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What the fuck is it with girls?

[Apr 6,2005 2:34pm - dumb bell  ""]
"Growing up"... Such a conformist and shitty term. "Growing up" is highly over rated.
[Apr 6,2005 2:35pm - Christraper ""]
I agree. Growing up is for chumps.
[Apr 6,2005 2:37pm - Christraper ""]
And this post wasnt about me not getting any because thats just not true. It was about how every girl ive ever dated completely changed after things got serious.
[Apr 6,2005 2:50pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Christraper said:Theres absolutely nothing wrong with smoking and fucking all day.

sure there is. there is no substance to life if you indulge in two completely inconsequential activities that dont accomplish anything except for being a selfish asshole. there are a ton of other aspects of being alive that are far more rewarding than that. not realizing that is the downfall of you, as an actual human being. its what i was referring to in my last post. the fact that a person would honestly believe that smoking and fucking all day is worthwhile is absurd. not to mention that you will get bored with it after about a week. i dont know... im sure its all opinion based... but damn, i sure as hell hope that people dont really find such a shallow lifestyle appealing.
[Apr 6,2005 2:52pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Christraper said:And this post wasnt about me not getting any because thats just not true. It was about how every girl ive ever dated completely changed after things got serious.

i cant really stress that anymore...
[Apr 6,2005 3:01pm - Hooker ""]
Just fucking stop having girlfriends. Just nail chicks.
[Apr 6,2005 3:17pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
Let's describe a certain female. A female with the disease of character
and attitude. If you will a snob. However in a view of NWA...

A bitch is a bitch (bitch)
So if I'm poor or rich (word up)
I talk in the exact same pitch
Now the title bitch don't apply to all women
But all women have a little bitch in 'em (yeah)
It's like a disease that's plagues their character
Takin' the women of America (yeah)
And it starts with a letter B
It makes a girl like that think she better than me (bitch)
See, some get mad and some just bury
But, yo, if the shoe fits wear it (wear it)
It makes 'em go deaf in the ear
That's why when you say 'hi' she won't say 'hi'
Are you the kind that think you're too damn fly?
Bitch eat shit 'n die (ha, ha)
Ice cube comin' at you at crazy pitch
(Why?) I think a bitch is a bitch

'Who the fuck you think you're callin' a bitch you little ? muthafucka?
I dunno who the fuck you think you're talkin' to. Let me tell you one
muthafuckin' thang, I'm not a...' 'Bitch, shut the fuck up.'

Yo, you can tell a girl that's out for the money (How?)
She look good and the bitch won't phony
She ain't no dummy she's right the ...
Yo, bitch fuck when I'm driving
See a young nigga that's striving
You're thru' without a BMW
That's why a bitch is a bitch
I guess, or ether P-M-S
Here, test the girl that's kinda snobby (a'ight)
And I bet you dis a nigga is her hobby
And after she finished the test
Write today a B-I-T-C-H
And watch her get mad 'cause she know it's true (she know it)
But a nigga like me, I say 'fuck you'
Do like Ice Cube, slam her ass in a ditch (slam her ass)
'Cause a bitch is a bitch

'Why I gonna be a bitch?'
'I ain't call you no bitch. If you'd listen to a goddamn song it'd tell
you what a bitch is.'
'Fuck the song 'cause I'm not no muthafuckin' bitch.'
'I didn't say you was a bitch.'
'Fuck you, punk-ass nigga!'
'Fuck you, bitch!
'Fuck you! Who the fuck you think you are?
'Fuck you! Suck my dick, bitch!

I once knew a bitch who got a slack
'Cause she playing me like she was all that
A bitch can be your best friend talking behind your back (yeah)
About who's fucking who and who's getting fat
Look at yourself for me, (look bitch)
Now do you fall in this category?
Or you're the kind that won't bleak
'Cause you don't think, yo, shit stinks
Luckily I haven't had a drink
'Cause I'll down you ass
Than I'll clown your ass
'Cause the niggas I hang with ain't rich (I ain't rich)
We're all saying 'Fuck you bitch!' (Word up!)
Now, what I can do with a hoe like you
Been your ass over then I'm thru'
? that you see Ice Cube ain't takin' no shit
(Why?) 'Cause I think a bitch is a bitch

There you have it. The description of a bitch. Now ask yourself,
are they talking about you? Are you that funky, dirty, money-hungry,
scandalous, stuck-up, hair piece contact wearing bitch? Yep, you
probably are.


[Apr 6,2005 4:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ive been completely straight up honest the last couple weeks with the girls ive met, and fully expressed my intentions and been 100% honest and myself, and this in turn has somehow gotten them more interested in me. My friend and i were commenting on how he tries with all these fairy tales to get women, and i just stand and be myself and more talk to me. I dont know why, but it works, let them come to you and stand your ground, it'll make the good ones better and the fake ones bounce.
[Apr 6,2005 4:50pm - Hooker ""]
You have to be straight up. Keith is right.

"I just want to hook up with hot broads"


"yep. that's the truth"

[Apr 6,2005 4:57pm - Josh_Martin ""]
thegreatspaldino said:Christraper said:Theres absolutely nothing wrong with smoking and fucking all day.

sure there is. there is no substance to life if you indulge in two completely inconsequential activities that dont accomplish anything except for being a selfish asshole. there are a ton of other aspects of being alive that are far more rewarding than that. not realizing that is the downfall of you, as an actual human being. its what i was referring to in my last post. the fact that a person would honestly believe that smoking and fucking all day is worthwhile is absurd. not to mention that you will get bored with it after about a week. i dont know... im sure its all opinion based... but damn, i sure as hell hope that people dont really find such a shallow lifestyle appealing.

Spoken like a straight edge virgin.

[Apr 6,2005 4:59pm - KeithMutiny ""]
HEY im a straight edge virgin
[Apr 6,2005 4:59pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
sucks to be you
[Apr 6,2005 5:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
... im a liar too
[Apr 6,2005 5:08pm - Hooker ""]
Dude, chicks just can't accept the fact that I'm also in love with Mary Jane, bro.

I mean, one minute this chick's all like in my Iroc, and I just got off work at fuckin' pepboys and so you know I'm totally blazed, and we're just cruisin and crankin' tunes and she goes "OH SHIT!! Is this Out of the Dark Into the Light?" and I'm like "fuckin' A it is!!" and then I think to myself... how cool is it that I landed a chick who not only like Kreator... but also weighs in at a slim and trim 168 lbs?!! Fuckin' A, DUDE!!

But then, after six months of watching me play air guitar while I drink Capri Sun and smoke my paycheck away, she gets all fuckin' bitchy. I mean... what the fuck? Fuck that. I'm gonna go post about it on RTTP. Those bros know how to deal with shit like this.
[Apr 6,2005 5:23pm - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 6,2005 6:59pm - powerkok ""]
the vikings are reclaiming this fag laden area.
Go home, nothing to see here.
[Apr 6,2005 9:16pm - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 7,2005 2:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hooker said:Just fucking stop having girlfriends. Just nail chicks.

THAT will eventually get you into trouble.

[Apr 7,2005 3:54pm - Hooker ""]
Depends on if you try to hide it, or if you just lay the law down. Tell it like it is.
[Apr 7,2005 4:08pm - SacDouche  ""]
all girls are crazy...because they are not human...they are some strange berserk extraterrestrial beings
[Apr 7,2005 8:34pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Josh_Martin said:thegreatspaldino said:Christraper said:Theres absolutely nothing wrong with smoking and fucking all day.

sure there is. there is no substance to life if you indulge in two completely inconsequential activities that dont accomplish anything except for being a selfish asshole. there are a ton of other aspects of being alive that are far more rewarding than that. not realizing that is the downfall of you, as an actual human being. its what i was referring to in my last post. the fact that a person would honestly believe that smoking and fucking all day is worthwhile is absurd. not to mention that you will get bored with it after about a week. i dont know... im sure its all opinion based... but damn, i sure as hell hope that people dont really find such a shallow lifestyle appealing.

Spoken like a straight edge virgin.

yeah... lets ignore the fact that i totally am not into hardcore or fighting people for no reason. i also drink occasionally and fuck huge librarians from time to time.

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