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Did you turn your heat on yet?

[Oct 25,2005 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
it's currently 52.
I'm thinking I should think about turning it on.
[Oct 25,2005 11:45am - death2all NLI  ""]
do it, that way if there's anything wrong you can catch it now, rather than when it's 32
[Oct 25,2005 11:46am - succubus ""]
if you are referring to my email...
YES goddammit
i told you to turn it on

EVERYONE i know has it on

i'm so glad you're working from home so you can feel the cold, Mr i'm usually at shows so the heat doesn't need to be turned on
[Oct 25,2005 11:46am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, we've been using it. The woman is always cold.
[Oct 25,2005 11:46am - succubus ""]
oh and it's a democracy..i want the heat on...
turn the fucker on

[Oct 25,2005 11:46am - death2all NLI  ""]
chicks always crank that shit up.
[Oct 25,2005 11:46am - brian_dc ""]
we are waiting until November 1! it's the dumbest idea since Suessical!
[Oct 25,2005 11:47am - succubus ""]
because we are flipping COLD!
i told aaron to turn it on alreadu but he was busy being a man...and noe that he's home and freezing his balls...

well the heat is on baby
it had better be when i come home otherwise the whip will come out!
[Oct 25,2005 11:47am - the_reverend ""]
my hands are just a bit cold.
[Oct 25,2005 11:48am - succubus ""]
turn it on

[Oct 25,2005 11:53am - the_reverend ""]
I should probably get the chiney cleaned first.
[Oct 25,2005 11:54am - succubus ""]
i knew ther ewas a reason i didn't just turn it on myself

[Oct 25,2005 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 25,2005 11:57am - succubus ""]
ok so do you have to hire someone to clean it?

[Oct 25,2005 12:02pm - DreamingInExile ""]
death2all NLI said:chicks always crank that shit up.

not true, my fiancee always complains about it being too hot... so I'm the one that's always freezing...
[Oct 25,2005 12:03pm - succubus ""]
i can totally relate my friend....
[Oct 25,2005 12:04pm - thedeparted nli  ""]
i think my dad turned it on the other day
my step mom was complaining

[Oct 25,2005 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
DIE is a woman,
his fiancee is a man.
[Oct 25,2005 12:06pm - succubus ""]
funnny i was typing his sn initials and saw it spelled DIE and it didn't sound nice so i just said "my friend" instead..

but aaron can you clean the chimney?
[Oct 25,2005 12:08pm - DreamingInExile ""]
the_reverend said:DIE is a woman, his fiancee is a man.

watch it there Aaron, or this forum may end up more derailed then Shroud's forum... and that's bad... really bad...

by the way, my fiancee would probably kick your ass for saying that HAHAHA
[Oct 25,2005 12:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I picture "my boyfriends back and you're gonna be in trouble" playing in the background.
[Oct 25,2005 12:12pm - succubus ""]
you are gonna be in trouble if you don't answer my question
[Oct 25,2005 12:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I already did.
[Oct 25,2005 12:21pm - succubus ""]
but you never told me what the diff is with dvd-r and dvd+r
[Oct 25,2005 12:54pm - Yeti  ""]
i heard a rumor that it may snow tonight
[Oct 25,2005 1:07pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
i was just at a red light, and i noticed some snow on my windshield. I vote to turn the heat on, but then again, i live in an unsealed attic with no insulation, so i might be a little biased.
[Oct 25,2005 1:14pm - intricateprocess ""]
i really dont want to turn the heat on because i just feel like paying anymore bills

the wind was blowing right through my window this morning even though it was closed
[Oct 25,2005 2:05pm - thedeparted ""]
Yeti said:i heard a rumor that it may snow tonight

wow, new england sucks butt
winter now starts in october and ends in may
there is no more fall or spring
snow & sunshine
[Oct 25,2005 2:09pm - BobDead  ""]
we dont turn our heat on til Dec usually..we are ghetto fabulous....:(
[Oct 25,2005 2:41pm - scoracrasia ""]
I have mine up to 60, mighty white of me huh?
[Oct 25,2005 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm usually at 63 with a woodstove.
I'm in stratham NH and it was just snowing.
[Oct 25,2005 3:02pm - succubus ""]
it was snowing in portsmouth too aaron...we were all looking out the window and it wasn't rain
[Oct 25,2005 3:04pm - the_reverend ""]
not yikes.
I'm going to look for the staple gun @ home.
if I don't find one, you go buy one while I'm teaching.
[Oct 25,2005 3:05pm - succubus ""]
well look now so i can just stop on the way home because once i'm home i don't want to leave...let me know
[Oct 25,2005 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm also going to figure out a way to change scrap paper into burnable pellets...
and then take over the world.
[Oct 25,2005 3:08pm - succubus ""]
did you do what i asked btw?
[Oct 25,2005 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]

ps... it's now 50 in here.
[Oct 25,2005 3:13pm - DreamingInExile ""]
succubus said:did you do what i asked btw?

if you're asking if he turned on the heat, he probably didn't
[Oct 25,2005 3:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:I'm usually at 63 with a woodstove.
I'm in stratham NH and it was just snowing.

Concord, NH -- rain mixed with sleet.
[Oct 25,2005 3:17pm - DreamingInExile ""]
it's just rain in Atkinson, I'm waiting for the temp to drop a bit more then I know it'll start snowing
[Oct 25,2005 3:22pm - succubus ""]
[Oct 25,2005 3:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I just successfully mostly sealed one door.
I just need a staple gun to fix it in place.
it looks like it will work.

oh and I found a staple gun, but the staples I have don't fit in it!
[Oct 25,2005 3:40pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Duct Tape Aaron, Duct Tape!
[Oct 25,2005 3:49pm - succubus ""]
are the staples too big or too small?
[Oct 25,2005 3:50pm - the_reverend ""]
they are too small.
duct tape would level sticky stuff behind.
[Oct 25,2005 4:00pm - DreamingInExile ""]
the_reverend said:they are too small.
duct tape would level sticky stuff behind.

masking tape works well, but it may not hold for that long, you can also invest in some of those heat shrink films they actually work great
[Oct 25,2005 4:35pm - anonymous  ""]
Fuck no! I didn't turn on the heat once last year either. Motherfucking GRIM!
[Oct 25,2005 4:55pm - Dissector ""]
My dad refuses to turn the heat on until the first snow storm.
[Oct 25,2005 8:17pm - wade ""]
the_reverend said:I'm also going to figure out a way to change scrap paper into burnable pellets...
and then take over the world.

if you drill stacks of paper with hollow bits, you get paper pellets.

[Oct 25,2005 8:20pm - wade ""]
does putting that 3M plastic on the windows work?

Heat's been on here for 2 nights. at least reg. gas is $2.29 now.

we heat the house with propane.

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