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guys i need to pass a quick-cup drug test

[Aug 7,2009 3:57pm - moe nli  ""]

boarcorpsejimbo said:
mikeofdecrepitude said:reimroc, I also recommend getting a steady job and moving out AND GETTING THE CHRIST OFF HEROIN. Problem solved.

true... not really the nicest way to put it, but true.

[Aug 7,2009 6:30pm - drug test passer  ""]
I don't know if someone already posted this but it's easy and it works. I had to pass a drug test for my job and I smoked two days before I took it. All I did was drink tons of water and piss a lot. But you have to take multi vitamins so your piss is yellow. I took 2.5 of the big ones in the few hours before the test. Make sure you piss a ton and piss a little before you piss in the cup.
[Aug 7,2009 7:50pm - GUY ""]
patiently waiting for results
[Aug 7,2009 9:14pm - reimroc ""]
well i passed. the second line came up a bit faded which means its a pass. how the test works is that theres one line under each of the drugs being tested if the second line shows up either bold or slightly faded its a pass, if it doesn't show up then its a fail.

so i passed. pissed myself silly all day to be safe.
[Aug 7,2009 9:52pm - GUY ""]
kid ya got get off the junk man, its bad news.....try your best for all the people who love you
[Aug 7,2009 10:07pm - xanonymousx ""]
dude, do what you want, but my cousin ODed on this shit in October he was 28.
Get help, even if you don't want too, just do it man.
[Aug 7,2009 10:26pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Drugs are bad, mmmk?
[Aug 7,2009 10:42pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
what would Wilford Brimley do?
[Aug 7,2009 10:57pm - Hoser ""]
How about you just stop being a doped up loser and live a clean life? I've been doing it forever and I pass every time.
[Aug 7,2009 11:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 7,2009 11:03pm - reimroc ""]

Hoser said:How about you just stop being a doped up loser and live a clean life? I've been doing it forever and I pass every time.

Because part of me enjoys being a functioning addict. The other part knows it can't stay that way forever. I've been sober for a good amount of time in the past like i said earlier in this thread. I know I can do it again. Its just beyond difficult to pull yourself up after you slip and have a relapse. Especially when you run with it.
[Aug 7,2009 11:06pm - Hoser ""]
I was just trying to get a rise out of you and I failed miserably.

Seriously, good luck man. I have never done any of that shit, but I have friends that do...wish I had some better advice.
[Aug 7,2009 11:09pm - reimroc ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:reimroc, I also recommend getting a steady job and moving out. Problem solved.

Oh and I have a steady job. Been in my career as a database administrator for a little over a year at an exchange hosting company. Luckily after my relapse I continued to be a "functioning addict" and didn't do anything to fuck that job up. I've actually been able to keep my use a secret to everyone I know except for my family who immediately knew i relapsed a couple days after it happened.
[Aug 7,2009 11:10pm - reimroc ""]

Hoser said:I was just trying to get a rise out of you and I failed miserably.

Seriously, good luck man. I have never done any of that shit, but I have friends that do...wish I had some better advice.

Calling me a drugged up loser isn't going to make me get clean again lol. I appreciate you tying but in the end its up to me to light a fire under my ass and get sober again.
[Aug 7,2009 11:23pm - reimroc ""]
I will get clean again. I need to get myself over that fence. Looking back my life wasn't more fantastic when I was clean and sober for two year but as a person and a being I felt amazing. I do want that again.
[Aug 8,2009 1:00am - Pires ""]

reimroc said:I will get clean again. I need to get myself over that fence. Looking back my life wasn't more fantastic when I was clean and sober for two year but as a person and a being I felt amazing. I do want that again.

you have to do it for yourself, first and foremost. And then your family. As shitty as that sounds, if you don't fully want help, it wont work. I know you want to be clean because you said it and it's easier said than done, but it is worth it. You've already got a good job and you shouldn't let drug use get in the way. Plus, you don't want to lose your family over this shit. Look how close you were just now because of smack. Good luck man.
[Aug 8,2009 1:14am - Archaeon ""]
[Aug 8,2009 6:10am - sever ""]
[Aug 8,2009 9:07am - sxealex ""]
[Aug 8,2009 11:31am - reimroc ""]
[Aug 8,2009 11:37am - neverpurified ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:what would Wilford Brimley do?

he'd check his blood sugar.... he'd check it often
[Aug 8,2009 1:28pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I am on 80 mgs of Oxycontin right now. i think I will run around and clean absolutely every nick and cranny of my house, yeah baby!!!
[Aug 8,2009 1:31pm - reimroc ""]
you do that skin, you do that. =P
[Aug 8,2009 1:35pm - SkinSandwich ""]
The dust bunnies think they can hide but I have the contin vision on my nilla!!!!!

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