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i got a friend request from Wretched Asylum's friend...

[Feb 20,2005 3:21am - You‘re a Douche  ""]
I know I mean funny notes...where do they come up with this stuff
[Feb 20,2005 3:28am - better than you  ""]
what an infinite well of genius...

*marvels* lol
[Feb 20,2005 3:29am - You‘re a Douche  ""]
I wonder if they have little meetings were they discuss how they can stick it to us best the next time

woo that sounded dirty ;)
[Feb 20,2005 5:19am - thegreatspaldino ""]
You‘re a Douche said:I wonder if they have little meetings were they discuss how they can stick it to us best the next time

woo that sounded dirty ;)

grow up, you backwards retarded, butter-toothed, bangwhore. we honestly could care less about you and your overly expanded cunt, so quit posting here.

one of you has a terrible tattoo, we made fun of it, you lose by actually caring, and then you lost even MORE by posting.

hey! i heard that you can get reincarnated if you were born retarded and that the sooner you die, the better your chances are of coming back as someone really smart! im totally serious. God just told me about this. also, he said that he is sorry about making you guys ICP fans, because that kind of killed any chance for your recovery from idiocy.

my condolances :(
[Feb 20,2005 6:21am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I can't believe some of these returds think Metal is a kind of Goth haha...
[Feb 20,2005 6:46am - XmikeX ""]
who the hell are all these gross bitches, and dweebs? somebody bring me up to speed on this dumb thread. I can't believe any of you think this is more important than ragging on Joe Christianni.
[Feb 20,2005 9:15am - Fozy  ""]
is all that you stupid mother fuckers do is sit here and rag and diss on ppl you know know?, you dont fuckin know shit about anyone of them, but yet you feel the need to hate on them cus for one, you think you are better then them, and second, you dont understand them, and if you all can sit here and fuckin rag on ppl you dont even know for appearance and beleifes., you are way below them, i mean fuck get a life, i know everyone in all the pics that were posted, and i can proudly say im friends with all of them and they all kick ass and are kool as fuck, but you all wouldnt fuckin know that cus you are all bitches are are quick to judge just cus she is a fan of twiztid and has a tattoo of the group name, who fuckin cares? twiztid fuckin rules, i bet if someone came on here and posted a pic of their nsync tattoo you all wouldnt say shit to them, cus thats the shit you faggits are into, you fucks are the type of ppl id beat down for fun.
[Feb 20,2005 9:37am - Pyro  ""]
[Feb 20,2005 11:27am - eddie ""]
You‘re a Douche said:eddie said:You‘re a Douche said:you just seemed to talk a lot more shit when it was other people posting our pics ;)

do those pics show a twizted tatoo?

actually if you must know I dont have a twiztid tattoo ;)

you didn't get it, nobody made fun of it because there wasn't a twizted tatoo.

sorry i assumed you'd use logic and think to yourself "no, those pics don't show a twizted tat that must be why no ones making fun of them"
[Feb 20,2005 11:29am - Scoracrasia ""]
Fozy said:is all that you stupid mother fuckers do is sit here and rag and diss on ppl you know know?, you dont fuckin know shit about anyone of them, but yet you feel the need to hate on them cus for one, you think you are better then them, and second, you dont understand them, and if you all can sit here and fuckin rag on ppl you dont even know for appearance and beleifes., you are way below them, i mean fuck get a life, i know everyone in all the pics that were posted, and i can proudly say im friends with all of them and they all kick ass and are kool as fuck, but you all wouldnt fuckin know that cus you are all bitches are are quick to judge just cus she is a fan of twiztid and has a tattoo of the group name, who fuckin cares? twiztid fuckin rules, i bet if someone came on here and posted a pic of their nsync tattoo you all wouldnt say shit to them, cus thats the shit you faggits are into, you fucks are the type of ppl id beat down for fun.

Bring it on fagboy. Nice spelling by the way. Did you make it past the 2nd grade?

[Feb 20,2005 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
psych0pathic preacher said:the kiss army

the kiss army is a horrible joke too.

psych0pathic preacher said:lemme tell ya something about death metal.

it's a good thing everyone here loves about tons of different kinds of music.

psych0pathic preacher said:icp has released some thing like 14 cds not one of the songs sounds anything like the last.

then how do you know when you are listening to a slipknot rip off song? er.. sorry, I mean ICP song.
[Feb 20,2005 11:47am - the_reverend ""]
the funny things is these are the kids that get beaten up when you go to see hatebreed now-a-days.

ps: no matter what anyone says, a band tattoo across your back, especially if said band is a horrible gimmick band is retarded. that tattoo is not a work of art, it's a work of retardedness.

pps: since everyone else out there is starting up an army and I'm a "celebrity". we are going to be called Wonkers. You all need to put X's on one hand and 0's on the other. Also, you need to cut anything you have that is long sleeve so that you have thumb holes! I'll think of more redunkulous things later.
[Feb 20,2005 11:53am - succubus ""]
Scoracrasia said:Fozy said:is all that you stupid mother fuckers do is sit here and rag and diss on ppl you know know?, you dont fuckin know shit about anyone of them, but yet you feel the need to hate on them cus for one, you think you are better then them, and second, you dont understand them, and if you all can sit here and fuckin rag on ppl you dont even know for appearance and beleifes., you are way below them, i mean fuck get a life, i know everyone in all the pics that were posted, and i can proudly say im friends with all of them and they all kick ass and are kool as fuck, but you all wouldnt fuckin know that cus you are all bitches are are quick to judge just cus she is a fan of twiztid and has a tattoo of the group name, who fuckin cares? twiztid fuckin rules, i bet if someone came on here and posted a pic of their nsync tattoo you all wouldnt say shit to them, cus thats the shit you faggits are into, you fucks are the type of ppl id beat down for fun.

Bring it on fagboy. Nice spelling by the way. Did you make it past the 2nd grade?

1. you beat me to the spelling comment..
2. i think its funny this person is all pissed off
3. nsync? you must be retarded since you think anyone on here likes them

[Feb 20,2005 12:03pm - MattRCT ""]
hahaha they think saying bitch boy is cool
[Feb 20,2005 12:05pm - Abbath ""]
ugh! why is the thread still going!?
besides YA'LL our favorite bands are distrubed and papa roach cause they SPEAK THE TRUTH, they let our goth desires go wild
[Feb 20,2005 12:11pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i just attempted to read the thread from where i last posted, but my add foiled that plan... as well as random pictures of girls that i dont know, damn you all to hell.
[Feb 20,2005 12:16pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
I have nothing to say, but I wanted to make post 666.

[Feb 20,2005 1:24pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i just wanna know what "beleifes" is or means or whatever...
[Feb 20,2005 1:29pm - tbone_r ""]
hey rev, can we be wankers instead of wonkers?
[Feb 20,2005 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]

the second rule of wonkers,
[Feb 20,2005 2:45pm - tbone_r ""]
hahaha ok
[Feb 20,2005 2:51pm - Abbath ""]
can we wear highlight clothing?! that'd be sweet, then we can bust out in sweet dance moves like true gangstas
[Feb 20,2005 2:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hey aren't we gonna fight the Cobra's tonight ?

not before we get this routine down, i did not spend 8 years in tap to let it be wasted by some noobs !

1,2,3 and thrust and twist and shake and hands..remember it's happy hands not sad hands !
[Feb 20,2005 3:38pm - bornsovile in albany  ""]
RTTP IST KRIEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUGGALOS = a horrible concept that is pretty GAY but nonetheless, i was friends with a few in high school, i liked them cause everyone shat on them.
anyways, YOU ARE A DOUCHE, i would love to wine and dine with you some night, I admire your boldness and witty comments but you must understand, when in rome do as the romans do.
Wrechted Asylum will never be respected here. First off they talked shit about CWAF and Kevorkians, not cool, then they take it out on Joe, not cool, then they trash Notcommon, not cool at all. So then it spills over onto here and yaddy yaddy yaddya here we are.
TO EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T FOLLOW THIS SITE AND IS ON HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME AND THINKS THE SITE IS GAY - understand that this is a very closley nit crew of folk here. We have our scene you have yours. There's really no point in trying to break us apart on this, I know it feels good to get some shots in and whatnot but in the end it doesn't matter. If you WA at least showed some interest in the underground metal scene there probably won't be a problem instead of trying to pull of a lame nu-metal gimmick. whatever to each there own. i missed out on this thread cause i'm busy living life, nonetheless this was entertaining and gave me a few laughs and a smile. i hope ya'll enjoyed my little rant of bullshit compassion. RTTP IST KRIEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 20,2005 3:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Nein Shisse !
[Feb 20,2005 3:53pm - Abbath ""]
[Feb 20,2005 4:13pm - tbone_r ""]
i show alliance to none
[Feb 20,2005 5:23pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Juggalos feel a sense of community with their fellow juggalos.

Juggalos are probably from a broken home, or think they are a from a broken home because mommy and daddy got in that argument one time over what got the third spot in the garage when they went to Europe on business. Dad's boat or Mom's convertible? Tough choice, I know.

But because these kids don't feel loved at home, they find brotherhood amongst other middle/high school kids who share a similair feeling of displacement, as well as a love of giant pants and make-up.

Most Juggalos grow out of this phase by the end of high school, but some continue on well into their 20's, still asking Mom and Dad for 18.99 to buy the newest slab of plastic with clowns on the cover.

They are selling you a product, just as Coca-Cola or Microsoft or McDonald's does. You don't see kids hanging out in the food court at the mall with Ronald McDonald face paint on, do you?

Hang on to all the pictures of yourself in your I.C.P. attire, and look back at them in a few years. You will either hate yourself in the same way people on here hate you, or laugh at yourself the same way people on here are laughing at you.

As far as the girl with the Twiztid tattoo, I don't know her personally, and she may be a nice person, but a good personality isnt going to get rid of the shame of that tattoo once she grows out of this phase.

Please go out and buy a Motorhead album. It will do you nothing but good.
[Feb 20,2005 5:31pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i'm sorry, did I sum you up too well?

sorry to ruin everything for you.
[Feb 20,2005 5:55pm - tbone_r ""]
[Feb 20,2005 6:06pm - Fozy  ""]
Scoracrasia said:Fozy said:is all that you stupid mother fuckers do is sit here and rag and diss on ppl you know know?, you dont fuckin know shit about anyone of them, but yet you feel the need to hate on them cus for one, you think you are better then them, and second, you dont understand them, and if you all can sit here and fuckin rag on ppl you dont even know for appearance and beleifes., you are way below them, i mean fuck get a life, i know everyone in all the pics that were posted, and i can proudly say im friends with all of them and they all kick ass and are kool as fuck, but you all wouldnt fuckin know that cus you are all bitches are are quick to judge just cus she is a fan of twiztid and has a tattoo of the group name, who fuckin cares? twiztid fuckin rules, i bet if someone came on here and posted a pic of their nsync tattoo you all wouldnt say shit to them, cus thats the shit you faggits are into, you fucks are the type of ppl id beat down for fun.

Bring it on fagboy. Nice spelling by the way. Did you make it past the 2nd grade?

lol!, your going to come back at me with trying to make fun of me for spelling? and your calling me a fagboy? LMAO!. and oh yes, 2nd grade was soooo hard for me... holy shit, my 8 year old little sister even comes up with better shit, your fucking pathetic.
but this is retarded and pointless, whatever i say isnt gonna mean shit, cus you all have your own opinions on shit you dont understand and dont know shit about but assume you do. but fuck it, theres no point. you all have fun on here bitching about things, im gonna go out and get fucked up, and get me some pussy, cus i actually HAVE A LIFE. and dont spend all my time on some website thinking im kool cus i can diss on other ppl cus they like a certain group. you all are fucking pathetic.

hows my spelling that time faggit? good enough for you?, did i move up to the 3rd grade yet? jesus christ. get a life, then get a girlfriend. and no, not a downloaded one either.

[Feb 20,2005 6:20pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Actually you fucked up more on your spelling FAGGOT. Go wish to get that "pussy" which you won't get. I do have a life outside of here, believe me. I am more out of this house and doing what I need to do so quit making gay assumptions. Kill yourself you little kid or grow up.
[Feb 20,2005 6:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Fozy said:Scoracrasia said:Fozy said:is all that you stupid mother fuckers do is sit here and rag and diss on ppl you know know?, you dont fuckin know shit about anyone of them, but yet you feel the need to hate on them cus for one, you think you are better then them, and second, you dont understand them, and if you all can sit here and fuckin rag on ppl you dont even know for appearance and beleifes., you are way below them, i mean fuck get a life, i know everyone in all the pics that were posted, and i can proudly say im friends with all of them and they all kick ass and are kool as fuck, but you all wouldnt fuckin know that cus you are all bitches are are quick to judge just cus she is a fan of twiztid and has a tattoo of the group name, who fuckin cares? twiztid fuckin rules, i bet if someone came on here and posted a pic of their nsync tattoo you all wouldnt say shit to them, cus thats the shit you faggits are into, you fucks are the type of ppl id beat down for fun.

Bring it on fagboy. Nice spelling by the way. Did you make it past the 2nd grade?

lol!, your going to come back at me with trying to make fun of me for spelling? and your calling me a fagboy? LMAO!. and oh yes, 2nd grade was soooo hard for me... holy shit, my 8 year old little sister even comes up with better shit, your fucking pathetic.
but this is retarded and pointless, whatever i say isnt gonna mean shit, cus you all have your own opinions on shit you dont understand and dont know shit about but assume you do. but fuck it, theres no point. you all have fun on here bitching about things, im gonna go out and get fucked up, and get me some pussy, cus i actually HAVE A LIFE. and dont spend all my time on some website thinking im kool cus i can diss on other ppl cus they like a certain group. you all are fucking pathetic.

hows my spelling that time faggit? good enough for you?, did i move up to the 3rd grade yet? jesus christ. get a life, then get a girlfriend. and no, not a downloaded one either.

no not really cause you still use ebonic and dont know how to spell correctly. bet we'll see you in a lil while, and you can tell us all how to live again !
[Feb 20,2005 7:38pm - Smurfy187  ""]
are you fucking people ever gonna get tired of this?
[Feb 20,2005 7:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
this is hilarious, i thoroughly enjoy reading the trials and tribulations of teen angst in its most mainstream form... you kids need a good role model, someone talented and inspirational... keep searching, you'll find it one day.
[Feb 20,2005 7:58pm - Dissector ""]
Let's get Dwyer on this thread to spell check it for us.
[Feb 20,2005 8:04pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Feb 20,2005 8:17pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'd much rather talk about how awesome BDP is as opposed to how gay ICP is

or we can talk about NWA

Oh look, some white guys who rap and aren't as gay as ICP

[Feb 20,2005 8:44pm - tbone_r ""]
i listen to blink 182 and taking back sunday sometimes.
[Feb 20,2005 8:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i got tricked into a thursday show once.... never again.
[Feb 20,2005 11:19pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
KeithMutiny said:i got tricked into a thursday show once.... never again.

hahahaha! own3d.
[Feb 20,2005 11:22pm - Abbath ""]
hahahahahahahahahhahaha poor keith
[Feb 21,2005 5:47am - the_reverend ""]
Dissector said:Let's get Dwyer on this thread to spell check it for us.

He'd be like "linguo feels pain"
[Feb 21,2005 10:47am - errrrrrrrrrr  ""]
bornsovile in albany said:
Wrechted Asylum will never be respected here. First off they talked shit about CWAF and Kevorkians, not cool, then they take it out on Joe, not cool, then they trash Notcommon, not cool at all. So then it spills over onto here and yaddy yaddy yaddya here we are.

Wrong, wrong, wrong! WA never had a problem with these bands or people until they did a show with them and they acted like assholes. After that, Joe made a comment to their manager wishing they were dead or something like that, all for no reason. And yadda yadda yadda, here we are.
[Feb 21,2005 10:50am - paganmegan ""]
ha ha this is getting dragged up yet again
[Feb 21,2005 11:00am - Jaytanica777 ""]
Has WA pissed off this many people? I seriously know people who promote them/like them and have NEVER heard them...
[Feb 21,2005 11:01am - the_reverend ""]
errrrrrrrrrr said:And yadda yadda yadda, here we are.

no, we are here cause we wanted to make fun of that girl's ulgy tattoo.
at least that's why I'm here.
[Feb 21,2005 11:20am - errrrrrrrrrr  ""]
Jaytanica777 said:Has WA pissed off this many people?

Yeah, the whole 20 members or so that talk shit about them here. I don't think that's that many people. And, well, they must have something going on for all these people to talk about them constantly.
[Feb 21,2005 11:21am - Jaytanica777 ""]
ah ok....I still think it's all gay
[Feb 21,2005 12:47pm - tbone_r ""]
i've never heard them, but i've seen pictures of them covered in blood...that's kinda gay.

and 'they must have something going on for them for this many people to talk about them constantly' is one of my least favorite defenses. if they were good, we would say good things.

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