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Saturday, Dec 3rd - The Freeze, American Distress, 26 Beers, Lame Excuse, Suburban Decay

Harpers Ferry (Allston, Ma) - [powerglove][randomshots][stillrize][stoic][26_beers][american_distress][lame_excuse][the_freeze]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Nov 10,2005 10:31pm - PatMeebles ""]
[Nov 10,2005 10:32pm - PatMeebles ""]
Damnit, that should've gone into the shows forum.
[Nov 10,2005 11:00pm - nate ""]
Wow I am surpsised to see the Freeze doing shows again. Any idea who is playing in the band now? Is Cliff really sober enough to be doing shows again?
[Nov 10,2005 11:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im hoping to make it too this show, looks like a good time
[Nov 12,2005 1:59pm - PatMeebles ""]
Bump to make me feel important
[Nov 12,2005 3:03pm - Dissector ""]
I'll probably be there. Unless I forget.
[Nov 20,2005 11:06pm - Dissector ""]
I'm most deffinitely going to this now.
[Nov 20,2005 11:11pm - PatMeebles ""]
YES!!! We need as many people there as physically possible.
[Nov 25,2005 1:35pm - PatMeebles ""]
[Nov 27,2005 10:44pm - Dissector ""]
Bump. I can't fucking wait.
Doesnt anybody nkow if The Freeze will have any merch besides cds?
[Nov 27,2005 10:52pm - PatMeebles ""]
Don't know. You bringing anyone with you?
[Nov 28,2005 2:39am - Jonah nli  ""]
the freeze are cool
[Nov 30,2005 11:01pm - PatMeebles ""]
AHHHH!!! Everybody go!!
[Dec 3,2005 10:09am - PatMeebles ""]
[Dec 3,2005 10:12am - the_reverend ""]
I'm still trying to figure out what show to go to today.
which room is this going on at the YWCA?
[Dec 3,2005 10:15am - PatMeebles ""]
That big one on the left when you walk in. 260 person capacity.
[Dec 3,2005 10:15am - PatMeebles ""]
By the way, I don't know how you'd react to the first two bands, but I'd really appreciate it if you showed up for my band and the last two.
[Dec 3,2005 10:17am - the_reverend ""]
ok.. I might be a little lame here, but which band is your band?
[Dec 3,2005 10:19am - BlackoutRick ""]
Hey Reverend, are you going to the Hell Within show on Jan. 7th at Reflections?
[Dec 3,2005 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
I don't know... I think I was looking at going there.
[Dec 3,2005 11:03am - PatMeebles ""]
26 Beers
[Dec 3,2005 11:05am - the_reverend ""]
all this time, I thought you were in trinity test..
though I don't know why.
[Dec 3,2005 11:08am - the_reverend ""]
I guess I will add this to the events page because you forgot to.
[Dec 3,2005 11:11am - PatMeebles ""]
Damn, I forgot there was another section besides the shows one. Thanks.
[Dec 3,2005 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
I was updating http://www.pepelis.com (my portfolio) and I wanted that to show on the schedule.
[Dec 3,2005 12:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Bump for random metalhead Freeze appreciation. Also, 26 Beers is sick, check'em out if you haven't.
[Dec 3,2005 12:17pm - Dissector ""]
We're bringing 2 car loads of people. We're going to be a little late though.
[Dec 3,2005 7:57pm - the_reverend ""]
AD on now... it smells like stail beer, elmers glue, and b.o.
[Dec 3,2005 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
uploading soon.
[Dec 4,2005 1:54am - PatMeebles ""]
I had no idea we were so unphotogenic
[Dec 4,2005 2:06am - the_reverend ""]
no, I'm terrible at shooting people.
[Dec 4,2005 2:13am - PatMeebles ""]

I don't think it's you.
[Dec 4,2005 4:56pm - the_reverend ""]
lame excuse: I ran in during their set to hear some blink 182 being played by the guitarist... It as a joke though the crowd liked it more than they should.. Punk hardcore music so half of their set was covers; hardtimes cromags and waste youth crew B4B. Played one song after they were suppose to stop. Great crowd response. I didn't like the skaing part, but whatever.

26 beers: they got on wicked quick after lame excuse. They got a similarly excellent crowd response from the wave of mohawks in the crowd. Th stage was fill with people a lot of the time. They were either singing, singing at the wrong time, or jumping off. The singer asked for and 1/2 got a wall-of-death. He also asked for continuous stage diving for their last song. Again, he 1/2 got that. People dove as long as there were people in the front to catch them.
[Dec 4,2005 5:47pm - the_reverend ""]
american distress: it took me 1/2 their set to convince myself that the singer wasn't a drunken mel gibson. I didn't really care for them. Most of their songs live I wouldn't even consider punk. The drummer did have a nice tight sound to his kit, but the mics on it weren't working right.
[Dec 4,2005 7:13pm - Nate nli  ""]
Wheres the Freeze review?
[Dec 4,2005 7:25pm - the_reverend ""]
not written yet..
[Dec 4,2005 9:29pm - Dissector ""]
Man, The Freeze kicked ass. I'm sore as fuck from all that diving.
[Dec 4,2005 9:34pm - Dissector ""]
Did Lame Excuse cover Cromags? I thought it was 26 Beers.
[Dec 4,2005 9:35pm - the_reverend ""]
freeze, the: the singer was wearing that hottopic shirt that said "costume". but it should have said "cosmo". he looked like a warn out kramer (from the hit 1990's TV series seinfield). I thought that I didn't really know any of their songs, but with a lot of bands that hae been around for this long, I actually DO know them. I just didn't know that I knew them... but now that I know that I know, believe you me, I know. they played a bunch of tracks that I actually had heard before on various comps. most of their talk backs consisted of the fact that they have been around for a long long time. in fact, they formed before 95% of the kids in the audience were alive. unsurprisingly, all the kids in the crowd really really got into it. it wasn't quite ICC crazy, but it was fairly packed. I would say that most of the punks in the area definitly came out fot this one. I don't think there was another person with a spike, stud, or oversized rivet with in 5 miles of there that wasn't either there at the show or outside the show smoking. at that is saying something for this town. just think of all those yuppies walking through harvard square not getting asked for change by kids who's parents bought them both their jean jacked and their mohawking hair products. I guess the freeze are once again writing a new album. they played 2 tracks that are new and going to be on the next CD. these songs were also played on their WERS set from a few months ago. One of the guitarists was a fill in. I think he had something like 1 or 2 days to get the songs down. he actually had all the music on sheets laid out at his feet. they played stuff from all over their catalog. even some stuff of some old 7"s. "if you have a copy of that 7 inch, you can make $500 on ebay." the singer said before playing an old track "atleast that's how much my last copy went for." amazing that a band like that can cash in on their history better than the sex pistols could (and I mean at least they haven't been on a beer commercial). at a bunch of points during their set, kids from the audience hit the old guitarist's pedals, cutting out the sound. it was funny to watch him get made and kick at the person who did that, including the singer.
[Dec 5,2005 12:47am - BornSoVile ""]
the Freeze is one band I've been wanting to see so fucking bad for 5 + years, my time will come, if only I knew about this one.
[Dec 5,2005 1:00am - PatMeebles ""]
They want to play again. I'll have to see about whether I can deal with the stress one more time, though.
[Dec 5,2005 6:51am - Dissector ""]
BornSoVile said:the Freeze is one band I've been wanting to see so fucking bad for 5 + years, my time will come, if only I knew about this one.

I think they're playing again somewhere April 13th. If I remember correctly.
[Dec 5,2005 1:54pm - anonymous  ""]
hey reverend, fuck you and your smart ass talk about the kids at the show. the freeze were fucking awesome you faggot. why do you care so much about what the crowd dresses like? no one cares about your opinion on the crowd dipshit.
[Dec 5,2005 1:58pm - anonymous  ""]
hah obviously you do if you took the time to read what he wrote and look at the pictures he took
[Dec 5,2005 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]
please, return the jean jacket your mom just got you and grow a sense of humor.
[Dec 5,2005 6:59pm - nate nli  ""]
hehe anyone remember the show I did in Dennis at the Senior Center w/ Goratory, Pillory, Ascendancy, Leukorrhea, Coffin Birth and Dead God? Does the Freeze bassist look familiar? He was the guy that brought all the sound equipment and ran it for me that nigyht. It's cool to see he's still in the band, I've known that kid from 5th grade.
[Dec 5,2005 11:04pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:hey reverend, fuck you and your smart ass talk about the kids at the show. the freeze were fucking awesome you faggot. why do you care so much about what the crowd dresses like? no one cares about your opinion on the crowd dipshit.

obviously you do faggot

- sam jordan
[Dec 7,2005 1:35pm - anonymous  ""]
Yah it was 26 Beers who covered Cro-Mags. And we only did one cover... Wasted Youth Crew. But pretty cool for a descent review none-the-less.

Awesome show.

- Baker, LE
[Dec 9,2005 2:19am - anonymous  ""]
THE FREEZE still fucking have it after all these years! The ONE band from the original Boston hardcore scene that meant what they said and played what they meant!
[Dec 9,2005 2:22am - anonymous  ""]
[COLOR=sandy brown]blank[/COLOR]blankTHE FREEZE are the ONE band that still plays and sings what they mean! There's no Blink 182 in this bunch, just pure PUNK FUCKING ROCK. Hey REV? I always thought that Kramer had long fuzzy hair, I saw Clif Hanger with short hair, so one of us must have been blind and it sure as fuck wasn't me!

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