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ATTN: My Dying Bride

[Feb 14,2012 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
i think Manowarrior is hilarious, but i do wish he/she/it had the guts to let the board know who he/she/it is, and then had the guts to speak this way in person.
[Feb 14,2012 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
assuming he/she/it is more than just a provocative troll.
[Feb 14,2012 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
because if that is the case, then as Mark R pointed out, easily the most successful troll yet.
[Feb 14,2012 3:26pm - Manowarrior  ""]

dyingmuse said:Ha ha ha, this is awesome hey ManMeatOwarrior, You saying Manowar didn't use violins? What about half of the Kings Of Metal record? Lots of violins and cellos being used there. I stopped listening to them after that album, but I am sure they used that stuff again in future releases. Just saying....This makes you a cocksucker too, no? what a gimmick ha ha.

Why do you think Ross The Boss left immediately after? Because he didn't want to be a nutswinger like you. The Boss knows what's gay and what's not. You're obviously too ignorant of metal to understand this, sucks to be you.

That album blows, future releases are unworthy of the Manowar name.

I personally do not care for anything after Sign Of The Hammer.

My Dying Bride was gay from the getgo, and so were their fans.

[Feb 14,2012 3:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
If Manowar wasn't gay why would this come up?

[Feb 14,2012 3:29pm - Mark_R ""]
Could be a sociological experiment for a school project. Maybe he's collecting data and preparing to write up a report. It's happened before.
[Feb 14,2012 3:29pm - dyingmuse ""]

Manowarrior said:
dyingmuse said:Ha ha ha, this is awesome hey ManMeatOwarrior, You saying Manowar didn't use violins? What about half of the Kings Of Metal record? Lots of violins and cellos being used there. I stopped listening to them after that album, but I am sure they used that stuff again in future releases. Just saying....This makes you a cocksucker too, no? what a gimmick ha ha.

Why do you think Ross The Boss left immediately after? Because he didn't want to be a nutswinger like you. The Boss knows what's gay and what's not. You're obviously too ignorant of metal to understand this, sucks to be you.

That album blows, future releases are unworthy of the Manowar name.

I personally do not care for anything after Sign Of The Hammer.

My Dying Bride was gay from the getgo, and so were their fans.

Ha ha ha ha, right...
[Feb 14,2012 3:29pm - Manowarrior  ""]

dyingmuse said:If Manowar wasn't gay why would this come up?


Because you like googling the word "gay." Sounds like someone's hard up.
[Feb 14,2012 3:31pm - the_reverend ""]

dyingmuse said:For the record, the only thing gayer in metal than ManOWar, is cum on a handlebar mustache.
I sent blue a picture of that not too long ago...
[Feb 14,2012 3:38pm - dyingmuse ""]
Ha ha ha Rev. Hmmmm.... Is Manowarrior Blue?
[Feb 14,2012 3:43pm - RustyPS ""]
My theory: Manowarrior is Alx

Reasoning? Aril is the only one Manowarrior does not bash...and he LOVES him some James Doyle loving
[Feb 14,2012 3:44pm - trioxin_245 ""]
he hasn't directly 'bashed' me either, I've noticed.
[Feb 14,2012 5:00pm - ark  ""]
manowarrior is eyehatehippies, ex BP. he is real, and he wants everybody to know that he's the only one who knows what he's talking about.
[Feb 14,2012 5:03pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I said time and again, I only post logged in. I'm already "one creepy dude"
[Feb 14,2012 5:04pm - Mark_R ""]
This thread sure got away from Hoser.
[Feb 14,2012 5:22pm - Yeti ""]

ark said:manowarrior is eyehatehippies, ex BP. he is real, and he wants everybody to know that he's the only one who knows what he's talking about.

i thought that, or Arrowhead. they both post in similar fashion.
[Feb 14,2012 5:37pm - Mark_R ""]
Has Arrowhead posted recently? I don't think I've seen one in quite a while.
[Feb 14,2012 7:10pm - aegathis ""]
...so does Matt still post on here? I haven't seen him in a while
[Feb 14,2012 7:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
How is Hoser?
[Feb 15,2012 12:34am - MikeOv  ""]
I love being gay for My Dying Bride. Sexiest band in doom.
[Feb 15,2012 7:33am - joe durt  ""]

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