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Genitortures and David Vincent

[May 17,2004 9:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
my unholy list of favorites -

1. Covenant - flows like lava and kills anything in its path
2. Heritic - this album rips
3. Altars of Madness - a good headbang from start to finish
4. Formulas Fatal to the Flesh - "thinking outside the box" again
5. Blessed Are the Sick - shit guy these guys can be diverse as hell
6. Entangled in Chaos - this is number one when they come to Worcester
7. Domination - a few great songs, mostly hype
8. Gateways to Annihilation - awesome production but still wicked dry

you guys are forgotting that drama killed the scene!
[May 17,2004 9:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
1. Gateways - nothing beats rutan and trey battling out solo's.
2. Blessed Are The Sick
3. Domination
4. Altars of Madness
5. Heretic
6. Covenant
7. Formulas Fatal To the Flesh
8. Entangled In Chaos
[May 17,2004 9:28pm - the_reverend ""]
1. Covenant tie Altars of Madness
2. Formulas Fatal To the Flesh tie Gateways
3. Blessed Are The Sick
4. Domination
5. Heretic (all that drum-track crap pissed me off)
[May 17,2004 9:29pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahah 1 track.
[May 17,2004 9:42pm - the_reverend ""]
that and the promo copy being chopped up.
and the ambient track.
it all worked together to sour that record for me.

personally, I find A,B,C,D, and E Morbid Angel to be a completely different band from F,G, and H.
[May 17,2004 9:45pm - retzam ""]
RustedAngel said:No one sounded like him because bands like suffocation, corpse and carcass were too busy having brutal death metal vocals.

First of all, I hate myself for coming back to this thread after making a big deal out of not coming back.

Second of all, the vocals in Carcass were not brutal at all really.

Third of all, see First of all.

Fourth of all, Chris Barnes' vocals are lame and always have been. Maybe I would be able to tolerate them if there was some half-decent music behind them.

Fifth of all, the early days of MA were extremely influential for death metal, and Dave's voice has on many occasions been specifically cited by Mikael Åkerfeldt as his sole influence for his vocals, and I can only imagine that this was true for soo many others. The Scandinavian death metal boom began when Altars Of Madness began to grab all these people by the collar and slap them in the face.

Sixth of all, see Third of all
[May 17,2004 9:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
the_reverend said:personally, I find A,B,C,D, and E Morbid Angel to be a completely different band from F,G, and H.

my favorite dj is a carpenter cause he hits the nail on the head.
[May 17,2004 9:49pm - retzam ""]
Holy fucking shit, I just fucking noticed that their albums go ABCDEFGH.

I'm such an ass to have not noticed that before.
[May 17,2004 10:14pm - Kalopsia ""]
retzam said:Holy fucking shit, I just fucking noticed that their albums go ABCDEFGH.

I'm such an ass to have not noticed that before.

that's what they're known for. someone once asked them what are they gonna call their 27th album
[May 17,2004 10:28pm - JellyFish ""]
1. Blessed
2. Altars
3. Covenant
4. Domination
5. Formulas
6. Entangled
7. Heretic
8. Gateways
[May 17,2004 10:40pm - retzam ""]
Kalopsia said:retzam said:Holy fucking shit, I just fucking noticed that their albums go ABCDEFGH.

I'm such an ass to have not noticed that before.

that's what they're known for. someone once asked them what are they gonna call their 27th album

continue with the swedish alphabet (å,ä,ö)
[May 18,2004 7:01am - dyingmuse ""]
[May 18,2004 10:32am - morkul ""]
the_reverend said:1. Covenant tie Altars of Madness
2. Formulas Fatal To the Flesh tie Gateways
3. Blessed Are The Sick
4. Domination
5. Heretic (all that drum-track crap pissed me off)

Don't hate on the drummer just cause he smokes anyone you've ever seen. It's one track, and besides, he deserves alot more. The WHOLE seen has him to thank for alot of the drumming going on today. I said alot, not all.
[May 18,2004 10:35am - morkul ""]
the_reverend said:Kalopsia said:yea heretic is easily their worst album.

I second that.

Ok, so you don't like Heretic? I don't know how you cannot, it's called forward progression. Bands can't stick to the same thing every single album year after year. That would get so old. Come on man you got to like something about it.?
[May 18,2004 10:43am - RustedAngel ""]
the vocals on heretic are awesome!
[May 18,2004 3:37pm - JellyFish ""]
Pete Sandovan is amazing. Nuff said
[May 18,2004 7:10pm - retzam ""]
I thought it was Sandoval.
[May 18,2004 7:22pm - morkul ""]
Oh since we are on the topic of MA, did you know before the recording of Heretic, David was asked to come back. So they jammed for a month before he wanted to start slowing things down and changing this and that. So Pete and Trey said no that is alright. So they asked Steve back in. Then on some more thinking a week later David called them back and said I 'm in and won't change anything. By then though it was too late, they had already gotten Steve back. So I guess David is pissed right now at the whole band. Just read this. The article also read hinting that Steve might be around for the"I" MA cd. So you know who may be asked back....just a hint, don't know if it is true or not?:NEWHORNS:
[May 18,2004 7:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
where's the article?
[May 18,2004 7:35pm - morkul ""]
On MorbidAngelchat.com. Go into discussions and then it's under David V. to rejoin or something like that....check it out
[May 18,2004 9:26pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i am the proud owner of a morbid angel thong. damn, i'm cool.
[Jun 12,2004 1:45am - anonymous  ""]
David Vincent with Morbid Angel was great....but the guy is an asshole and so are you! He is a complete fag! Nice lipstick Dave!

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