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Saturday, Dec 3rd - The Freeze, American Distress, 26 Beers, Lame Excuse, Suburban Decay

Harpers Ferry (Allston, Ma) - [powerglove][randomshots][stillrize][stoic][26_beers][american_distress][lame_excuse][the_freeze]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Dec 9,2005 2:39am - anonymous  ""]
I don't know how sober Clif was but he sure as fuck pulled this one off!
[Dec 9,2005 2:49am - clifhanger ""]
This is Clif from THE FREEZE. Just a quick "Thanks" to everyone who came out to see the show on Dec 3rd! We'll be playing Boston again soon, hopefully we're going to put something together with JERRY'S KIDS. Anyone who wants to keep in touch can email me directly at rabidreaction@adelphia.net Oh, and "was I sober"? What do you think?
[Dec 9,2005 10:48pm - Dissector ""]
clifhanger said:This is Clif from THE FREEZE. Just a quick "Thanks" to everyone who came out to see the show on Dec 3rd! We'll be playing Boston again soon, hopefully we're going to put something together with JERRY'S KIDS. Anyone who wants to keep in touch can email me directly at rabidreaction@adelphia.net Oh, and "was I sober"? What do you think?

I'd love to see The Freeze/Jerry's Kids. That'd be a-fucking-mazing
[Dec 9,2005 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 11,2005 5:18pm - clifhanger ""]
anonymous said:anonymous said:hey reverend, fuck you and your smart ass talk about the kids at the show. the freeze were fucking awesome you faggot. why do you care so much about what the crowd dresses like? no one cares about your opinion on the crowd dipshit.

obviously you do faggot

- sam jordan

Do you guys mean that there were REAL Homsexuals AT OUR SHOW?? I'm glad someone spotted them!

[Dec 11,2005 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
the freeze and jerrys kids would be awesome!
add the ducky boys, the queers, the bruisers, and the tunnel rats and I would revert back to age 15 @ the elvis room in portsmouth nh
[Dec 11,2005 5:37pm - the_reverend ""]
seeing hardcore punk shows with french canadian punks is the funniest cause guys kiss each other on the lips in the pit.
[Dec 11,2005 5:42pm - nate ""]
the freeze should play RTTP!
[Dec 11,2005 6:31pm - Dissector ""]
Is Gang Green still playing together?
[Dec 11,2005 6:35pm - PatMeebles ""]
yes, they are
[Dec 14,2005 10:04pm - clifhanger ""]
I saw your message, where or what is "RTTP"? Clif
[Dec 14,2005 10:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
RttP = Return to the Pit ; )
[Dec 14,2005 10:06pm - clifhanger ""]
I heard from a good "source" just last night that Gang Green got kicked off of The Dropkick Murphy's tour and the band's future is definitely in doubt!
[Dec 14,2005 10:08pm - PatMeebles ""]
Internal problems?
[Dec 14,2005 10:55pm - Dissector ""]
clifhanger said:I heard from a good "source" just last night that Gang Green got kicked off of The Dropkick Murphy's tour and the band's future is definitely in doubt!

That sucks. I want to see them before it's too late.
[Dec 15,2005 11:15pm - clifhanger ""]
With the few brain cells I have left I didn't put the obvious RTTP thing together... Sorry... BUT anyways, THE FREEZE would be happy to play at an RTTP event. If anyone's interested in helping to have it happen please email me at "rabidreaction@adelphia.net" take care, Clif
[Dec 16,2005 2:29pm - Dissector ""]
Bump for Clif
[Jan 12,2006 9:15pm - Nate ""]
So Rev, when is the Freeze playing your show again?? lol
[Jan 12,2006 9:42pm - the_reverend ""]
huh? that would be awesome, but not that I know of.
the freeze should have been on the bruisers bill.
[Jan 12,2006 9:43pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, strike that. the bruisers would want to be outshine on their own reunion.
[Jan 27,2006 6:18pm - clifhanger ""]
Hey Rev, email me with some info on playing at your place and maybe we can work something out! Clif

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