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video response from phil anselmo

[Dec 28,2004 9:09pm - beatbox  ""]
has anyone seen that video response of phil anselmo crying and babbling in a drug induced haze about dimebag?

its quite sad

[Dec 28,2004 9:17pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Word up to him man...i was touched...man he was fucked up...i would be too!!!!
[Dec 28,2004 9:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
i thought he held himself together quite well. i think he's more distraught than drug induced.
[Dec 28,2004 9:27pm - beatbox  ""]
either way, it wasnt fucking hit parada that broke up pantera.
[Dec 28,2004 9:27pm - Robdeadskin ""]
he's gotta at least have a few in em
[Dec 28,2004 9:28pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah, what magazines shat on them? I always wondered that, since the first time I heard War Nerve.
[Dec 28,2004 9:33pm - Robdeadskin ""]
yeh....idont know about all that shit...i thoughphil just left to do stupidjoint ritual
[Dec 28,2004 9:36pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
What software do I need to play this?
[Dec 28,2004 9:39pm - beatbox  ""]
war nerve is one hell of a fucking song.
[Dec 28,2004 9:47pm - dugoxistance  ""]
what I can't understand is that if he thought of him as such a close brother why can't he refrain from using that stupid nickname when he mentions him? Unless "Dimebag" is actually his legal name somehow.

Say I had a friend, "Farty" Fred, and everyone, all his friends and family, everyone called him "Farty" for years and then he dies or gets killed. I don't think I'd forget that Fred was his real name and I'd refrain from using retarded nicknames for once and not refer to him as "Farty." Seems rather disrespectful and insincere in my opinion.

Oh, that "Farty" Fred, I loved 'em like a brother.
[Dec 28,2004 9:54pm - Blue ""]
man, phil is so wasted in that video. emotional, nonetheless.
[Dec 28,2004 9:55pm - Robdeadskin ""]
haha farty fred...
[Dec 28,2004 11:38pm - dread_104 ""]
how'd you know brown's nickname?
[Dec 28,2004 11:42pm - Robdeadskin ""]
funny dickhead
[Dec 28,2004 11:47pm - RustedAngel ""]
maybe phil gave dime his nickname? why wouldn't he call him dimebag. everyone else does. cnn calls him darrell abbott.
[Dec 29,2004 12:29am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i give phil another year to live is he doesn't kick the smack
[Dec 29,2004 12:37am - BornSoVile ""]
dude he was fired up to fight in that shit...
[Dec 29,2004 2:27am - DaveSTF ""]
Thats really sad man.
[Dec 29,2004 8:42am - Justin ACR  ""]
MyDeadDoll said:i give phil another year to live is he doesn't kick the smack

From what I've heard, he hasn't done smack in 3 years. But he does a lot of painkillers and drink (I talked to one of the Superjoint Ritual roadie dudes, and by watching his interviews, and knowing how painkillers act, i can see that!). Also, from reading shit, it looks like the "media" would interview him and leave big parts of the interview out the there publication, they would only publish bad stuff he saids towards Pantera and the brothers. There was obviously some tension between the two sides, but they were just like brothers. Brothers get in fights and arguements and may hold grduges for years, but at the end, they still care for one another deep inside.
[Dec 29,2004 8:49am - Lincoln ""]
I couldn't play it on my computer,,,but I can only imagine how distraught that guy is after going off on Dime like that in the press. It's too bad. I feel badly for Phil. I still can't believe that Dimebag got shot and killed. Yeah.....War Nerve is great. Too many people overlook "Trendkill". That was one of their best.
[Dec 29,2004 9:25am - korpse  ""]
dimebag is a shitbag name
[Dec 29,2004 9:42am - paganmegan ""]
It is really surreal to see someone completely falling apart in that way...
[Dec 29,2004 11:18am - hoser ""]
He was acting like a drugged out retard. His sentences weren't even coherent. What kind of reaction is that?
[Dec 29,2004 11:20am - RustedAngel ""]
hoser said:He was acting like a drugged out retard. His sentences weren't even coherent. What kind of reaction is that?

when someone you're close to dies, I'm pretty sure you'd have a hard time holding it together.
[Dec 29,2004 11:23am - Josh_Martin ""]
People that use "drugged out" in a negative way, especially when talking about a guy in a metal band, are completely fucking gay.

[Dec 29,2004 11:25am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I watched about 10 seconds of this and then remembered that it is comfirmed that phil is a closet homosexual. He probably acts like this all the time.
[Dec 29,2004 11:26am - hoser ""]
I have lost a shit ton of friends. I'm a former Marine, remember? I didn't go out and get all fucked up on drugs and issue any incoherent responses. I loved Pantera, but Phil always sort of pissed me off. Why didn't he let us all know if he was really gay or not in that statement? That's what I wanna know! AND, what person who is truly grieving issues a video reaction regarding the death of a close friend for the whole world to see? Let me know when Vinnie does his video reaction. But then again, he's not a publicity whore like Anselmo.
[Dec 29,2004 11:28am - hoser ""]
Josh, you are a moron. Everybody here knows it. Please shoot yourself, and stop talking. Thank you.
[Dec 29,2004 11:36am - Josh_Martin ""]
Hoser, its not my fault you are a gay marine.
Was don't ask, don't tell hard for you?

[Dec 29,2004 6:28pm - poop  ""]
Even If Phil wasnt getting along with Darrell, so what, they were friends and that shit happens,imagine being close to someone for that long,getting in a fight,and never having a chance to make up...it would blow like a metallica album...and I agree trendkill rocks,floods is one of the top 10 best pantera songs.
[Dec 29,2004 6:42pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Yea, he definately had a few in him...but I would too...talking about a brother who was killed after how many years playing together?
[Dec 29,2004 8:09pm - hoser ""]
Josh_Martin said:Hoser, its not my fault you are a gay marine.
Was don't ask, don't tell hard for you?

I would love for you to say that to my face. I WILL meet you at a show, asshole. You have my word that I will tear your throat out. You won't be able to hide behind your computer then, will you? We'll see how mouthy you are then. You'll get your guts stomped out, Mommas boy.

[Dec 29,2004 9:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
tough guy talk in a Pantera thread...No Way !!!
i thought that only happend in a Hatebreed FSU thread !
[Dec 29,2004 11:24pm - Nolin04 ""]
I saw that earlier and I think he was faking it.

[Dec 30,2004 1:18am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]


I would love for you to say that to my face. I WILL meet you at a show, asshole. You have my word that I will tear your throat out. You won't be able to hide behind your computer then, will you? We'll see how mouthy you are then. You'll get your guts stomped out, Mommas boy.


or he will poop in your mouth
[Dec 30,2004 9:03am - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:Josh_Martin said:Hoser, its not my fault you are a gay marine.
Was don't ask, don't tell hard for you?

I would love for you to say that to my face. I WILL meet you at a show, asshole. You have my word that I will tear your throat out. You won't be able to hide behind your computer then, will you? We'll see how mouthy you are then. You'll get your guts stomped out, Mommas boy.

Awww, wittle baby upset that your thread about me backfired.

I am laughing my ass off picturing you typing that, all red-faced and pissed off. I guess keeping your sexuality in the closet really is frustrating for gay men like you.

Anyways, 90% of this board knows who I am. I'm not hiding behind anything. You said something stupid and got called on it. Deal.

[Dec 30,2004 10:25am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I feel bad for the guy. Brothers fight and talk shit but I'm sure the guy feels terrible about all that shit now.
[Dec 30,2004 12:16pm - hoser ""]
I wasn't red faced, shaking, or any of the above nonsense. In fact, I was quite calm; that's what we gay Marines are trained to do; stay calm in the face of calamity.

Joshua, I simply think that you are a spineless punk with a big mouth, that's all. I voiced my reaction to this thread and you threw out some remarks attacking me personally like you do to everyone on this board. I am simply letting you know that it is INEVITABLE that you will run into me at a show.

When that happens, and it will, I'll confront you. Be sure to bring a roll of toilet paper to clean up your drawers. Mommy wouldn't like your shitty undies in the wash. I assure you that I won't be nice.

[Dec 30,2004 12:26pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:I wasn't red faced, shaking, or any of the above nonsense. In fact, I was quite calm; that's what we gay Marines are trained to do; stay calm in the face of calamity.

Joshua, I simply think that you are a spineless punk with a big mouth, that's all. I voiced my reaction to this thread and you threw out some remarks attacking me personally like you do to everyone on this board. I am simply letting you know that it is INEVITABLE that you will run into me at a show.

When that happens, and it will, I'll confront you. Be sure to bring a roll of toilet paper to clean up your drawers. Mommy wouldn't like your shitty undies in the wash. I assure you that I won't be nice.

I said people who use the term "drugged up" as a negative are faggots. Esepcially when refering to a guy in a metal band.
I stand by that statement. If you feel the need to fight me over that, fine. I'm not scared of you.
I have no clue who you are, but I'm very easy to find. Like I said, 90% of this board knows me. Looking forward to it, faggot.

I thought marines were supposed to be smart. Threatening someone over the internet because your thread making fun of them totally backfired isn't very smart. You seem more like a regular army kinda doofus. Did Daddy get you into the core?

[Dec 30,2004 1:21pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
fight fight fight fight fight !!!!! kill that motherfucker kill'em kill'em you're letting him get away kill that motherfucker kill'em kill'em !!!!! Ha ha !
[Dec 30,2004 1:31pm - RichHorror ""]
A RTTP Fight Night is so needed.

Josh Martin -vs- Hoser

BOE -vs- TOS

Anne Armageddon -vs- John Dwyer

$__ buys your seat but you'll only need the edge!

[Dec 30,2004 1:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sunday sunday sunday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 30,2004 1:38pm - RichHorror ""]
And as a special added attraction...

[Dec 30,2004 3:40pm - hoser ""]
I'm done with you Josh. The message board bullshit is over.
[Dec 30,2004 3:43pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i wonder if Rick Rude and Jake the Snake will be at this match too. i hope they have the ladder match, those rule !
[Dec 30,2004 3:44pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm getting Stan Hansen for this shindig.

[Dec 30,2004 3:45pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Bobby the Brain and Mean Gene better be the announcers
[Dec 30,2004 3:47pm - hoser ""]


I said people who use the term "drugged up" as a negative are faggots. Esepcially when refering to a guy in a metal band.
I stand by that statement. If you feel the need to fight me over that, fine. I'm not scared of you.
I have no clue who you are, but I'm very easy to find. Like I said, 90% of this board knows me. Looking forward to it, faggot.

I thought marines were supposed to be smart. Threatening someone over the internet because your thread making fun of them totally backfired isn't very smart. You seem more like a regular army kinda doofus. Did Daddy get you into the core?


1.) It's spelled, "Referring"
2.) It's spelled, "Corps."

3.) You have no idea what you are talking about, or whom you are talking to. You are spewing random sentences now in your attempt at not faultering in front of the 90% of the people here who know you. Your mouth has gotten way ahead of your abilities.

[Dec 30,2004 3:55pm - powerkok ""]
RichHorror said:A RTTP Fight Night is so needed.

Josh Martin -vs- Hoser

BOE -vs- TOS

Anne Armageddon -vs- John Dwyer

$__ buys your seat but you'll only need the edge!


you forgot powerkok vs anyone who feels like throwing down....YAAAAAAAAAAA BABY!!!!!!!!


and btw...Josh you should quit while youre still breathing without machines. Hoser will pwn yer 455 so l33t.
[Dec 30,2004 3:56pm - RichHorror ""]
powerkok said:RichHorror said:A RTTP Fight Night is so needed.

Josh Martin -vs- Hoser

BOE -vs- TOS

Anne Armageddon -vs- John Dwyer

$__ buys your seat but you'll only need the edge!


you forgot powerkok vs anyone who feels like throwing down....YAAAAAAAAAAA BABY!!!!!!!!


I'm also willing to pay tribute to Andy Kaufman by wrestling women. And by "wrestling" I mean "make love to".

[Dec 30,2004 3:56pm - powerkok ""]
the boe vs tos would be interesting.
5 on 3 but boe is like 50.LOL
j/k guys....luv ya.
[Dec 30,2004 3:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
24inch pythons brotha !!!!!
[Dec 30,2004 3:57pm - powerkok ""]
so what yer saying, is U just wanna pork some women?
[Dec 30,2004 3:58pm - RichHorror ""]
N-no... y... n... yes.
[Dec 30,2004 3:59pm - powerkok ""]
I admire that.
[Dec 30,2004 4:00pm - powerkok ""]
and by admire, I mean, can I watch?
[Dec 30,2004 4:00pm - RichHorror ""]
And by "watch" you mean "hit them with a brick". I hope.
[Dec 30,2004 4:01pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm no but i'll be glad to sell video tapes or dvds
[Dec 30,2004 4:04pm - powerkok ""]
hit them with a brick, or just watch and jerk off.
up to her really.
[Dec 30,2004 4:05pm - RichHorror ""]
Next thing I know, you'll be telling me women can vote.

[Dec 30,2004 4:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah it's kinda like bumfights but instead of bums it's dirty ho's
[Dec 30,2004 4:12pm - powerkok ""]
Hey, I just watched the vid, and I really dont see how he was 'drugged out'
he might of had a few beers...but shit, when is that different from any other day, and Ive seen many people much more fucked up than that.
[Dec 30,2004 4:16pm - Hooker ""]
That looked like a few more than a few beers in the beginning. He probably has more pills in him than a .... a.. pharmacy? Damn. Where's the Balladeer with a witty analogy when you need him?
[Dec 30,2004 4:38pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:1.) It's spelled, "Referring"
2.) It's spelled, "Corps."

3.) You have no idea what you are talking about, or whom you are talking to. You are spewing random sentences now in your attempt at not faultering in front of the 90% of the people here who know you. Your mouth has gotten way ahead of your abilities.

I thought you were "done" with me. Way to faulter there, guy.
I'm not typing random sentences. I'm just goofing on you. Its wicked obvious that I'm pissing you off, morons are easy to piss off. I'll gladly say any of this to your face, I don't care how much bigger than me you are. Anyone who knows me can verify that.

True, I have no idea who I'm talking to. I do know what I'm talking about though. Anyone who uses "drugged up" as a negative is a faggot. End of story. Especially when talking about metal bands. It's not only gay, its just dumb. I can't even keep track of all the records I love that were created while on all kinds of illegal substances.
You made a stupid comment, I called you on it.
You tried to get the rest of the board to call me a moron. You failed miserably.
If you want to fight me over that, fine. I'm not scared of fighting. I'm not scared of getting hit. I'm not scared of getting my ass kicked. Kicking my ass will not change the fact that you said something dumb on this board and then made yourself look stupid in front of everyone here.
Apparently you lack the brains to win an internet arguement.

ps Thanks for correcting my spelling errors, nerd.

[Dec 30,2004 5:55pm - powerkok ""]
hoser is gonna eat yer face and soil you with sour anus.
[Dec 30,2004 5:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
phil likes gettin it in the dumper, hehe....
[Dec 30,2004 5:59pm - Hooker ""]
Drugged up is not a negative thing. To think so is gay and dumb.

You .....!


....Hear it first.

More news at ten to the hour, every hour.
[Dec 30,2004 9:24pm - dugoxistance  ""]
powerkok said:the boe vs tos would be interesting.
5 on 3 but boe is like 50.LOL
j/k guys....luv ya.


i have a bad back so I can't fight. or walk, stand for long periods of time, or sleep all that well. and it's not from old age either. I'm pretty much useless.
[Dec 31,2004 12:19am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I did the math. I think the average age in our band is 28. It's that bastard jim spoiling the numbers.

Interesting fact #983 I did the math once on jim's leather jacket... it's almost exactly 6 months older than me.
[Dec 31,2004 12:29am - kyledoes ""]
that video was the stupidest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Phil is a fucking idiot
[Dec 31,2004 9:42am - paganmegan ""]
Hooker said:Drugged up is not a negative thing. To think so is gay and dumb.

You .....!


....Hear it first.

Is that the bass line to peace sells?

More news at ten to the hour, every hour.

[Dec 31,2004 3:01pm - Thurman ""]
[Dec 31,2004 7:02pm - retzam ""]
powerkok said:you forgot powerkok vs anyone who feels like throwing down....YAAAAAAAAAAA BABY!!!!!!!!


and btw...Josh you should quit while youre still breathing without machines. Hoser will pwn yer 455 so l33t.

Dude, we could be on the bill, but if a physical fight between us was anything like a board fight between us, it would probably go something like this:

*Powerkok jokingly shoves Retzam*
*Retzam overreacts and punches Powerkok*
*Powerkok, unphased by Retzam's weak punch, throws Retzam across the room*
*Retzam realizes the error of his ways and the two shake hands and smoke a bowl*
[Dec 31,2004 8:07pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
powerkok said:the boe vs tos would be interesting.
5 on 3 but boe is like 50.LOL
j/k guys....luv ya.

I will book that fight at Obriens pub

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