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DESTRUCTION @ Worcester Palladium 3/6/09

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Feb 15,2009 9:16pm - spacecorpse ""]
Who's going to this besides me? I want to see and meet all the real metal fans that are worthy enough to appreciate a real metal band as Destruction. Curse THe Gods!!! forever.
[Feb 15,2009 9:25pm - Ryan_M ""]
I'm going to try and make it down to see them. Not sure how worthy I am of Destruction; I'll be paying the girl at the ticket booth $20.00 to get in so that ought to count.
[Feb 15,2009 9:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Same day as Pentagram and The Devil's Blood in NYC.
[Feb 15,2009 9:52pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I can't go to this show so I'm gonna go to the Kreator show in April.
[Feb 15,2009 10:54pm - i_am_not_me ""]

goatcatalyst said:Same day as Pentagram and The Devil's Blood in NYC.

But that's in NYC.
[Feb 15,2009 11:41pm - spacecorpse ""]
Hey Ryan what I meant by worthy of Destruction is that a real fan of metal would be there in my opinion. But then again there ware some true fans of metal that don't care for Destruction also so I realize that, I was just getting excited about seeing a genuine metal band perform instead of a metalcore abomination of false metal that goes around these days you know?
[Feb 16,2009 1:51am - fishcakes ""]
well sed
[Feb 16,2009 10:07am - boblovesmusic ""]
I was a little worried that the Palladium's sound would destroy Destruction's sound, but I got convinced that Destruction will destroy the Palladium. So I'm going!
[Feb 16,2009 10:12am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'd see them again.
[Feb 16,2009 12:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Upstairs or downstairs? Who else is playing?
[Feb 16,2009 12:35pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Upstairs with Krisiun and Mantic Ritual... grr, maybe I won't go. I kinda have a hatred for the upstairs. Convince me otherwise!
[Feb 16,2009 2:05pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Upstairs is far better for sound. I doubt I'll be at this...I'll need to check dates to see if there's a show close to Delaware.
[Feb 16,2009 2:12pm - BSV  ""]
I'll be there in front HEADBANGING TONIGHT.
[Feb 16,2009 11:57pm - spacecorpse ""]
bump this! should draw more attention man Destruction fucking rules! who's going to this? I wanna stick my pinky in some old school metal twat!
[Feb 16,2009 11:58pm - darkwor ""]
i'm there
[Feb 17,2009 2:42am - fishcakes ""]
I am going.
[Feb 17,2009 2:11pm - BSV  ""]
hey, does anyone else other than Destruction and the Plasmatics play "the damned"?
[Feb 17,2009 2:36pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Ok fine I'll go!
[Feb 17,2009 3:03pm - spacecorpse ""]
Hey BSV that Plasmatics cover is pretty cool the way Destruction does it. What's your favorite Destruction song/album? Mine's Live Without Sense/Curse The Gods I love what they did with that song on that live album. But man, the whole entire Release From Agony album is a masterpiece too, it's hard to deicide. I guess i'm expecting them to sound like that new cd they put out recently Thrash Anthems, where they went back and redid all their classic songs, that's probably what they will sound like now; I like that sound it's modern but serves those songs real well, nice crunch. Aaaah then in April we have Kreator and Exodus coming to Palladium. That's gonna be another grab your vest with all the thrash patches and go out thrashing show haha.
[Feb 18,2009 1:51am - BSV  ""]
I coulda sworn I heard a different cover when I was in Germany cause I do love the Destruction one obviously.
MAD BUTCHER/ETERNAL DAMNATION vs. SENTENCE OF DEATH/INFERNAL OVERKILL - Destruction's double releases on CD are a ritual, just let it roll!
I don't own Release From Agony : (
[Feb 18,2009 2:45am - spacecorpse ""]
hooray for fishcakes going. fishcrooks fishooks fishchroniks fishcolonics hehehe
[Mar 1,2009 10:34pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Mar 4,2009 3:05pm - darkwor ""]
i'm guessing seeing krisiun up close might blow my hair back. and i will caress it in the wind.
[Mar 4,2009 3:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I hate being broke.
[Mar 4,2009 3:39pm - darkwor ""]
me too. doubt i can go now. probably gonna put resources into new drum heads for recording instead
[Mar 4,2009 3:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 4,2009 3:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
hrmmm i've always wanted to see Krisiun...maybe i'll check this out
[Mar 4,2009 3:47pm - darkwor ""]
yea we play black metal in the vein of abigail williams and bring me the horizon
[Mar 4,2009 3:48pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That sounds scary.
[Mar 4,2009 4:01pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I am displeased that I won't make this or any other dates on the tour. Figures, when I have the money I don't have the time.
[Mar 6,2009 8:48am - BSV  ""]
[Mar 6,2009 9:20am - Ryan_M nli  ""]
doors open @ 7:00, show starts @ 7:30.
[Mar 6,2009 9:32am - boblovesmusic ""]
you sure? The last show I went to the show was supposed to start at like 7, but the first band played at 6:30.
[Mar 6,2009 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, that sucked cause I missed plasmarifle. this is a friday show so I would guess it would start on tire. you bastards. krisiun is ok live, some of the long guitar work just comes across as masturbatory. destruction on the other hand is one of the best live bands out there.
[Mar 6,2009 10:03am - demondave ""]
I won't make this. I'm working late tonight in Boston. I wouldn't get there in time.
[Mar 6,2009 12:37pm - Blue ""]
Dont know what all this 'true metal' bullshit is all about, but ill be there gaying it up with my faggot ass.
[Mar 7,2009 12:39am - kevinthesprigg ""]
anyone go to this? How was it? How was the turnout?
[Mar 7,2009 12:42am - boblovesmusic ""]
Good show was GREAT!
[Mar 7,2009 12:58am - Ryan_M ""]
Really good show, I had fun! Didn't see any opening bands, got there a little while before Destruction went on, but the crowd was going nuts, kids getting tossed around the front row, knocking over all the microphones - looked like the stage guys and even Schmier (sp?) was getting pissed! Quite entertaining to watch!
I realized I like thrash shows because there aren't any wiggers/jocks or ninja assholes trying to hurt people and starting fights. Pits get pretty crazy and you might get roughed up a bit but at least no one's trying to kick your teeth out.
[Mar 7,2009 1:08am - boblovesmusic ""]
Did anyone catch the two older guys who would try and mosh and look incredibly awkward and weird? hehe it was kinda endearing but painful to watch.
[Mar 7,2009 1:16am - goatcatalyst ""]
Anyone make out and admire sleeveless denim jackets with Spacecorpse?
[Mar 7,2009 1:50am - NuclearWinter ""]
Great show. I hate the Palladium at either stage, and wish this were at The Middle East (downstairs), but still, great show.

The highlight was probably watching that immensely corpulent kid trying to bust a stage dive, but instead falling on his face as the crowd parted like the Red Sea during his attempt. You should probably refrain from crowd surfing when you weigh an excess of 300 lbs.
[Mar 7,2009 2:10am - spacecorpse ""]
I wouldn't have missed this show no matter what. It's not all the time you get to go see Destruction around here and it was my first time actually seeing them. But I learned a painful lesson at this show. I realize that I just despise human beings...it doesn't matter even if they are at a Destruction show, they are just either in my way, or they act stupid. Man, my fists were clenching everytime i'd see a couple start making out in front of me or trying to have a conversation over Destruction. I kept having to reposition myself. Fucking kids making that show into a gay social hour. The show was great though. Destruction played great and Mike's guitar sound was amazing. ENGL Savage 120 baby!
[Mar 7,2009 2:12am - spacecorpse ""]
oh and btw Blue was there gaying it all up! Naw seriously Blue is alright by me. Even though he likes his death metal with extra cheese, he seems like a nice chap and shook my hand when I ran into him. He's one of the few people in this scene I have nothing bad to say about and I look forward to going to his next Deathfest so I can get my fix of pig squeals again.
[Mar 7,2009 4:38am - Nic  ""]
The show was pretty fucking great! This is the second time I've seen them, and it was much better than the last time aside from the fact that there was some drunk old man who was randomly sucker punching people who wouldn't move for him. I hope he is reading this, because I find it pretty amusing that I obviously ruined your night over the placement of my foot, and you couldn't even manage to fuck up a 150 pound kid half your age with the two opportunities that were given to you. I'm happy you spent your money to stand in the corner and pout like a faggot all night while I was having fun.

spacecorpse said:Fucking kids making that show into a gay social hour.

What a queer thing to complain about. Whether you like it or not, it was a social hour... Well, a social hour and a half.
[Mar 7,2009 7:43am - Ryan_M ""]

spacecorpse said:Man, my fists were clenching everytime i'd see a couple start making out in front of me or trying to have a conversation over Destruction. I kept having to reposition myself. Fucking kids making that show into a gay social hour.

Sounds like you need to re-examine what's really important in life. Okay, watching couples making out in public is pretty gay and they ought to get a room but people trying to have a conversation while Destruction are onstage pisses you off??? Please. The band is louder than anyone trying to talk anyway.
Shows are social events; a place to get together with your buddies and hang out and see/hear the bands you love.
[Mar 7,2009 3:30pm - spacecorpse ""]
alright you guys got a point or two, and I admit I was in a shit mood even before Igot to the show but... Honestly, I don't like Massachusetts at all and I don't care for the Mass crowds or clubs or anything. Maybe it's just personal and i've my own reasons. But when you pay 15 to park, 20 to get it, 10 dollars for a couple of beers and people are constantly bumping you and stuff when you don't feel like getting touched and they are trying to conversate like it's a singles bar or something it's just not cool imo. But whatever, I still enjoyed seeing Destruction tear it up immensely but this isn't the 80's anymore that's for sure.
[Mar 7,2009 3:36pm - Core  ""]
You're a fag if this was your first time seeing destruction...they've played in NE like 6 times that I know of...
[Mar 7,2009 4:02pm - anonymous  ""]
Anyone notice that the 'Heavy Metal Fashion Police' was there? [See youtube]. I wanted to introduce myself, but was intimidated by their minor-celebrity cyber-status. I don't think my clothes made the cut, either.
[Mar 7,2009 4:08pm - anonymous  ""]
PS: anyone have photos of the show?
[Mar 7,2009 4:14pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I just watched the Heavy Metal Fashion Police on YouTube and it was so not funny I couldn't even finish it...
[Mar 7,2009 6:24pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Ha! Those kids are funny in how shameless they are. I really hope they pass the whole Toxic Waltz pizza party beach ball thrash phase soon.
[Mar 7,2009 10:08pm - Darnli  ""]

spacecorpse said:alright you guys got a point or two, and I admit I was in a shit mood even before Igot to the show but... Honestly, I don't like Massachusetts at all and I don't care for the Mass crowds or clubs or anything. Maybe it's just personal and i've my own reasons. But when you pay 15 to park, 20 to get it, 10 dollars for a couple of beers and people are constantly bumping you and stuff when you don't feel like getting touched and they are trying to conversate like it's a singles bar or something it's just not cool imo. But whatever, I still enjoyed seeing Destruction tear it up immensely but this isn't the 80's anymore that's for sure.

I don't like MA or the mass crowds either, but my problem with them is people like you. What's the matter, too fat to get laid? Too old to remember how to have fun? Got a reality check for you bro, metal's for kids. My only problem with the people you're talkin about is that they aren't more attractive.

Oh and to the kid who kept getting sucker punched by that old faggot, I saw that...lame as fuck dude, glad you didn't let him stop you from enjoying the show
[Mar 7,2009 11:48pm - Andres  ""]
To speak to Darnli's point, I could only wish that the big-talkers were more attractive. But not everyone looks beat. One girl I talked to last night had real short hair and a white shirt - pretty decent body and a cute smile. She was dead center, right up front, and seemed friendly enough. Out of control headbanger. So ya, not everyone's off limits.
[Mar 8,2009 1:59am - i_am_not_me ""]
I don't know if Schmier was really pissed at any of the crowd surfers (Other than maybe the mic hogs). He seemed like he was loving it.
[Mar 8,2009 5:08am - NuclearWinter ""]
Metal is for kids. Perfectly explains why I own Thundercats DVDs. Thunderpigs - HO!
[Mar 8,2009 8:23am - Ryan_M nli  ""]

i_am_not_me said:I don't know if Schmier was really pissed at any of the crowd surfers (Other than maybe the mic hogs). He seemed like he was loving it.

Ha, maybe I mistook his "angry metal faces" for annoyance at having all his mics knocked over!
I actually thought it was a little weird that one singer needed 3 mics covering a stage that was maybe 10 feet wide!
[Mar 8,2009 3:17pm - DimmuBurger ""]
That was a fucking sweet show and I actually liked that it was upstairs, it felt more underground. The sound was decent, usually it sucks more than it did that night. I'm so pumped for the Kreator show, I think I'll rock a battle jacket to that.
[Mar 8,2009 4:22pm - NuclearWinter ""]
I hope to catch this show again at B.B.King's next month, hopefully with a much better sound.
[Mar 8,2009 8:39pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
DESTRUCTION totally killed on Friday night!! We went to Poughkeepsie, NY last night to go and hang out with them. I think I gave myself whiplash from banging my head so much
We didn't leave until 5am this morning. I had to drop my friend off in Providence before finally getting home around 11am. Circle pits at both shows!!
[Mar 9,2009 1:38am - divine intervention  ""]
I went to the NY show also
[Mar 9,2009 1:47am - Hungtabreed  ""]

darkwor said:me too. doubt i can go now. probably gonna put resources into new drum heads for recording instead

you fucking faggot. why can't you do both? what do you make minimum wage?
[Mar 9,2009 4:57am - spacecorpse ""]
Fasion Police Yeah!!!! you all fear my denim vest with all the patches!!! You know my patches are the coolest and i'll always win haha. In all seriousness... i'm a huge fan of Destruction and I feel that none of your kids know what you're sying about me because i'm a true misanthrope. I go just for the metal, i'm all about the music, not looking for some stinking fat twat over there at the Destruction show. It's an insult that you should pay for brutally if you attempt to verbalize anything about a relationship, getting to know someone, etc. etc. during a Destruction concert. I declare Dark Angel marshall law upon the entire city of Worcester. The city is guilty, the crime is life, the sentence?... Death. Darkness will Descend upon all of you. Die. This is Spacecorpse of the RI Metalhead Fashion Police signing out.
[Mar 9,2009 9:32am - darkwor ""]

Hungtabreed said:
darkwor said:me too. doubt i can go now. probably gonna put resources into new drum heads for recording instead

you fucking faggot. why can't you do both? what do you make minimum wage?

i've probably put $2500 into my set in under a year. drumming is the most expensive instrument for keeping equipment current and getting the quality shit that won't break if you play hard. on top of that, i pay 300 bucks a month just for a place to play.

and, i'm booking a hotel and buying my pass to MDF next week, so if it sounded like i was whining about not being able to go to a show, well fuck off, i was playing my drums.

still pissed i missed this one though.
[Mar 9,2009 11:37am - BSV  ""]
great show all around. wish more sick 3 band tours like this would go to the palladium. great hearing the chants all night long too. bunch of fucking DIE HARDS!
[Mar 9,2009 11:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I used to be in this Metalhead Fashion Police and it was really boring and terrible.
[Mar 9,2009 5:51pm - anonymous  ""]

spacecorpse said:I go just for the metal, i'm all about the music, not looking for some stinking fat twat over there at the Destruction show. It's an insult that you should pay for brutally if you attempt to verbalize anything about a relationship, getting to know someone, etc. etc. during a Destruction concert.

Sure, I go for the music too, but what's wrong with mingling? Conversing is usually not an attempt to illicit a relationship. And what's this nonsense about stinking fat twat (we all know you love big girls, spacecorpse). I assumed the majority of metal heads would be the least objectifying and judgmental of men. The lot of you are not exactly prince charmings, either, and that's for sure.
[Mar 9,2009 5:51pm - spacecorpse ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I used to be in this Metalhead Fashion Police and it was really boring and terrible.

It's you! you're the McGunk imposter! you just gave it away!
[Mar 13,2009 2:44pm - Paulie Shore  ""]
I am going and your not, bottom line
[Mar 13,2009 2:44pm - Paulie Shore  ""]
go find something else to do sissy fuck
[Mar 13,2009 4:03pm - spacecorpse ""]

anonymous said:
spacecorpse said:I go just for the metal, i'm all about the music, not looking for some stinking fat twat over there at the Destruction show. It's an insult that you should pay for brutally if you attempt to verbalize anything about a relationship, getting to know someone, etc. etc. during a Destruction concert.

Sure, I go for the music too, but what's wrong with mingling? Conversing is usually not an attempt to illicit a relationship. And what's this nonsense about stinking fat twat (we all know you love big girls, spacecorpse). I assumed the majority of metal heads would be the least objectifying and judgmental of men. The lot of you are not exactly prince charmings, either, and that's for sure.

Hey Ms. Anonymous - You may know me? Well when i'm in a bad mood, that's it i'm hardcore. What that means is that I take my music and my views very seriously and become misathropic and just all about the music and I just look at some of the people hanging out at these shows and it just fuels my pissed off mood and I do think it takes away from the show. If i'm at a band's show that I really like I want to get into the msuic and ejoy myself. I can't do that near the pit area because every fucker in there these days wants to be the most brutalist fucker in there and is swinging shit like at a hardcore punk show in Brooklyn or something, and when I go a bit further back I catch all these trendies and the kids looking for a relationship or something and trying to make out or have a conversation over the music. That's just really fucking lame in my opinion. If you like a girl there then fucking get her number or something don't miss Destruction playing Life Without Sense because you have to talk about squishies or something with some broad to try and impress her. That's not metal and it's fucking gay. And let me tell you something else. I occasionally see some good looking girl in a Sodom t-shirt and jeans and think to myself if she had any sense she'd target me and come up to me and eat me alive. But they are interested in the emo guys more I guess. A girl I know a bit of, Tracy B is back in town and goes to local metal shows but when I see her she obviously knows i'm not there to socialize, that i'm fucking hardcore and don't fuck around. She's probably still humored by the fact that I still in all these years haven't hit on her and tried to fuck her right then and there but that's not my style. I only fuck in coffins in my basment listening to Sarcofago or something similarly necrolusted and hateful. I am a rare breed and not like you that's for fucking sure. Th3e nightmares live in my head. If I let them go you will speak about them at many shows to come as Urban Legend, but heh, i'm an easy going guy, i'm probably not going to do more than voice my opinion occasionally and go to t5he shows I feel I need to be at. And for your informations, I don't really dig on fat chicks all that much. I have gone out with a few, but that's because of who they were as people etc. mostly. I like my women lean and mean

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