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[Jul 12,2005 12:14pm - destroyyoualot ""]
anonymous said:Maybe these kids look like this because they want people to know that the music in their scene really means something to them, and they're willing to do what it takes to promote it and bring it to the attention of others.

They're doing it to get laid. End of story.

mellow said:Okie, thankyou to the few sensible people who agreed with my point. Those who obviously find it funny to pick out spelling mistakes are very immature. This action therefore shows you have nothing further to say. All of you have to accept each person is individual. Also each of us have our own style and should not judge each other on our apperance or anything else for that matter. So what if people like to cut their hair so it looks emo. You should not care about them Just about yourself!!

And you still can't fucking spell for shit. Get over yourself.
[Jul 12,2005 1:04pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
goddamn hippies
[Jul 12,2005 1:57pm - hoser ""]
Who in the fuck are Mellow and xEmoGalx anyway?? Some butt warriors that wandered into this site after taking some pics of themselves with their webcams? Go post on Gay State Rock board and don't ever view this site again. Emo sucks, you dipshits swallow.

x's outside of your name make you look like a douche bag.

Sample conversation between xEmoGirlx and Mellow:

Mellow: "Gosh, these dudes are so harsh."

xEmogirlx: "Like, TOTALLY!!"

Mellow: "s/a/l got any pix?"

xEmoGirlx: "Like....YA!!! But you can't show them to anyone, I'm not wearing my Taking Back Sunday shirt!!" "LOL, PLS?, K-THX!!"

Mellow: "Really!! Well if you need some pointers, take a look at my rad site K-THX!!!" "Here's the link, it's totally dope!! LOL!!!"


xEmoGirlx: "Like.....AWESOME!!! Maybe we should totally get together and go to a show!!! PLS!!??"

Mellow: "I can't, my feelings were really tarnished hard yesterday by some goons on a metal website. :("

xEmoGirlx: "O' man I'm sorry they harshed you like that :(" "We should go tell them our side of the story....."

Mellow: "I'll meet you at their board, I'll post the link C-U there."

xEmoGirlx: "I'm totally there...what's the link?"

Mellow: http://www.returntothepit.com

xEmoGirlx: "K-THX, CU there!! LOL!!!"

Mellow: "<3"

xEmoGirlx: "<3"

Yep, that's about what probably happened.

Hoser says, "Be sure to remind your local emo nerds that they look like complete douchebags every day, just in case they are running low on things to whine about."
[Jul 12,2005 3:32pm - powerkok ""]
[Jul 20,2005 3:44pm - anonymous  ""]
metal sucks my emo balls bitch!!
[Jul 20,2005 3:51pm - Ol_No.7 ""]
emo fags, metal snobs. youre all gay.
[Jul 23,2005 5:20pm - BeYourFuckingSelves  ""]
Excuse me,
Will you just leave the poor emo kids alone?
They seem to have enough to deal with anyway.
Reffering to that video - I would rather someone have a generic emo haircut than any of those shite 80's metal bands. They look like they havent had a haircut in years, let alone a shower or own a hairbrush.
Why does everyone hate emos so much?
Just because they are into different music to you, and are emotional, doesnt mean you have to kick their asses!
Although, fake emos are just sad.
I don't see why people are hung up on labels anyways, can't anyone be themselves nowadays?
And so what if that is a popular haircut, just like afro's were in the 70's!... It's just a phase. Let it fizzle out peacefully if you are so bothered.
So shut up. Whiney idiots.
[Jul 23,2005 5:22pm - BeYourFuckingSelves  ""]
bull shit.
[Jul 23,2005 5:22pm - the_reverend ""]
let's all go listen to the frogs
[Jul 24,2005 8:30pm - malettey ""]
BeYourFuckingSelves said:can't anyone be themselves nowadays?

no. if you care about your social status you must never be yourself. you must try as hard as you can to be like those "cool" people who are as fake as you are.
fuck everybody.
[Jul 24,2005 9:28pm - xBleedMeBlackx  ""]
that shit is absolutly hilarious. posted it around a bunch of different sites, that'll tell those emo haircut, eyeliner, atreyu listening, pussies.
[Jul 24,2005 11:07pm - hoser ""]
BeYourFuckingSelves said:bull shit.

Sounds like we have another whiny pussy on our hands boys..........
[Jul 24,2005 11:39pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
dan_bloodblister said:BEST THREAD EVER

[Nov 29,2006 5:16pm - isthatadrink  ""]
personally i like the way it looks.

who cares if it is trendy.
- if you think about it.. isnt everything trendy..

"blondes'' ''redheads'' ''gothic (black) hair'' yknow
who cares.
trends happen.

im sure something you do is due to a trend.

get over it.
[Nov 29,2006 7:31pm - xanonymousx ""]
hmmm... way to bumb an old thread to say this d00d
[Dec 6,2006 8:07pm - anonymous  ""]
[Dec 6,2006 8:08pm - emo freak  ""]
hell yeah they do
[Dec 6,2006 8:11pm - dreadkill ""]
die, scum
[Dec 6,2006 8:11pm - anonymous  ""]
not all emos are fags....im a fucking female and straight...i dress like one even tho at the time it wasnt called emo or a trend so some people always been like that so damn shut the fuck up about emos half of them would care less about the shit u have to say about them ur only talking about this because the half u peoples are jelouse cause there hot and ur not so peace bitch
[Dec 6,2006 8:12pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm so jealous that i'm not a fag. kill yourself, cunt.
[Dec 6,2006 8:13pm - anonymous  ""]
y in the hell would i want to kill myself....
[Dec 6,2006 8:14pm - anonymous  ""]
u got a myspace or something
[Dec 6,2006 8:15pm - anonymous  ""]
but not really im not emo i just where black shirts and thats all but yeah i could really care less emo guys are fucking fags hahah
[Dec 6,2006 8:15pm - Kevord ""]
anonymous said:not all emos are fags....im a fucking female and straight...i dress like one even tho at the time it wasnt called emo or a trend so some people always been like that so damn shut the fuck up about emos half of them would care less about the shit u have to say about them ur only talking about this because the half u peoples are jelouse cause there hot and ur not so peace bitch

So your obviously the half that cares what we have to say.
[Dec 6,2006 8:16pm - anonymous  ""]
ooo boy nevermind u too old
[Dec 6,2006 8:17pm - Kevord ""]
Show us your boobs!
[Dec 6,2006 8:17pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:u got a myspace or something

ha, i love you
[Dec 6,2006 8:18pm - anonymous  ""]
.....im only 16
[Dec 6,2006 8:18pm - dreadkill ""]
i didn't say "let's fuck"
[Dec 6,2006 8:18pm - Kevord ""]
If there's grass on the field........
[Dec 6,2006 8:19pm - dreadkill ""]
play with your balls
[Dec 6,2006 8:20pm - anonymous  ""]
hehehe haha thats funny.... my myspace is myspace.com/kori_leigh
[Dec 6,2006 8:22pm - dreadkill ""]
don't tell me, tell MSD. he likes the youngins
[Dec 6,2006 8:22pm - anonymous  ""]
ok now its quiet...
[Dec 6,2006 8:23pm - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 6,2006 8:24pm - anonymous  ""]
so yeah im not really emo i just want to fight about something gay
[Dec 6,2006 8:26pm - anonymous  ""]
i dont even no how i got to this site eather...shit i forgot now everyone is gonna try to add me now
[Dec 6,2006 8:27pm - Kevord ""]
anonymous said:i dont even no how i got to this site eather...shit i forgot now everyone is gonna try to add me now

Are you a cop looking for pediphiles?
[Dec 6,2006 8:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i hope so
[Dec 6,2006 8:29pm - Kevord ""]
dreadkill said:i hope so

Me too that would be amazing.
[Dec 6,2006 8:29pm - Kori aka unonymous  ""]
um..no im not a cop...hahah that stuff is funny tho and creapy thats really me...
[Dec 6,2006 8:30pm - Kevord ""]
We'll need nudes too prove your not a cop.
[Dec 6,2006 8:31pm - anonymous  ""]
ha yeah right....
[Dec 6,2006 8:31pm - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 6,2006 8:32pm - dreadkill ""]
it's a unonymous decision! only n00dz will suffice!
[Dec 6,2006 8:32pm - kori aka anonymous  ""]
[Dec 6,2006 8:33pm - kori aka anonymous  ""]
mmk well i guess im a 16 year old cop if u wanna say that
[Dec 6,2006 8:33pm - Kevord ""]
Unonymous cause your anonymous officer.
[Dec 6,2006 8:33pm - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 6,2006 8:34pm - kori aka anonymous  ""]
does anyone own a myspace thats url is this http://www.myspace.com/blarf80

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