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Now Find a show to go to!

Oct 7 (Sat) - Dreaded Silence, A Cold Reality, Polaris, Troll. 8PM, 21+, $7 - The Skybar (Somerville, MA)

October 7 @ Skybar: Dreaded Silence, Polaris, A Cold Reality, Troll

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Sep 8,2006 10:58am - sinistas ""]
Saturday, October 7
The Skybar
518 Somerville Ave
Somerville, MA 02143

Dreaded Silence - http://www.myspace.com/dreadedsilence
A Cold Reality - http://www.myspace.com/acr
Polaris - http://www.myspace.com/polarismusic
Troll - http://www.myspace.com/trollrockcom

Obviously there's a ton of metal shows going on that night, but this should be a fun time regardless.

[Sep 8,2006 11:04am - pam ""]
Don't think I'll be making this one, I have tentative plans.
[Sep 8,2006 12:33pm - |an  ""]
First Polaris gig with the new lineup
I promise you won't be dissappointed Ken
[Sep 8,2006 12:39pm - sinistas ""]
I'm sure he won't, he's been dying to see it.
[Sep 8,2006 12:50pm - |an  ""]
I can only say the songs are reworked for 2 guitars and sound so much thicker with that plus Chris on drums... I can't wait to go live with it

Hey let me know if you're making a flyer, I can give you the logo, and also The Skybar is right near me so I can flyer Davis, Inman and Porter (btw it's 518 somerville ave not 158)
[Sep 8,2006 12:59pm - dreadkill ""]
this is going to be killer. i'm looking forward to seeing polaris with ian and chris.
[Sep 8,2006 1:00pm - RichHorror ""]
What is Troll like? Are they short with hair on their toes?
[Sep 8,2006 1:03pm - dreadkill ""]
i hope so. we didn't book them on this, so we aren't sure what they are like.
[Sep 8,2006 1:11pm - |an  ""]
I saw Troll at the skybar once
go find their myspace, it explains it all

also there was a thread here awhile circa december '05 about a skybar show they were booked on, people were ripping on them pretty hard (I think the mullets were more than ample fodder)
see if you can find that thread Rich
[Sep 8,2006 1:11pm - |an  ""]
But I thought they played well
[Sep 8,2006 1:17pm - sinistas ""]
yeah, they kind of booked themselves somehow. *shrug*

thanks for noticing the typo, lol. I need to not post threads so early.
[Sep 8,2006 3:54pm - dreadkill ""]
[Sep 10,2006 8:54am - sinistas ""]
[Sep 10,2006 12:19pm - pam ""]
Almost every bar and club I dealt with in regards to booking would throw a band into the lineup without asking. I'd usually find out the night of the show when some random dudes were loading in.
[Sep 10,2006 1:35pm - dreadkill ""]
eh, it happens. hopefully troll will deliver a good live show.
[Sep 12,2006 1:16pm - dreadkill ""]
bumps for the mumps
[Sep 18,2006 11:23pm - dreadkill ""]
who's coming?
[Sep 19,2006 1:28am - Aegathis ""]
D day, Dreaded silence versus Decapitated hmmm, Ken I love ya but the lemmy is gone!
[Sep 19,2006 3:36am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
Seems I've got no choice but to be there, since I'm playing, but it SUCKS that I have to miss Decapitated. Shit. Fuck. God damn it. Ah well, playing will make it worthwhile.
[Sep 19,2006 8:15am - pam ""]
Decapitated is playing again the 11th of November. I'm just gonna go to that because I will most likely be attending the church of Beakey instead of shows this night.
[Sep 19,2006 9:39am - dreadkill ""]
religion is for suckers
[Sep 19,2006 9:43am - RichHorror ""]
I will kill you for besmirching the good name of our lord and savior Dan Beakey.
[Sep 19,2006 9:46am - dreadkill ""]
i belong to his church, but i am a lazy sinner in love with rock n roll.
[Sep 19,2006 10:28am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
I subscribe to the church of vagina... (sorry Pam, I mean VULVA, my anatomy scores weren't fucking great...) So the church of anything else is meaningless to me.

Come see Polaris anyway, you fucking live there Rich, there's no excuse.
[Sep 19,2006 10:31am - RichHorror ""]
You don't love Beakey, so now I hate you.
[Sep 19,2006 10:32am - RichHorror ""]
I don't have a show that day, so I probably will. Even though all the bands suck and I hope you all die in a horrific plane crash.
[Sep 19,2006 10:34am - dreadkill ""]
that's rich's way of saying he loves us. having a girlfriend has really softened him up.
[Sep 19,2006 10:37am - RichHorror ""]
It's true. Now when I see a puppy I only stab it.
[Sep 19,2006 10:37am - RichHorror ""]
JK! I still fuck it.
[Sep 20,2006 6:06pm - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
RichHorror said:You don't love Beakey, so now I hate you.

'fraid I'm not familiar with the whole Beakey phenomenon, sorry. I'm sure he's a swell character.
[Sep 20,2006 6:08pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:I don't have a show that day, so I probably will. Even though all the bands suck and I hope you all die in a horrific plane crash.

You ought to come drinking with me in the church of Beakey that night instead.
[Sep 20,2006 7:06pm - RichHorror ""]
I definitely have no idea what you're talking about.
[Sep 20,2006 7:51pm - pam ""]
I'm gonna be in Quincy that weekend pahtyin'.
[Sep 30,2006 9:05pm - sinistas ""]
Bump. This Saturday!
[Oct 1,2006 4:40pm - Aegathis ""]
for some reason i thought this place was 18 plus.
[Oct 2,2006 9:39am - Justice  ""]
[Oct 3,2006 12:09pm - Aegathis ""]
I am going to be seeing Dreaded Silence this weekend that is, and everything else in Somerville MA 02143.
[Oct 3,2006 1:33pm - dreadkill ""]
this show is going to rule. i believe the order of bands is going to be, from opening to closing: troll, a cold reality, polaris, dreaded silence.
[Oct 3,2006 2:46pm - dreadkill ""]
[Oct 5,2006 10:08am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
2 days until this show, you're all comin' right? New Polaris lineup, and Ken's promised to give out free handjobs during our set!!! No wait, my bad, Ken's promised that his bandmates will be giving out free handjobs during our set. What a swell guy!!!

As a bonus, I don't blast beat once through the entire set!!!
[Oct 5,2006 10:11am - RichHorror ""]
theaccurseddrummer nli said:As a bonus, I don't blast beat once through the entire set!!!

You just lost me.
[Oct 5,2006 10:12am - sinistas ""]
hey, I'm not giving anybody a handy.

new Polaris lineup, and the first full performance from DS v.3!
[Oct 5,2006 10:12am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
OK, OK, I'll blast during my warmups before we play. I do that shit at practice and everyone looks at me like I just had a seizure.
[Oct 5,2006 10:13am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
sinistas said:hey, I'm not giving anybody a handy.

Well, fuck that, I'm not going now.

Shit. I have to.
[Oct 5,2006 10:34pm - Justice ACR  ""]
bump, this shits gonna kill, just got to check out polaris the other day, very impressed guys! and i cant wait to see the new ds lineup, dont know much about troll though
[Oct 6,2006 10:05pm - TheAccursedDrummer nli  ""]
Less than 24 hours! Who's coming?
[Oct 7,2006 12:03am - Aegathis ""]
RichHorror said:theaccurseddrummer nli said:As a bonus, I don't blast beat once through the entire set!!!

You just lost me.

niether is little Anthony for a change as well. one song I think maybe
[Oct 7,2006 8:51am - sinistas ""]
[Oct 7,2006 1:14pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:theaccurseddrummer nli said:As a bonus, I don't blast beat once through the entire set!!!

You just lost me.

did the promise of a hand job pull you back in?
[Oct 7,2006 1:14pm - dreadkill ""]
come to this show tonight

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