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Video: some guy fucks with a bunch of mexicans

[Jun 30,2005 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 30,2005 10:27am - Defnasty ""]
dont work
[Jun 30,2005 10:29am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha beautiful
[Jun 30,2005 10:31am - SuperFly ""]
I dont have speakers to hear what was said, but that was pretty fucking funny.
[Jun 30,2005 10:41am - davefromthegrave ""]
kinda funny, but that guy was such a fucking prick it sorta cancels out some of the humor.
[Jun 30,2005 10:57am - Messerschmitt ""]
HAHAHAHAHA! that was the best thing i've seen in a while. i thought he was gonna take them through a car wash at first.
[Jun 30,2005 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
someone at my work made the car wash statment too.
[Jun 30,2005 11:08am - Christraper ""]
That was great. I dont have sound on my computer but the video was fucking hilarious
[Jun 30,2005 11:59am - thedeparted ""]
too bad no one ran out and arrested them
[Jun 30,2005 12:04pm - Christraper ""]
yea that dude shouldve called immigration before he got there
[Jun 30,2005 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
someone at my work also said that.
[Jun 30,2005 12:09pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i love the guy that sees him at the end and bangs on his window...hilarious
[Jun 30,2005 12:59pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I just showed this to my dad. He thought it was funny.
[Jun 30,2005 1:17pm - cdan ""]
that's fucking depressing. probly cause i'm a dirty foreigner.
[Jun 30,2005 1:18pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
could be
[Jun 30,2005 2:03pm - hanlon555  ""]
That guy should be shot. Anyone who thinks that's funny is a miserable human being.
[Jun 30,2005 2:11pm - Messerschmitt ""]
[Jun 30,2005 2:16pm - xericx ""]
fucking hilarous!!! my whole office is laughing at this right now! I thought he was headed for the carwash myself, but INS is even better!
[Jun 30,2005 2:42pm - xericx ""]
he has funnier ones....i.e: walking up to a black dudes pumping gas dressed in a KKK outfit and asking them if they can spare some gas to fill up his can cuz he's having a burning that night. run down to your local video store and pick up National Lampoon's Lost Realty 1 or 2.....they're both good....episodes include Foreign Family Affair: put a pakistani exchanfe student in a crazy american household and get naked and gay all the time....see if he'll last...i could rattle these off all fuckin afternoon, but they're worth the 2 bucks for a rent
[Jun 30,2005 3:10pm - cdan ""]
hanlon555 said:That guy should be shot. Anyone who thinks that's funny is a miserable human being.

i tend to agree with this fellow.
[Jun 30,2005 3:46pm - Josh_Martin ""]
If you come to this country illegally, you should be happy if the worst thing that happens to you is getting fucked with by some emo looking geek.

If you're not going to pay taxes the least you can do is provide some entertainment.
[Jun 30,2005 5:09pm - Hooker ""]
that guy's a weiner.
[Jun 30,2005 5:09pm - powerkok ""]
I wish the link worked!!
[Jun 30,2005 5:11pm - Defnasty ""]
Yeah find a new link
[Jun 30,2005 5:56pm - Defnasty ""]
I meant find a new chink.
[Jun 30,2005 5:57pm - Hooker ""]
*trombone noise*
[Jun 30,2005 6:36pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I'll put it up on yousendit
[Jun 30,2005 6:41pm - davefromthegrave ""]
here ya go

[Jun 30,2005 7:09pm - powerkok ""]
that was pretty fuckin hilarious.
[Jun 30,2005 7:31pm - hanlon555  ""]
Racism is wicked funny, I love NH!!!!!! Desperation is so hilarious!!!!

Fucking scumbags.
[Jun 30,2005 7:35pm - powerkok ""]
Ya hes a racist, but its not the racism thats funny. look past the guy being a fuckin dorky asswipe.

It;s a fucking funny idea.

and thats LA, not NH,.
[Jun 30,2005 8:25pm - hanlon555  ""]
I meant YOU with the NH thing, not him. Maybe as an idea it is funny, I don't think so because the idea alone is only possible in a racist context. Outside of that, he actually did this to real working people, so it stepped outside of the realm of ideas. I'm really not trying to be a dick or anything, but this kind of humor only reinforces the ideas behind it.
[Jun 30,2005 8:40pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think the funniest thing about this video is that it is pissing people off.
[Jun 30,2005 8:45pm - Hooker ""]
He was laughing all hard and shit. It would have been way better if he had stuck his ass through the window and shat diarrhea all over the dudes or something. That dude is a weiner jew.
[Jun 30,2005 8:47pm - eddienli  ""]
hanlon555 said:I meant YOU with the NH thing, not him. Maybe as an idea it is funny, I don't think so because the idea alone is only possible in a racist context. Outside of that, he actually did this to real working people, so it stepped outside of the realm of ideas. I'm really not trying to be a dick or anything, but this kind of humor only reinforces the ideas behind it.

what ideas are you talking about? The fact that they're taking jobs from americans so that big buisness can make more money by getting cheaper labor. Or the idea that they're leeching off our country's welfare systems.

illegal immigrants = death of middle class

republicans won't do anything about it because they're rich bastards who want the cheap labor

democrats won't do anything about it because its not PC
[Jun 30,2005 8:53pm - powerkok ""]
The only ppl it pisses off are faggots like Hanlon 555....hey U know Jack shit about me asshole, so fucking grow a sense of humor and stop over analyzing joke videos, fucklips.

Im as far from a racist as a whitey from NH could be, so fuck you.
[Jun 30,2005 8:58pm - powerkok ""]
if you feel so bad for em Hanlon, and theyre sooo desperate, let em stay at your place, since youre sooo fucking caring. Or they can get legalized for 200 bucks, like all the brazilians I work with. But know why they dont? Cuz theyre fucking bum drunks and couldnt stop themselves from wasting their money on wine.
[Jun 30,2005 10:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
hahaha yes!
[Jun 30,2005 10:53pm - Dissector ""]
That was the funniest thing i've seen in a loooong time.
[Jun 30,2005 10:56pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
hahahaha that was hilarious. illegal immigrants deserve to be booted out.
[Jun 30,2005 11:14pm - anonymous  ""]
[img] Laughing at the misfortunes of others is NOT COOL
[Jul 1,2005 12:16am - hanlon555  ""]
The idea that there is a middle class in America is fiction. There are only two classes.

Powerkok, while you can't admit to your own obvious racism, you have no problem with homophobia, nice work.

As I already explained it isn't a joke to the workers in the video
[Jul 1,2005 12:22am - davefromthegrave ""]
hanlon555 said: There are only two classes.

1) People with a brain

2) you
[Jul 1,2005 12:25am - hanlon555  ""]
Good times.
[Jul 1,2005 12:38am - powerkok ""]
Like I said, you know jack shit about me. Im not gonna sit here and argue with you about me being a racist. As for homophobia, you are a faggot.

One more thing, cunt.....Middle class does exist, its called not living of Daddy or Mommy's trust fund, but not on welfare.

who the fuck are YOU to say there is no middle class?
Suck dog dick.
[Jul 1,2005 12:39am - powerkok ""]
This reminds me of a saying:

'Never argue with an idiot, he'll only drag you down to his level, and beat you with experience"
[Jul 1,2005 12:39am - davefromthegrave ""]
hanlon555 said:Good times.

jsut to clarify, you're the one without a brain. go suck some illegal immigrant's cock if you love them so much.
[Jul 1,2005 12:42am - powerkok ""]
Its actually ppl like Hanlon that make this video even funnier.
Because it makes it THAT much better to laugh at these retards.
[Jul 1,2005 1:53am - hanlon555  ""]
No, I get it, I have no brain, it's funny. That's some top notch reasoning.

Classes, in material terms, rather than semantic fantasy-land, are based upon one's relationship to the means of production. This means you are either an owner of capital or you are forced to sell your labor. The Middle Class is a rhetorical flourish, an American wet dream if you will, which keeps working class people here divided from those around the globe.

How does my existence make it easier to laugh at the working poor? I just hope none of you are older than 16.
[Jul 1,2005 2:05am - Lamp ""]
anonymous said: Laughing at the misfortunes of others is NOT COOL

Why not? If that happened to me and it was caught on video, I'd be expecting people to laugh.

I thought the video was funny.

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