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i got a friend request from Wretched Asylum's friend...

[Feb 15,2005 8:24am - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
of course i'm not going to approve it, but i saw WA's page and saw:


It's that page with the singer hitting someone and you can see people's comments.

that's their gay ass page so you can see their gay ass fans.

Just figured after the todd bullshit, if anyone wants to read any info, here you are.
[Feb 15,2005 9:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha wretched asylum listed themselves as black metal
[Feb 15,2005 9:26am - litacore ""]

and not in a good sense...
[Feb 15,2005 9:34am - RustedAngel ""]
one of their friends, some chick, what a fag!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 15,2005 9:36am - litacore ""]
the fuck does TWIZTIO mean? Is that some Limp Bizkit catchphrase?
[Feb 15,2005 9:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
TWIZTIO haha, lets make up our own meaning.
[Feb 15,2005 9:38am - ShItBaG  ""]
[Feb 15,2005 9:38am - paganmegan ""]

[Feb 15,2005 9:39am - RustedAngel ""]
it's TWIZTID...as in ICP, juggalo bullshit.
[Feb 15,2005 9:40am - RustedAngel ""]
imagine being 70 and having a fucking TWIZTID tattoo on you, how gay. I'd rather tattoo the Twizzlers logo on my arm.
[Feb 15,2005 9:40am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
juggalos live hard and die young
[Feb 15,2005 9:47am - dreadkill ""]
that person is so ugly
[Feb 15,2005 9:48am - ShItBaG  ""]
her ears are all fucking retarded
[Feb 15,2005 9:49am - RustedAngel ""]
here's her profile for further investigaytion.

[Feb 15,2005 9:50am - dreadkill ""]
and her hairstyle is god awful. it looks like someone pooed softserve twist ice cream on her head. that is so twiztio yo.
[Feb 15,2005 9:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hope she chokes on that knife
[Feb 15,2005 10:03am - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 15,2005 10:09am - the_reverend ""]
the hilarious thing is I wanted to post that twistid picture!
but I got busy at work.
I clicked on the WA link and then she said something retarded so I click on her profile and BANG there was that twistid picture.... RETAHD-ED!
[Feb 15,2005 10:15am - succubus ""]
i think i've already said enough in this thread
[Feb 15,2005 10:18am - Abbath ""]
RustedAngel said:imagine being 70 and having a fucking TWIZTID tattoo on you, how gay. I'd rather tattoo the Twizzlers logo on my arm.

hahahahahahahahahahaha i bet she's a slam pig too
[Feb 15,2005 10:41am - also not a fan  ""]

That is the singers myspace account
[Feb 15,2005 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
wow! it's like an entire area of people I would never want to know.
that's really cool that they all group together like that so they are easier to avoid.
[Feb 15,2005 11:31am - succubus ""]
[Feb 15,2005 12:19pm - tbone_r ""]
like the seinfeld episode where a judge was going to order kramer, george, elaine and jerry to stop hanging out with each other....but changed his mind because he was afriaid if they split up they'd start 4 new groups of friends just as awful/retarded as them
[Feb 15,2005 1:37pm - vengefulandgodless ""]

RustedAngel said:one of their friends, some chick, what a fag!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think she hangs out with my GF
unless someone else has the same haircut and ink
[Feb 15,2005 1:38pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
Yup its her
[Feb 15,2005 1:43pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
Oh yeah and I have no problem with the girl in that picture but as far as that whole group of people goes If I find out we are being blackballed due to one chubby little shit talker that chubby little shittalker better watch his back!
[Feb 15,2005 2:12pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]

[Feb 15,2005 2:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
if this fatty tries to add you, deny her, she's involved with the enemy that is WA.

[Feb 15,2005 2:17pm - dreadkill ""]
she is on my friends list
[Feb 15,2005 2:18pm - dreadkill ""]
there are a couple gay metalcore bands on my friends list as well. i pretty much add whoever wants to be added.
[Feb 15,2005 2:39pm - succubus ""]
she psoted on here before
[Feb 15,2005 3:30pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
haha I know all these people
[Feb 15,2005 3:35pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
vengefulandgodless said:haha I know all these people

sucks to be you.

[Feb 15,2005 4:26pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
Josh_hates_you said:vengefulandgodless said:haha I know all these people

sucks to be you.

most of em hate me
[Feb 17,2005 9:06pm - anonymous  ""]
haha u guys are pathetic.......
[Feb 17,2005 9:34pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 17,2005 10:41pm - Abbath ""]
anonymous said:haha u guys are pathetic.......

[Feb 17,2005 11:13pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
[Feb 17,2005 11:16pm - the_reverend ""]
if you are going to say that...
she should have to explain what the fuck she was thiking when she got that sizzle... I mean wtf...
you should know by now that if you say ANYTHING on this board, someone you don't want to see something (including my mom) will see it.
[Feb 17,2005 11:17pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Making fun of someone for having bad taste in music makes you a much worse person than someone who calls Todd a "crippled asshole"
[Feb 17,2005 11:20pm - Juggalugalugalo  ""]
Woah, whats with the hate towards juggalos?
[Feb 17,2005 11:36pm - Abbath ""]
the_reverend said:if you are going to say that...
she should have to explain what the fuck she was thiking when she got that sizzle... I mean wtf...
you should know by now that if you say ANYTHING on this board, someone you don't want to see something (including my mom) will see it.

[Feb 17,2005 11:37pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I can proudly say that aside from one or two ICP songs I've heard because of friends who owned JCW dvds I have never had to listen to any of that gay bullshit
[Feb 17,2005 11:39pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Haha, you said"defence"
[Feb 18,2005 12:04am - ThaJuggalotus  ""]
FUCK YALL U ALL R BITCHS..hatin on somone cause of a tat. or the music they listin to..i mean FUCK yall twiztid is the shit...so is ICP..JUGGALOS AND JUGGALETTES...aleast aint posers or mainstream bitchs..or critize for being ur self..SO FUCK U..and EVERONE..who HATES ON JUGGALOS OR LETTES...U FUCKERS JUS DONT UNDERSTAND..
[Feb 18,2005 12:06am - Abbath ""]
[Feb 18,2005 12:38am - anonymous  ""]
ThaJuggalotus said:AND JUGGALETTES...aleast aint posers or mainstream bitchs..or critize for being ur self..SO FUCK U..and EVERONE..who HATES ON JUGGALOS OR LETTES...U FUCKERS JUS DONT UNDERSTAND..

One of my favorite illustrations of juggalo retardation is how they harp on and on about how they're outside of the mainstream and non-conformists yet when confronted by criticism one of their warhorse comebacks is "OH YEAH! WELL ICP SOLD 2.5 million records! FAYGO!"

and you are criticizing me for being myself because believing that ICP and their fans are total faggots is part of my personal belief system.

[Feb 18,2005 12:39am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
^twas me.

...ICP is for gaylords
[Feb 18,2005 12:41am - anonymous  ""]
You fuckin haters, why don't you go get a life instead of dissin on some chick that you don't even know. Just so you know she's a whole lot better person than all of you put together.

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