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Dimmu Borgir appreciation thread

[Mar 28,2006 1:46pm - brian_dc ""]
BornSoVile said:okay, how about Sacramentum??

Sacramentum is pretty great. At times I'd just rather listen to Dissection though.
[Mar 28,2006 1:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
DC++ / Soulseek
Limewire is junk imo.

I dig a bit of Dimmu Material, Yeah, they don't put out recordings that sound like they were recorded in a tin can but it doesn't bother me. Dimmu have written some good tracks especially when Barker was in the band. Galder get's my respect. I wish Vortex would have done more clean vox as I must say Shagrath is pretty lame. I 1st heard Hecate Enthroned and Sacramentum about 6 or 7 years ago and I don't think either band has much on Dimmu.
[Mar 28,2006 1:50pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, if they did an album with just Vortex on vocals, I'd really get behind it.
[Mar 28,2006 1:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
brian_dc said:yeah, if they did an album with just Vortex on vocals, I'd really get behind it.

The newer Arcturus is all Vortex on vocals, it's not that great though.
[Mar 28,2006 1:51pm - pam nli  ""]
I didn't read this thread because I don't care. I like Dimmu and I always have. Revoke my metal card, I don't give a fuck.
[Mar 28,2006 1:53pm - RichHorror ""]
I have a Dimmu sticker on the hood of my car, but no one makes fun of me fore it, because I'm bigger than them.
[Mar 28,2006 1:53pm - brian_dc ""]
RustedAngel said:brian_dc said:yeah, if they did an album with just Vortex on vocals, I'd really get behind it.

The newer Arcturus is all Vortex on vocals, it's not that great though.

hmmm....well, there goes that...I like Arcturus more than Dimmu...so maybe I wouldn't like it.
[Mar 28,2006 1:54pm - brian_dc ""]
RichHorror said:I have a Dimmu sticker on the hood of my car, but no one makes fun of me fore it, because I'm bigger than them.

moral of story, if you want to like anything that makes you "gay" just become gigantic.
[Mar 28,2006 1:54pm - pam nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:brian_dc said:yeah, if they did an album with just Vortex on vocals, I'd really get behind it.

The newer Arcturus is all Vortex on vocals, it's not that great though.

That CD annoyed me so bad I had to shut it off three songs into it. Which hurt me because I love Vortex. I don't know what it was, closest I can come to explaining it is I think the pitch of the music and his voice combined was giving me an anyurism.
[Mar 28,2006 1:56pm - RichHorror ""]
brian_dc said:RichHorror said:I have a Dimmu sticker on the hood of my car, but no one makes fun of me fore it, because I'm bigger than them.

moral of story, if you want to like anything that makes you "gay" just become gigantic.

Every Dimmu CD should come with a pair of stilts.
[Mar 28,2006 1:56pm - pam nli  ""]
brian_dc said:RichHorror said:I have a Dimmu sticker on the hood of my car, but no one makes fun of me fore it, because I'm bigger than them.

moral of story, if you want to like anything that makes you "gay" just become gigantic.

This applies especially well to people who like HIM, but in that case you can also benefit from having a vagina.
[Mar 28,2006 1:57pm - RichHorror ""]
I always benefit from vagina. Until I move in with it.
[Mar 28,2006 1:58pm - pam nli  ""]
Hey, that's got nothing to do with the vagina, just the whining mass attached to it.
[Mar 28,2006 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
pam nli said:I didn't read this thread because I don't care. I like Dimmu and I always have. Revoke my metal card, I don't give a fuck.

hoorah to that
[Mar 28,2006 3:56pm - sacreligion ""]
pam nli said:Hey, that's got nothing to do with the vagina, just the whining mass attached to it.

haha...that reminds me of something my sister told me

some guy she hadn't seen in a few years found her on myspace so they started talking and hung out a few times...and would be really nice in person but when he'd get online or on the phone he'd turn into a wicked pervert(always asking her to come over and screw and shit like that). so one night he asks her and she says "Fine, i'll be over in a few"

the next day he sends her a message "why didn't you come over last night" to which she replied "oh, i just figured i'd box up my vagina and mail it to you...it should be there this afternoon"

bahaha i fucking love her
[Mar 28,2006 8:59pm - dreadkill ""]
pam nli said:RustedAngel said:brian_dc said:yeah, if they did an album with just Vortex on vocals, I'd really get behind it.

The newer Arcturus is all Vortex on vocals, it's not that great though.

That CD annoyed me so bad I had to shut it off three songs into it. Which hurt me because I love Vortex. I don't know what it was, closest I can come to explaining it is I think the pitch of the music and his voice combined was giving me an anyurism.

arcturus is one of my favorite bands, but i gave that cd 2 listens and never put it in my cd player again. vortex's vocals are annoying on it and the music is boring as shit. arcturus without garm = poop. they should have gotten lazare instead of vortex, but then again, age of silence is writing the music arcturus should be writing, so people should just listen to them instead.
[Mar 29,2006 12:52pm - RustedAngel ""]
age of silence? hmmmm
[Mar 29,2006 12:53pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Age of Silence is quite good.
[Mar 29,2006 12:53pm - dreadkill ""]
they rule
[Mar 29,2006 1:20pm - xmikex @ work  ""]
One time in this old band I was in we all stayed over my guitarist's place the night before a show. Our dumb bass player insisted everyone should goto sleep at 9:00, but the rest of us went to Bickfords instead. When we came back it was after midnight and that kid was asleep in the basement. So my drummer opened the basement door and started flicking the lights on and off really fast screaming "DIMMU BORGIR LIGHT SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The kid woke up, and got all pissed. We kicked him out of the band a week later. Thus ending the best thing Dimmu Borgir ever did for me.
[Mar 29,2006 1:27pm - niccolai ""]
give you grand mal epileptic seizures?
[Mar 29,2006 1:33pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha epileptic seizures that go as fast as Nick Barkers drumming. that would be hilarious

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