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video response from phil anselmo

[Dec 30,2004 3:56pm - powerkok ""]
the boe vs tos would be interesting.
5 on 3 but boe is like 50.LOL
j/k guys....luv ya.
[Dec 30,2004 3:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
24inch pythons brotha !!!!!
[Dec 30,2004 3:57pm - powerkok ""]
so what yer saying, is U just wanna pork some women?
[Dec 30,2004 3:58pm - RichHorror ""]
N-no... y... n... yes.
[Dec 30,2004 3:59pm - powerkok ""]
I admire that.
[Dec 30,2004 4:00pm - powerkok ""]
and by admire, I mean, can I watch?
[Dec 30,2004 4:00pm - RichHorror ""]
And by "watch" you mean "hit them with a brick". I hope.
[Dec 30,2004 4:01pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm no but i'll be glad to sell video tapes or dvds
[Dec 30,2004 4:04pm - powerkok ""]
hit them with a brick, or just watch and jerk off.
up to her really.
[Dec 30,2004 4:05pm - RichHorror ""]
Next thing I know, you'll be telling me women can vote.

[Dec 30,2004 4:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah it's kinda like bumfights but instead of bums it's dirty ho's
[Dec 30,2004 4:12pm - powerkok ""]
Hey, I just watched the vid, and I really dont see how he was 'drugged out'
he might of had a few beers...but shit, when is that different from any other day, and Ive seen many people much more fucked up than that.
[Dec 30,2004 4:16pm - Hooker ""]
That looked like a few more than a few beers in the beginning. He probably has more pills in him than a .... a.. pharmacy? Damn. Where's the Balladeer with a witty analogy when you need him?
[Dec 30,2004 4:38pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:1.) It's spelled, "Referring"
2.) It's spelled, "Corps."

3.) You have no idea what you are talking about, or whom you are talking to. You are spewing random sentences now in your attempt at not faultering in front of the 90% of the people here who know you. Your mouth has gotten way ahead of your abilities.

I thought you were "done" with me. Way to faulter there, guy.
I'm not typing random sentences. I'm just goofing on you. Its wicked obvious that I'm pissing you off, morons are easy to piss off. I'll gladly say any of this to your face, I don't care how much bigger than me you are. Anyone who knows me can verify that.

True, I have no idea who I'm talking to. I do know what I'm talking about though. Anyone who uses "drugged up" as a negative is a faggot. End of story. Especially when talking about metal bands. It's not only gay, its just dumb. I can't even keep track of all the records I love that were created while on all kinds of illegal substances.
You made a stupid comment, I called you on it.
You tried to get the rest of the board to call me a moron. You failed miserably.
If you want to fight me over that, fine. I'm not scared of fighting. I'm not scared of getting hit. I'm not scared of getting my ass kicked. Kicking my ass will not change the fact that you said something dumb on this board and then made yourself look stupid in front of everyone here.
Apparently you lack the brains to win an internet arguement.

ps Thanks for correcting my spelling errors, nerd.

[Dec 30,2004 5:55pm - powerkok ""]
hoser is gonna eat yer face and soil you with sour anus.
[Dec 30,2004 5:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
phil likes gettin it in the dumper, hehe....
[Dec 30,2004 5:59pm - Hooker ""]
Drugged up is not a negative thing. To think so is gay and dumb.

You .....!


....Hear it first.

More news at ten to the hour, every hour.
[Dec 30,2004 9:24pm - dugoxistance  ""]
powerkok said:the boe vs tos would be interesting.
5 on 3 but boe is like 50.LOL
j/k guys....luv ya.


i have a bad back so I can't fight. or walk, stand for long periods of time, or sleep all that well. and it's not from old age either. I'm pretty much useless.
[Dec 31,2004 12:19am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I did the math. I think the average age in our band is 28. It's that bastard jim spoiling the numbers.

Interesting fact #983 I did the math once on jim's leather jacket... it's almost exactly 6 months older than me.
[Dec 31,2004 12:29am - kyledoes ""]
that video was the stupidest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Phil is a fucking idiot
[Dec 31,2004 9:42am - paganmegan ""]
Hooker said:Drugged up is not a negative thing. To think so is gay and dumb.

You .....!


....Hear it first.

Is that the bass line to peace sells?

More news at ten to the hour, every hour.

[Dec 31,2004 3:01pm - Thurman ""]
[Dec 31,2004 7:02pm - retzam ""]
powerkok said:you forgot powerkok vs anyone who feels like throwing down....YAAAAAAAAAAA BABY!!!!!!!!


and btw...Josh you should quit while youre still breathing without machines. Hoser will pwn yer 455 so l33t.

Dude, we could be on the bill, but if a physical fight between us was anything like a board fight between us, it would probably go something like this:

*Powerkok jokingly shoves Retzam*
*Retzam overreacts and punches Powerkok*
*Powerkok, unphased by Retzam's weak punch, throws Retzam across the room*
*Retzam realizes the error of his ways and the two shake hands and smoke a bowl*
[Dec 31,2004 8:07pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
powerkok said:the boe vs tos would be interesting.
5 on 3 but boe is like 50.LOL
j/k guys....luv ya.

I will book that fight at Obriens pub

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