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Parents, how do you trick your kids into liking metal?

[Jan 25,2012 11:07pm - t2daeek ""]
don't train your kid like a dog. that cheese shit i just read is retarded. like full on retarded.
getting into liking metal is supposed to be part of adolescent rebellion. unless you're cool with this whole attack attack radio disney bag of dicks-core shit we have now.
[Jan 26,2012 12:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
I just watched Avantasia.The.Flying.Opera.Around.The.World.In.Twenty.Days.2011.1080p with my guitarist (the only other person I know who likes that band as much as I do), and I feel like a kid again.
[Jan 26,2012 12:44am - burnsy ""]

Thundersteel said:Funny thing is, parents back in the 80s wanted their kids to NOT be into metal. My how the times have changed!

Most parents still don't want their kids getting into metal. I think extrapolating one thread on the whole internet over the entire population of parents is probably foolhardy.
[Jan 26,2012 1:31am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ implying rttp isn't representative of the population as a whole :D
[Jan 26,2012 1:51am - Marsh nli  ""]
Hard rock is chill
[Jan 26,2012 2:45am - search feature troll  ""]
tricking your children into liking metal by telling them it has candy and will take you to disney world in order to deter would be kidnappers from forcing their will on children since they will no longer believe candy and disney world trips come from a person, but a genre of music while you finger your pisshole in front of your cats who are in heat and acting rather suspicious in such a way that they may find your secret stash of cocaine laced with psychedelic bread mold
[Jan 26,2012 2:59am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jan 26,2012 8:08am - Yeti ""]

xgodzillax said:
xmikex said:I would advise going the traditional route of forcing him to listen to radio bullshit his entire childhood, throwing out his Guns N Roses and Naughty By Nature tapes, and letting his cousin introduce him to Sepultura Beneath the Remains somewhere around age 13.

I grew up with an older sister who loved everything madonna, and NWA. my dad bought me the Black Sabbath s/t cassette when I was 7. my mom found it and said I couldnt have it back until I was 18, so I stole my sisters "straight outta compton" tape. my mom did not like that either, so music was taken away from me. my dad bought me master of puppets and ride the lightning on tape just to spite my mother.

hahaha this is almost exactly how it was for me. my older sister was into the same stuff, and my parents wouldn't allow me to listen to "Doggystyle". so a friend gave me a copy of Master of Puppets, but they didn't have a problem with that since it didn't have any "bad language". or so they thought.
[Jan 26,2012 8:13am - Yeti ""]

Manowarrior said:
arilliusbm said:Exactly, Mano. If he wants to listen to metal, I won't force it on him. I only expose metal, among other types of music.
In b4 I'm accused of being you again.

Despite your dubious tastes, you tend to be one of the few people who has repeatedly displayed the values that metal is supposed to be about. I can respect that, if perhaps not your tastes.

Freedom, individuality, and choice are central to the ideals of metal. Forcing metal onto your children undermines these two core values, and makes you an idiot.

some of your rantings and ravings about the core values of metal are a bit obnoxious, however i am an elitist and do agree with most of them. this in particular is one of them. my girls son is 9, but i'm not going to make him choose what he wants to listen to. i have metal playing in my house regularly, if he chooses to pay attention to it, great, if not, that is his choice and i'm not going to "trick" him or "convert" him.

however the other day i was listening to Twilight of the Thunder God, and he was playing with Legos in the same room. i heard him mutter under his breath "yeah, that's cool, your destiny awaaaits".
[Feb 9,2012 8:46am - arilliusbm ""]
Ostelio likes Nu Metal.
[Feb 9,2012 8:53am - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:Ostelio likes Nu Metal.
Facebook says so
[Feb 9,2012 9:00am - the_reverend ""]
ostelio also says so... oh well, maybe I can get him to learn history instead. First off, the movie 10,000BC.
[Feb 9,2012 9:30am - arktouros ""]
then, apocalypto and braveheart.
[Feb 9,2012 9:31am - RustyPS ""]
Why don't you show him the future while you're at it.....MOTHERFUCKING 2012

[Feb 9,2012 9:32am - Burnsy ""]
Then the patriot and world trade center. All in a days work.
[Feb 9,2012 11:16am - dreadkill ""]
back to the future, history of the world, and bill &ted are all you need
[Feb 14,2012 8:45am - Ostelio NLI  ""]
Papa, can I have php training while listening to The Sword?
[Feb 14,2012 8:57am - DukeManjunk ""]
only steel panther is real

[Feb 14,2012 2:08pm - yummy ""]
I didn't have to trick him. I just play the music I like. He doesn't consider it to be music for outsiders just that nobody in his class knows who Ministry is except him. He does like some stuff I hate but I think that's how it goes.

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