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is that RTTP? well turn it up man!

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[Dec 13,2005 1:15am - intricateprocess ""]
oh, could i hear some WATCHMAKER? maybe?
[Dec 13,2005 1:16am - brian_dc ""]
having to buy something for the second time sucks and always takes way longer than it should....it just doesn't feel right.
[Dec 13,2005 1:18am - intricateprocess ""]
haha i know..............im hoping it will just magically appear in my cd book one day
[Dec 13,2005 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
prophecy is the oldest old that I'm sure I have
[Dec 13,2005 1:27am - intricateprocess ""]
thank you. im totally diggin that new watchmaker album
[Dec 13,2005 1:27am - brian_dc ""]
did I just hear, "thank you, we are the band that hates porphyria from the north side of new bedford, motherfucka" ?

I just need to make sure.
[Dec 13,2005 1:28am - BornSoVile ""]
yeah, that's It Will End in Pure Horror, they also have a song called "Porphyria Sucks".
[Dec 13,2005 1:28am - intricateprocess ""]
haha i thought i heard something like that. i wasnt sure though
[Dec 13,2005 1:28am - brian_dc ""]
[Dec 13,2005 1:30am - BornSoVile ""]
I don't understand why they havn't joined my boycott out of pure spite for porphyria, wtf rich!
[Dec 13,2005 1:34am - brian_dc ""]
was tom mean to them or something? seems like that's how most of these things get started.
[Dec 13,2005 1:37am - BornSoVile ""]
i have no clue.
[Dec 13,2005 1:53am - brian_dc ""]
good show, rev. thanks.
[Dec 13,2005 8:19am - succubus ""]
this was one of the most interesting threads from the radio show. I read every post...quite entertaining
[Dec 13,2005 8:49am - RustedAngel ""]
BornSoVile said:yeah, that's It Will End in Pure Horror, they also have a song called "Porphyria Sucks".

news to me. hopefully it incorporates lots of football riffs.
[Dec 13,2005 8:52am - RustedAngel ""]
brian_dc said:was tom mean to them or something? seems like that's how most of these things get started.

Yeah, cause I'm such a mean person. haha... what the hell?
[Dec 13,2005 11:07am - brian_dc ""]
RustedAngel said:brian_dc said:was tom mean to them or something? seems like that's how most of these things get started.

Yeah, cause I'm such a mean person. haha... what the hell?

nah, I didn't mean anything about you personally. Just that usually when two local bands start to fued it's because one person in one band said something either stupid or honest and then it got blown out of proportion.

not saying you have a history of doing this, haven't been around enough to know that.
[Dec 13,2005 11:13am - RustedAngel ""]
heh, I know you didn't mean anything personally. I just thought it was funny that some band I've never even talked to has a song about us. It probably sucks more than we do. haha.
[Dec 13,2005 11:14am - brian_dc ""]
mmm...it's on their myspace


always up, always down is the one with the hate at the end. it's very possible that they're joking? I don't know.

sweet typo remains in no form
[Dec 13,2005 11:16am - the_reverend ""]
ince ytpo
[Dec 13,2005 11:20am - RustedAngel ""]
hahaha, maybe it is a joke, I don't really care anymore.

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