of being you again.
[Jan 25,2012 10:52am - posbleak ""]
Just do what my dad did and dump all your hair metal tapes on him when he gets sick of listening to A Whole New World on loop. Then get ready for his mom to get pissed that their kindergartner is running around the playground singing Kickstart My Heart

Alternately, hide all of your vinyl in the basement and let him discover a crate full of Pentagram around age 11.
[Jan 25,2012 10:53am - the_reverend ""]

Alx_Casket said:[img]
I loved that contest.
[Jan 25,2012 10:53am - Manowarrior  ""]

arilliusbm said:Exactly, Mano. If he wants to listen to metal, I won't force it on him. I only expose metal, among other types of music.
In b4 I'm accused of being you again.

Despite your dubious tastes, you tend to be one of the few people who has repeatedly displayed the values that metal is supposed to be about. I can respect that, if perhaps not your tastes.

Freedom, individuality, and choice are central to the ideals of metal. Forcing metal onto your children undermines these two core values, and makes you an idiot.

[Jan 25,2012 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
I got him singing queen. it's a beginning.
[Jan 25,2012 10:57am - Alx_Casket ""]

Manowarrior said:
Freedom, individuality, and choice are central to the ideals of metal.

And I'm Margaret Thatcher.
[Jan 25,2012 10:59am - Manowarrior  ""]

Alx_Casket said:
Manowarrior said:
Freedom, individuality, and choice are central to the ideals of metal.

And I'm Margaret Thatcher.

Hey, not everyone who claims to be into "metal" is going to understand this or live their lives according to the actual values that the metal culture has cultivated since its inception.

Just makes you another poser, not Margaret Thatcher.
[Jan 25,2012 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Mano, I do indeed have some dubious tastes now.
[Jan 25,2012 11:01am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm sorry, but your posts have been anything but inspirational of those three things. You're a falsehood.
[Jan 25,2012 11:01am - Josh_Martin ""]
I'm too drunk (and also at work) to read through this thread.

You don't trick 'em. They're either gay or they're not.
[Jan 25,2012 11:07am - Manowarrior  ""]

Alx_Casket said:I'm sorry, but your posts have been anything but inspirational of those three things. You're a falsehood.

Only from your narrow view, which is hopelessly tainted by what is hip and accepted.
[Jan 25,2012 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Only hip metal is real.

[Jan 25,2012 11:10am - ark  ""]
sounds like manowarrior has some unresolved issues with his father.
[Jan 25,2012 11:11am - Alx_Casket ""]
I bet he has a mediocre gun rack.
[Jan 25,2012 11:28am - punk potenza  ""]

Josh_Martin said:I'm too drunk (and also at work) to read through this thread.

You don't trick 'em. They're either gay or they're not.

true. though josh my dad DID tell me bout AC back in the day......
[Jan 25,2012 1:24pm - Manowarrior  ""]

ark said:sounds like manowarrior has some unresolved issues with his father.

Indeed, he died before I had the pleasure of wringing the life from him with my own two hands.
[Jan 25,2012 1:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya i bet that happened.
[Jan 25,2012 1:28pm - Manowarrior  ""]
No, it didn't happen, thus the unresolved issue.

If it had happened, it would be resolved now, wouldn't it genius?
[Jan 25,2012 3:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ ITT: Manowarrior is Luke Skywalker
[Jan 25,2012 3:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 25,2012 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 25,2012 4:14pm - Manowarrior  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:^ ITT: Manowarrior is Luke Skywalker

You really are fucking dumb, Luke didn't even kill his father.

I believe in a truly civilized society, every son should have the opportunity to kill his own father. Firstly, as a means of controlling population, secondly, as a test of his manhood and fitness as a human being.

Someday I hope we evolve that far, obviously you backwoods lot will never make it.
[Jan 25,2012 4:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Manowarrior said:
DestroyYouAlot said:^ ITT: Manowarrior is Luke Skywalker

You really are fucking dumb, I didn't even kill my father, since I'm Luke Skywalker. So, actually, good show. I retract any and all criticisms.

[Jan 25,2012 5:29pm - xgodzillax ""]

xmikex said:I would advise going the traditional route of forcing him to listen to radio bullshit his entire childhood, throwing out his Guns N Roses and Naughty By Nature tapes, and letting his cousin introduce him to Sepultura Beneath the Remains somewhere around age 13.

I grew up with an older sister who loved everything madonna, and NWA. my dad bought me the Black Sabbath s/t cassette when I was 7. my mom found it and said I couldnt have it back until I was 18, so I stole my sisters "straight outta compton" tape. my mom did not like that either, so music was taken away from me. my dad bought me master of puppets and ride the lightning on tape just to spite my mother.
[Jan 25,2012 9:55pm - Thundersteel ""]
Funny thing is, parents back in the 80s wanted their kids to NOT be into metal. My how the times have changed!
[Jan 25,2012 10:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If you have a daughter, mangle one of her hands and give her tremendous inadequacies about being a girl in metal. Then she'll namedrop Graveland and amass a large picture lp collection.

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