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sunday july 8th at K.C.'s tapLeech Eater, Stone the Disciple, Reign of Pestillence, Nadir, Hive Smasher, and 1 more

[show listing]  ____________________________________________
[Jul 7,2007 6:17pm - jimistolazytologin  ""]
Kevin from Leech Eater said:ZenErik...I know you think your band is gay, and I respect that. However, let me assure you...there's no fucking way Move the Rabbit is even in the same league of queerdom as Leech Eater.

I dunno dude, I have attended a few of their practices and no one has told you about the things they do before they gig.

[Jul 7,2007 11:32pm - Fuck Logging in  ""]
Kevin from Leech Eater said:Since we are on the subject of grammar:

Put commas and periods within closing quotation marks, except when a parenthetical reference follows the quotation.

History is stained with blood spilled in the name of "civilization."

I think you meant "their" and not "there."

whatever floats your boat dude
[Jul 8,2007 2:03am - creepy stalker type  ""]
[Jul 8,2007 2:47am - t2daeek ""]
Kevin from Leech Eater said:The flyer doesn’t have a date…and they spelled “Pestilence” wrong.

Anyway, I’m not sure why there’s so much odium on this thread. Hive Smasher is exceptional…but Reign of Pestilence, Stone the Disciple, and Move the Rabbit don’t exactly suck either - in fact, each one is on par with Hive Smasher.

Leech Eater, however, is complete garbage – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKteflF99As

Furthermore, the prissy cunt attitude I’m reading here only enhances my distaste for “the metal scene.” It’s this supercilious, elitist, “I couldn’t be bothered with YOUR band,” shit that emblematizes everything grindcore is supposed to excoriate.

Kill yourself.

p.s. Tyler and Aaron – Look forward to meeting you on Sunday.

thanks for the exceptionally kind words (get the fuck off of RTTP) I really appreciate it. i'll see you there.
[Jul 8,2007 4:15pm - ZenErik ""]
jimistolazytologin said:Kevin from Leech Eater said:ZenErik...I know you think your band is gay, and I respect that. However, let me assure you...there's no fucking way Move the Rabbit is even in the same league of queerdom as Leech Eater.

I dunno dude, I have attended a few of their practices and no one has told you about the things they do before they gig.

Dare you speak of the power circle?
[Jul 8,2007 9:58pm - t2daeek ""]
fuck KCs Tap. right in it's dumb fucking ass. i don't care how many people weren't coming to that show. that's the last time i'll even think about playing there.
[Jul 9,2007 9:37am - jimistolazytologin  ""]
yeah, that was just about retarded

I was looking forward to seeing Hive Smasher with Aaron on vocals, I guess I will just have to wait!
[Jul 9,2007 9:39am - jimistolazytologin  ""]
we were totally in the hood too, and i said it.
[Jul 9,2007 9:39am - aaron_michael ""]
agreed. the attitude of the people that actually work there were a total turn-off to ever returning.
thanks to Ryan(I think that's what his name was) for considering us for the bill and sorry we all bailed and didn't stick around. we were pretty pissed, I'm sure you understand.
to the people I met, maybe next time. just not at that shit shack.
[Jul 9,2007 11:15am - stabface  ""]
[Jul 9,2007 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
um.. details of what happened?
[Jul 9,2007 11:36am - c.dead  ""]
"um.. details of what happened? "

I could probably give you an accurate summary of what happened...

No one showed up
As soon as a band was done playing, they left.
Staff sucked.
Place sucked.
Ghetto location.

Don't let it get you down though, same thing happened to Hirudinea as well as countless other bands who gave it a chance. I told myself the same thing; never again. What a crap location as well.
[Jul 9,2007 11:39am - aaron_michael ""]
jimistolazytologin said:we were totally in the hood too, and i said it.

you vocalized what everyone was thinking.

the show was 21+. from what we were told, previous shows had no problem with band members being under 21 as long as they WERE in fact band members.
our drummer is 20 and his father was even there, 2 of the members of Move The Rabbit are 20 and were all denied entry to the club at all.
needless to say, everyone drove a significant distance to get there and the owner of the club was very nasty about the situation, leaving a very nasty taste in our mouths.
lots of lip and lots of "uh uh no she di-uunnnttttt" attitude.

fuck all.
[Jul 9,2007 11:47am - rhys ""]
that really sucked but we had a retarded good time. i played a set with social crack even though i had never heard them before.
[Jul 9,2007 1:05pm - SirP ""]
It was totally bogus the way that things were handled. It wouldn't have been nearly as big a deal if we were told the situation right as we arrived and in in a respectful manner. After loading in and being there for an hour we get nothing more than "If your in a band and your under 21, get your stuff your leaving" and other total disregard for anyone's time. I want to make it clear that I mean all of this towards the venue and not the dudes in Leech Eater putting it on, clearly they were as shocked as we were.
-Matt (Hive Smasher - Drums)
[Jul 9,2007 2:47pm - jim_is_to_lazy_to_login  ""]
aaron_michael said:jimistolazytologin said:we were totally in the hood too, and i said it.

you vocalized what everyone was thinking.

the show was 21+. from what we were told, previous shows had no problem with band members being under 21 as long as they WERE in fact band members.
our drummer is 20 and his father was even there, 2 of the members of Move The Rabbit are 20 and were all denied entry to the club at all.
needless to say, everyone drove a significant distance to get there and the owner of the club was very nasty about the situation, leaving a very nasty taste in our mouths.
lots of lip and lots of "uh uh no she di-uunnnttttt" attitude.

fuck all.

Oh no, Aaron i'm not actually in Move The Rabbit...its a ploy to get into 21+ situations, those dudes are my best friends so i usually go and support most of their shows.
[Jul 9,2007 2:49pm - xmikex ""]
21 plus shows = asking for trouble
[Jul 9,2007 2:49pm - jim_is_to_lazy_to_login  ""]
and if it even came down to it I would of just hung out in the ghettos of Pawtucket , RI.
[Jul 9,2007 3:03pm - aaron_michael ""]
chillin with the mami's and the homies
[Jul 9,2007 3:39pm - jim_is_to_lazy_to_login  ""]
aaron_michael said:chillin with the mami's and the homies

I could of found somewhere to drink 40s and smoke blunts with the locals

[Jul 9,2007 4:13pm - ZenErik ""]
Yea. Good show. I blame drummers worldwide. If it wasn't for us, every band would have played.

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