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cryptopsy, shroud of bereavement and others

[Jan 27,2005 12:07am - dyingmuse ""]
live at the bombshelter friday april 22nd

cheap beers, smoking no hardcore and no little kids just

METAL METAL METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we just booked this so more info will be up when i know!

[Jan 27,2005 12:11am - Aegathis ""]
[Jan 27,2005 12:12am - dyingmuse ""]
fucking A man! cryptopsy! hell yeah!
[Jan 27,2005 12:21am - BornSoVile ""]
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 27,2005 12:51am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
So it did get confirmed? I was told not to say anyhting yet
[Jan 27,2005 12:59am - Spaldino NLI  ""]
i am SO fucking there. fuck work, im seeing shroud.
[Jan 27,2005 1:11am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Please get TERATISM or ANOXIA or both on this show please!

[Jan 27,2005 1:30am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
You know this show is gonna bomb,right? It is the day before NEMHF.
[Jan 27,2005 1:30am - goratory nli  ""]
Holy shit!!! how does one go about getting on this shit?
[Jan 27,2005 1:37am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
goratory nli said:Holy shit!!! how does one go about getting on this shit?

I would say talk to Steve at EYE9d or talk to serge.
[Jan 27,2005 1:38am - anonymous  ""]
Crpytopsy rules theres no going wrong!!!
[Jan 27,2005 8:05am - HANDINJURY ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Please get TERATISM or ANOXIA or both on this show please!


Who do i have to talk to to make this happen?
[Jan 27,2005 8:09am - subjugate ""]
*cough* b.o.e *cough* b.o.e.
[Jan 27,2005 8:12am - the_reverend ""]
sorry, I will be at nemhf that day.
[Jan 27,2005 9:43am - assuck ""]
god damn
[Jan 27,2005 10:03am - dyingmuse ""]
Todd said:You know this show is gonna bomb,right? It is the day before NEMHF.

dude, the new england hard core fest is a pile of shit this year...except for sunday. i'd rather hang at the bombshelter with the 50 people that care about metal, vs hanging at some over crowded fucking mallmetal little kid, bleeding through wearing prepubesent gay orgy....and at least i can smoke butts inside and have cheap drinks all night at the bombshelter!!!! and i say give the shelter a chance todd, if all the bands on this gig sell tickets, there will be peeps! i'm talking to serge tonight about the lineup, there will be worthy local bands playing this show too, so at least you don't have to sit through 35 hardcore bands that suck just to see 1 good band, and its way cheaper, and i'll have a party after at my place, so all around everyone will get their 12 dollars worth!
[Jan 27,2005 10:16am - dyingmuse ""]
i think we should have

and boe or atnfac

what are your thoughts?
[Jan 27,2005 10:18am - assuck ""]
to be honest i think you guys (shroud) would stand out like a sore thumb with that line up
[Jan 27,2005 10:19am - assuck ""]
i'm not putting you guys down or anything

i'm just sayin'
[Jan 27,2005 10:20am - dyingmuse ""]
welp, we are on and i think we freaking deserve it!

but thanks!
[Jan 27,2005 10:22am - assuck ""]
i'm not saying you shouldnt play with cryptopsy, i think its great that you are.

but mix it up d00d
[Jan 27,2005 10:26am - dyingmuse ""]
mix it up???????? as apposed to who your band playing, i think that would "mix" it up! i love how we get no fucking respect around here! are you in abhorred? so by "mixing" it up does that mean put 14 of the same band on there? whatever dude, thats a bit weak!
[Jan 27,2005 10:28am - RustedAngel ""]
looks like a good lineup, I'm not trying to get us on it, I think other bands deserve to play with cryptopsy. We're playing with them on the 3rd but I doubt anyone from mass will be going.
[Jan 27,2005 10:31am - dyingmuse ""]
right on, hey tom, would you guys play?
[Jan 27,2005 10:33am - assuck ""]
hahaha i knew i shouldn't have said anything

i had no intention of getting us on this show.

I was saying get another doom band on there or something.

Touchy motherfuckers on this message board.
[Jan 27,2005 10:33am - RustedAngel ""]
we would if you wanted us ;)
[Jan 27,2005 10:35am - dyingmuse ""]
hmmm, that would be fabulous!
[Jan 27,2005 10:35am - RustedAngel ""]
dyingmuse said:hmmm, that would be fabulous!

more like boneriffic.
[Jan 27,2005 10:35am - dyingmuse ""]
i am a bit touchy, indeed. rightfully so!
[Jan 27,2005 10:36am - nate ""]
dyingmuse said:hmmm, that would be fabulous!

you've got mail
[Jan 27,2005 10:36am - dyingmuse ""]
he he he....boney
[Jan 27,2005 10:39am - RustedAngel ""]
dyingmuse said:he he he....boney


we may even have burnt copies of our EP by then, I hope.
[Jan 27,2005 10:40am - succubus ""]
Hey Dan,

No i don't wanna play..lol =)

just wanted you to know that I emailed the artist and gave him my phone number...maybe I'll get to talk to him tonight about the photography
[Jan 27,2005 10:48am - dyingmuse ""]
succubus said:Hey Dan,

No i don't wanna play..lol =)

just wanted you to know that I emailed the artist and gave him my phone number...maybe I'll get to talk to him tonight about the photography

ohh thats awesome, thanks carenia! you rock, and why don't you want to play, your band kicks ass! lol

[Jan 27,2005 11:41am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
My suggestions for the show would be 1 or more of the following...But i hacve no say on this one,well maybe................

Systematic Suicide
Senseless Mutilation

The first 3 being bands that draw there pretty consistantly
[Jan 27,2005 11:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
shroud of bereavement
bane of existence
raising kubrick
[Jan 27,2005 11:45am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
dyingmuse said:and i say give the shelter a chance todd, if all the bands on this gig sell tickets, there will be peeps!

But all the bands won't sell tickets,90% of the bands on RTTP do not like the Idea of selling tickets.And what do you mean give the shelter a chance? I always do, No one else does,I am always giving it a chance or defending it on here.
[Jan 27,2005 11:56am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
we need to play the BombShelter !
[Jan 27,2005 11:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If Bane of Existence and Ocean play, I will sell tickets.

[Jan 27,2005 12:13pm - anonymous  ""]
Put Bloodstruck on! We need more melodic death metal!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 27,2005 12:37pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
CrypFuckinTopsy, I'm pretty sure everyone in a band would have no problem commiting multiple homicides to get on a Cryptopsy show
[Jan 27,2005 1:05pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:If Bane of Existence and Ocean play, I will sell tickets.

But Joe, you don't want nuthin to do with the shelter,you won't even go there, remember?It's funny that when a show like Cyptopsy comes along your all about it, I even bet if I looked hard enough,I could find the post where you said selling tickets was a stupid idea..:NEWHORNS:
[Jan 27,2005 1:06pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
haha your too funny
[Jan 27,2005 1:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jan 27,2005 1:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ocean rules ! i'd buy a ticket to see them !
[Jan 27,2005 1:13pm - Septicemic ""]
I might have to drag my carcass to this

[Jan 27,2005 1:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
selling tickets is the worst idea ever, if you dont think cryptopsy can bring people into your club then why bother booking them?

However, i know this show is something Dan is booking, and if he has to sell tickets to make it happen then that is a different story altogether.
[Jan 27,2005 2:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
indeed we do have to sell tickets, i don't agree 100% with selling tickets, because of what joe saying making sense, if cryptopsy can't bring the peeps than why book them....but, also serge's point is good too. if shroud can sell 30 to 50 tickets to fans that wouldn't normally see cryptopsy, and with help promoting and the draws from the other bands on this, plus the regular cryptopsy fans....well then the bs will make money and maybe have more nationals in there, so yeah i'll do the best i can to sell tickets. i have always liked and supported the bs, so cheers to them!
[Jan 27,2005 2:36pm - retzam ""]
This is awesome! Wait, is this 21+? Cause that would suck so hard.
[Jan 27,2005 2:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jan 27,2005 2:38pm - retzam ""]
That's better.
[Jan 27,2005 2:45pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
ill play a bass solo
[Jan 27,2005 2:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I would go if I had a car... or ride........ *wink*
[Jan 27,2005 2:48pm - retzam ""]
And then Flo will play a punch-you-in-the-face solo. That's basically what his solos are, punches in the face...over and over again...punch,punch,punch,punch,punch, etc.
[Jan 27,2005 2:50pm - Robdeadskin ""]
dyingmuse said:i think we should have

and boe or atnfac

what are your thoughts?

i would like this to be reality.........
[Jan 27,2005 2:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i hope teratism doesn't play, that rob guy is such a pussy
[Jan 27,2005 3:02pm - Robdeadskin ""]
my fist is ready to pound your grissly adams face! did i not warn you in the past!
[Jan 27,2005 3:12pm - blue ""]
cheers to shroud! kelly just called me last night and told me about this. this will be an awesome show no matter what. honestly, for a show like this, i think selling tickets is not a big deal at all. cmon, its cryptopsy for christs sake.
[Jan 27,2005 3:27pm - killyourboss  ""]
Todd said:My suggestions for the show would be 1 or more of the following...But i hacve no say on this one,well maybe................

Systematic Suicide
Senseless Mutilation

The first 3 being bands that draw there pretty consistantly

id say out of those in order would be 1.porphyria 2.leukorrhea 3.goratory 4.hcn 5.systematic suicide
[Jan 27,2005 3:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Robdeadskin said:my fist is ready to pound your grissly adams face! did i not warn you in the past!

yeah you warned me, but you look like a big cartoon, so I didn't take the threat seriously.
[Jan 27,2005 4:17pm - BornSoVile ""]
ugh, i fucking hate it when everyone begs on message board to get on shows.
[Jan 27,2005 4:19pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
BornSoVile said:ugh, i fucking hate it when everyone begs on message board to get on shows.

thats why I post my shows when I have the full line up, either confirmed or in my head.
[Jan 27,2005 4:26pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Robdeadskin said:my fist is ready to pound your grissly adams face! did i not warn you in the past!

yeah you warned me, but you look like a big cartoon, so I didn't take the threat seriously.

this cartoon is gonna mighty mouse your face, diper man!!!:itchy:
[Jan 27,2005 4:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Robdeadskin said:Joe/NotCommon said:Robdeadskin said:my fist is ready to pound your grissly adams face! did i not warn you in the past!

yeah you warned me, but you look like a big cartoon, so I didn't take the threat seriously.

this cartoon is gonna mighty mouse your face, diper man!!!:itchy:

whatever that means
[Jan 27,2005 4:37pm - Robdeadskin ""]
your dead fluffy!
[Jan 27,2005 5:30pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
BornSoVile said:ugh, i fucking hate it when everyone begs on message board to get on shows.

Right, me too:point:
[Jan 27,2005 5:30pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Robdeadskin said:your dead fluffy!

okay pudgy
[Jan 31,2005 8:21pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
anonymous said:Put Bloodstruck on! We need more homosexual melodic death metal!!!!!!!!!

you guys are so gay
[Feb 1,2005 3:13pm - grundlegremlin nli  ""]
Keloid will play dan, It's my two piece deathmetal project
[Feb 1,2005 4:19pm - Hooker ""]
me: hey guys we're a band again.

everyone else: who?

me: nevermind.
[Feb 1,2005 4:22pm - assuck ""]
me: anything
everyone else: why would you say something like that? you're a dick!
me: nevermind
[Feb 1,2005 6:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
any word on the lineup?
[Feb 1,2005 7:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
serge has now said that he sent the proposal out and now he hasn't gotten confirmation back from cryptopsy....we'll see i guess
[Feb 1,2005 11:22pm - multipass ""]
Suspension of Graces... Suspension of Graces..... Hmmmmm......

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