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[Sep 8,2008 8:17am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Sep 8,2008 8:26am - SkinSandwich ""]
For a christian you sure are fucked in the head, haha.
[Sep 8,2008 8:54am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
You have no idea, my friend.
[Sep 8,2008 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
hm... herpes.
[Sep 8,2008 9:47am - SkinSandwich ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:You have no idea, my friend.

Are we BFF's now?
[Sep 8,2008 11:12am - ellesarusrex ""]
two inch penis...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird
[Sep 8,2008 11:21am - Murph ""]

ellesarusrex said:two inch penis...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird

sh-sh-sh-shut up!
[Sep 8,2008 11:27am - ellesarusrex ""]
you could use a dixie cup as protection.
[Sep 8,2008 11:30am - largefreakatzero ""]
If that thing is hard, then yes, very weird. If not, well, it's amazing what cold water can do. Some of us are "growers" not "show-ers".
[Sep 8,2008 11:44am - ellesarusrex ""]
im a fan of growers. its kinda like... suprise.. but the skin on that lil dinker looked pretty tight ..if its fully erect he's better off going the pedophile route.
[Sep 8,2008 12:32pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
you could say that guy DIDN'T get the shaft. bahahaha
[Sep 8,2008 12:38pm - ellesarusrex ""]
lulz. he got shafted on the shaft. atleast he'd be an easy knob.. but wouldnt ever experience the pleasure of deep throat.. poor dude.
[Sep 8,2008 12:39pm - sacreligionnli  ""]

ellesarusrex said:atleast he'd be an easy knob..

[Sep 8,2008 12:55pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, greatest discussion ever.
[Sep 8,2008 1:17pm - ellesarusrex ""]
this is an important discussion.. dudes with tiny dicks is like fucking a broad with a blown out va jay hole.. both of them are an epic fail.
[Sep 8,2008 1:21pm - SkinSandwich ""]
There's a cooter on my scooter, whack it off!

[Sep 8,2008 1:25pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
now that is a big vagina
[Sep 8,2008 1:31pm - SkinSandwich ""]

sacreligionnli said:now that is a big vagina

The bitch on the left or the Vag?
[Sep 8,2008 1:33pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
eh. either. i bet that broad has HUGE mcd though
[Sep 8,2008 1:35pm - ellesarusrex ""]
whoa. if thats a replica of her own.. eep. and is that bonet symbolic of a condom.. bc she def looks like a dick standing next to a roastbeef bicycle.
[Sep 8,2008 1:39pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
i actually think it's supposed to be a sarlacc pit

[Sep 8,2008 1:40pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I digs me some sarlacc pit
[Sep 8,2008 1:41pm - ellesarusrex ""]
[Sep 8,2008 1:43pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
sarlacc pit + phallus = fail

unless you got shafted on the shaft, then you might be safe
[Sep 8,2008 1:45pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
That is a lot of lips.
[Sep 8,2008 1:47pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Giant vagina is a problem. I banged a girl when I was a wee teen and she was way hot, but as soon as I got in there it was like the infernal hotdog down a hallway. Since I was young and had only banged like 2 or 3 chicks, I started feeling self-conscious -- after I did more banging, I realized it was not me, but a case of giant vagina. Weird.
[Sep 8,2008 1:48pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
that vagina has landed on cocks all over the nation.
[Sep 8,2008 1:52pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Sep 8,2008 2:33pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i used to know a girl who would put beer bottles in her cooch by holding the mouth of it and sticking in the battom part with no lube or anything.. she was fucking gross. but i obv watched her do it everytime she got drunk at parties and whipped out her pot hole pussy.
[Sep 8,2008 2:40pm - sacreligionnli  ""]

ellesarusrex said:pot hole pussy.

mfr, i demand a new composted song by the end of the week.
[Sep 8,2008 2:52pm - ellesarusrex ""]
and i demand you to finish cum drop and lollipops for me.
[Sep 8,2008 4:53pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hahaha, Mike and I were talking about that song the other day. It will be resurrected. No one else in the band liked it except for me and Mike. :(

Pot Hole Pussy is definitely good. But we all know it was just you staring in a mirror, and by "parties" you mean when you'd line up all your stuffed animals in your room and drink a gallon of Kool-Aid. I know your tricks, Mignosa.
[Sep 8,2008 6:15pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Sep 8,2008 8:38pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Personally, I thought the first pic I posted was the funniest.
[Sep 8,2008 8:41pm - the_reverend ""]
that is the weirdes picture ever... that thing must smell soooo bad.
[Sep 8,2008 8:42pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Sep 8,2008 8:49pm - ellesarusrex ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Hahaha, Mike and I were talking about that song the other day. It will be resurrected. No one else in the band liked it except for me and Mike. :(

Pot Hole Pussy is definitely good. But we all know it was just you staring in a mirror, and by "parties" you mean when you'd line up all your stuffed animals in your room and drink a gallon of Kool-Aid. I know your tricks, Mignosa.

i thought that last teddy bear looked kinda big to be wearing that build a bear shirt.
[Sep 9,2008 1:48am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 9,2008 1:50am - sacreligionnli  ""]
[Sep 9,2008 7:17am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 9,2008 12:13pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 9,2008 12:14pm - sacreligionnli  ""]
[Sep 9,2008 10:13pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 9,2008 11:43pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
[Sep 10,2008 12:19am - Phrozenspite ""]
[Sep 10,2008 10:31am - orgymf@work  ""]
[Sep 10,2008 10:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
Just when I thought the internet could not get any more disturbing...
[Sep 12,2008 8:03am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 12,2008 8:11am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Phrozenspite said:[img]

Quite disturbing...


Nice ink and piercings, WTF?
[Sep 12,2008 11:19am - xmikex ""]
waaaaaaaaaaay too many dicks in this thread.

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