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MA Taxes, tolls, and etc. going up... YET AGAIN

[Jan 15,2013 3:44pm - Burnsy ""]
Obama's middle name is HUSSEIN! He's OBVIOUSLY a TERRIST, FAGGITZ!
[Jan 15,2013 3:45pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, I'm for limited government and limited taxation but infrastructure is one of the cornerstones of a strong economy.
[Jan 15,2013 3:48pm - Burnsy ""]
And yeah, fuck tolls. What a crock. $3.75 to come back over the Tobin from Peabody, fuck right off with that shit.
[Jan 15,2013 3:50pm - BSV  ""]

largefreakatzero said:
BSV said:
I live and work in NH, but I do agree that the job opportunities are better (and generally higher paying) in the Commonwealth. I could make more money working for a company down there, but I choose not to.

Though I do have MA vendors, so don't worry, I still support your state as much as I like to avoid visiting.

No worries. I've always understood the contempt for Massholes from our northern neighbors. I don't take it personally and I generally enjoy getting you guys all fired up, but that's me; a dude who watches talk radio on the tv, inciting debate left and right.

[Jan 15,2013 4:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I really don't hate MA people, I just like to call out stereotypes because it's funny (and all stereotypes exist for a reason).

I think the real reason that MA people have a bad reputation with NH residents, is because many treat this state like their entitled personal playground. It's just obnoxious seeing $60,000+ shiny SUVs with MA plates parading around this state like they own it...oh wait...they now do, and they just elected this fucking cunt to run it:


Typical born-rich liberal twat.
[Jan 15,2013 5:11pm - BSV  ""]
Where is she from, Rye?
I'm fairly confident you guys and Mainers TRADEMARKED "MASSHOLE" because of our driving skills.
As far profiling Range Rovers, we hate Wellsley/Newton snobs just as much, trust me.
[Jan 15,2013 5:43pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Born in Boston, grew up in Lincoln. Very rich family -- they have a "family estate" in Little Compton, RI. Here you go:

[Jan 15,2013 5:53pm - narkybark ""]
So is this or isn't this the thread for whining about federal taxes also going up $1000+?
[Jan 20,2013 4:56am - Hoser ""]

largefreakatzero said:Born in Boston, grew up in Lincoln. Very rich family -- they have a "family estate" in Little Compton, RI. Here you go:


She lives in Exeter, NH
[Jan 20,2013 5:58pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Our tax dollars are supposed to go to infrastructure FIRST, but instead it's going to SALARIES for deadbeat politician crooks and unionized neer do well fagholes who are on lunch from 9 to 5. Oh, you want your potholes filled and bridges passable? You gotta pay extra for that, bub...
[Jan 20,2013 6:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Got a raise, more than offsets tax hikes. Strong unions are the balls.
[Jan 20,2013 6:09pm - DYA is MY DICK  ""]

BSV said:It's simple, like when I play Age of Empires, I could just sit on me gold but after awhile you gotta upgrade all the buildings.

Politics I can get down with.
[Jan 20,2013 6:13pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Unions are a branch of the Democratic party, your "dues" go to support and elect lying hypocrite cuntholes like Elizabeth Warren and every other pandering fuck who excels at giving away the shirt off other people's backs. Pass.
I do like fat chicks though, so at least we have that in common.
[Jan 21,2013 4:17am - Garth Algar  ""]
Unions rule. Fuck everyone of all y'all who naysay.Also, Big bag of assorted nigger parts is fucking retarded. Being an asshole online is no longer edgy.
[Jan 21,2013 11:54am - destroyyoualot ""]

Garth%20Algar said:Unions rule. Fuck everyone of all y'all who naysay.Also, Big bag of assorted nigger parts is fucking retarded. Being an asshole online is no longer edgy.

[Jan 21,2013 1:25pm - ShadowSD ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:Unions are a branch of the Democratic party

Well OK, but in that case, management is a branch of the Republican party, and any worker who sides with management's interests over their own is a naive propaganda sucking tool.

Both yours and mine are mostly true statements - as long as you take into account that there are some union members who are Republicans, and corporate interests in bed with some Democratic politicians. Kind of murks it up a little bit. But not much.

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:your "dues" go to support and elect lying hypocrite cuntholes like Elizabeth Warren and every other pandering fuck who excels at giving away the shirt off other people's backs.

Warren is your example of the worst Democrat? Consumers over big banks Elizabeth Warren? The big banks can afford to buy their own shirts without anyone of us going to bat for their financial interests.

Bad Democrats to me are the type that are too chummy with the banks: Jon Corzine, Cory Booker, Chuck Schumer... lots of examples to choose from without going after an actual credible populist like Warren.
[Jan 21,2013 5:15pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
I was calling Warren a lying hypocrite cunthole because she's got the gall to complain ad infinitum about "millionairres and billionairres" not paying more in taxes, and yet SHE, a multimillionairre (she's worth over $15 mil), has never opted to pay the higher voluntary tax rate in MA. And before she was in MA, she was registered as a Republican which also makes her a carpetbagging panderer as well. And this isn't necessarily an indictment of Democrats, there's no difference with the RINOs either (which most are). ALL OF THEM are guilty of the same.
[Jan 22,2013 6:42am - truequintessence_nli  ""]

largefreakatzero said:Born in Boston, grew up in Lincoln. Very rich family -- they have a "family estate" in Little Compton, RI. Here you go:


So instead of this cunt we were supposed to vote for that Ovid Lamon...frenchy faggot sounding name guy who wanted to outlaw abortion (bible, merica) etc,

Republicans need to just stop reading the bible and die off if they have any hope of winning any states north of alabama in the future. FACT.
[Jan 22,2013 6:44am - truequintessence_nli  ""]
I am a NH resident btw and enjoy it more than MA, but I'd much rather live in Vermont and yes it is impossible to find any fucking jobs here.
[Jan 22,2013 10:33am - largefreakatzero ""]

truequintessence_nli said:
largefreakatzero said:Born in Boston, grew up in Lincoln. Very rich family -- they have a "family estate" in Little Compton, RI. Here you go:


So instead of this cunt we were supposed to vote for that Ovid Lamon...frenchy faggot sounding name guy who wanted to outlaw abortion (bible, merica) etc,

Republicans need to just stop reading the bible and die off if they have any hope of winning any states north of alabama in the future. FACT.

I voted for Babiarz, the Libertarian candidate. I didn't vote for Lamontagne because he was a bible-thumping pro-life douche. You're absolutely right about the Republican party, if they want to get elected:
-Get the religious right out of the party
-Let the fags get married (really, who gives a fuck)
-Stop with the anti-abortion shit
-Go back to be a fiscally conservative party

I hate liberals, but I also hate Jesus fags. Doesn't leave alot of choices in our useless 2 party system.

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