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[Apr 21,2010 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
So do you guys find that as you get older, your feet get more smelly and you fart more? Also, I'm starting to notice that the peach fuzz on my back is getting darker with some longer hairs.
It's like I'm turning into a werewolf.
[Apr 21,2010 1:26pm - blessed offal  ""]

the_reverend said:
It's like I'm turning into a Bobby.

im aging faster than i should be, thats for sure.
[Apr 21,2010 3:01pm - KPANZER  ""]
I have always been a flatulent man but as I waddle into my golden years I've noticed alot of things that horrify me.
My expanding gut
My ear, nose & back hair
The bags under my eyes
The creaks and pops in my joints
[Apr 21,2010 3:04pm - ouchdrummer ""]

The creaks and pops in my joints

the plethora of pinched nerves in my back.

Loss of the feeling of invincibility.

and my first hemorrhoid.

[Apr 21,2010 3:05pm - the_reverend ""]
RTTP bengay.
[Apr 21,2010 3:05pm - largefreakatzero ""]
My feet are fine, but the farts definitely are increasing in both frequency and ferocity. Right now my left elbow fucking hurts like a cawksuckah and started cracking and popping. Bye bye heavy bench for awhile. My chest routine was so light today that I was afeared that I may start finding men attractive.
[Apr 21,2010 3:07pm - ouchdrummer ""]

the_reverend said:RTTP bengay.

so good.
I hate to say it but, the prep H wipes are about the coolest thing in the world... (when you have a hemorrhoid that is.)
[Apr 21,2010 3:09pm - blessed offal  ""]

KPANZER said:I have always been a flatulent man but as I waddle into my golden years I've noticed alot of things that horrify me.
My expanding gut
My ear, nose & back hair
The bags under my eyes
The creaks and pops in my joints

with the exeption of the hair, ive been noticing these things since i hit about 19
[Apr 21,2010 3:10pm - ark  ""]
pinched nerves, creaks and pops, and the worst thing - managing to get out of bed on a work day
[Apr 21,2010 3:10pm - blessed offal  ""]
also, gross thread is gross.
[Apr 21,2010 3:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Hmmm, I'll have to try the Prep H wipes. Ever tried topical Ibuprofen for joint/muscle pain? SciFit makes something called SPR Joint Balm that works sweet.
[Apr 21,2010 3:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]

blessed%20offal said:also, gross thread is gross.

And how. It's actually pretty gross being me.
[Apr 21,2010 3:20pm - blessed offal  ""]

largefreakatzero said:
blessed%20offal said:also, gross thread is gross.

And how. It's actually pretty gross being me.

you should see my feet.
[Apr 21,2010 3:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm certainly glad I'm not my office chair today... wow... It smells like I'm pouring diarrhea on to it.
[Apr 21,2010 3:43pm - RichHorror ""]
You wanna talk about farts, the other day before band practice I had half a raw onion dipped in garlic hummus for lunch.
[Apr 21,2010 3:44pm - Archaeon ""]
[Apr 21,2010 3:48pm - ark  ""]
another thing about getting old, motorhead sounds better
[Apr 21,2010 3:49pm - RichHorror ""]
The older you get the more you can lie about bands you never saw.</pattonoswalt>
[Apr 21,2010 4:29pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I've had gray hairs for a couple years now.
[Apr 21,2010 8:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ark said:another thing about getting old, motorhead sounds better

Hahahahaha, this is truth. Think I might crank some before practice tonight.
[Apr 21,2010 8:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]

the_reverend said:So do you guys find that as you get older, your feet get more smelly and you fart more? Also, I'm starting to notice that the peach fuzz on my back is getting darker with some longer hairs.
It's like I'm turning into a werewolf.

That's nature's way of telling young women to not waste their time with an older, less reproductive male. Good thing you already have a kid.

No offense. It'll happen to me soon enough. Already starting.
[Apr 21,2010 8:48pm - LPCustom  ""]
[Apr 21,2010 9:15pm - reimroc ""]

RichHorror said:You wanna talk about farts, the other day before band practice I had half a raw onion dipped in garlic hummus for lunch.



[Apr 21,2010 9:17pm - RichHorror ""]
I got into the car and they asked if I had like six hot dogs for lunch. IF ONLY, BRAH.
[Apr 21,2010 9:17pm - the_reverend ""]

swamplorddvm said:
the_reverend said:So do you guys find that as you get older, your feet get more smelly and you fart more? Also, I'm starting to notice that the peach fuzz on my back is getting darker with some longer hairs.
It's like I'm turning into a werewolf.

That's nature's way of telling young women to not waste their time with an older, less reproductive male. Good thing you already have a kid.

No offense. It'll happen to me soon enough. Already starting.

the truth hurts.
[Apr 21,2010 9:27pm - sigh  ""]
It's just your man sweater coming in. Wear it proud.
[Apr 21,2010 9:32pm - LPCustom  ""]
the_reverend? More like father_time!
[Apr 21,2010 10:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I get nose hair that could double as a high B string if long enough
I am also getting gray hair, alot of gray hair, and it's thinned a little, Not balding, just thinning

of course, i'm fat, not any fatter then before but losing weight just doesn't happen the way it used to.

My sex drive hasn't changed at all, even after getting a vasectomy. In fact, it seems to have increased. My wife on the other hand.....

fucking hemmeroids
[Apr 21,2010 11:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yes yes annnd... yes :(
[Apr 21,2010 11:05pm - DreadKill ""]
a few years ago, i had no back hair and now it looks like i'm wearing a friggin cape!
[Apr 22,2010 6:12am - sixstringcarnage ""]

ouchdrummer said:

and my first hemorrhoid.

"oh Barbara, what do you guys do? Beat em off with a stick"

[Apr 22,2010 9:10am - ouchdrummer ""]

largefreakatzero said:Hmmm, I'll have to try the Prep H wipes. Ever tried topical Ibuprofen for joint/muscle pain? SciFit makes something called SPR Joint Balm that works sweet.

yes, and it helped, but not noticeably better than the oral ibuprofen.
[Apr 22,2010 9:35am - largefreakatzero ""]

ouchdrummer said:
largefreakatzero said:Hmmm, I'll have to try the Prep H wipes. Ever tried topical Ibuprofen for joint/muscle pain? SciFit makes something called SPR Joint Balm that works sweet.

yes, and it helped, but not noticeably better than the oral ibuprofen.

Yeah, the benefit of topical Ibuprofen is that it works faster and doesn't muck up your liver - I know my liver deserves a rest whenever possible. But the topical does wear off quicker and doesn't come in a "PM" variety. Now that I have to take a break from smoking, I have to take 2 Advil PMs to even have a shot at sleeping.
[Apr 22,2010 9:41am - ouchdrummer ""]

largefreakatzero said:
ouchdrummer said:
largefreakatzero said:Hmmm, I'll have to try the Prep H wipes. Ever tried topical Ibuprofen for joint/muscle pain? SciFit makes something called SPR Joint Balm that works sweet.

yes, and it helped, but not noticeably better than the oral ibuprofen.

Yeah, the benefit of topical Ibuprofen is that it works faster and doesn't muck up your liver - I know my liver deserves a rest whenever possible. But the topical does wear off quicker and doesn't come in a "PM" variety. Now that I have to take a break from smoking, I have to take 2 Advil PMs to even have a shot at sleeping.

What have you been doing to quit smoking? Cold turkey? Gum? Patch? I've been trying to quit for about a year now, and keep failing. I hate it, any advice you can give?
[Apr 22,2010 9:41am - KPANZER  ""]
Hey you sonuvabitch-I've never had hemorroihds.
[Apr 22,2010 9:49am - the_reverend ""]

ouchdrummer said:
largefreakatzero said:
ouchdrummer said:
largefreakatzero said:Hmmm, I'll have to try the Prep H wipes. Ever tried topical Ibuprofen for joint/muscle pain? SciFit makes something called SPR Joint Balm that works sweet.

yes, and it helped, but not noticeably better than the oral ibuprofen.

Yeah, the benefit of topical Ibuprofen is that it works faster and doesn't muck up your liver - I know my liver deserves a rest whenever possible. But the topical does wear off quicker and doesn't come in a "PM" variety. Now that I have to take a break from smoking, I have to take 2 Advil PMs to even have a shot at sleeping.

What have you been doing to quit smoking? Cold turkey? Gum? Patch? I've been trying to quit for about a year now, and keep failing. I hate it, any advice you can give?

smoking weed.
[Apr 22,2010 9:54am - largefreakatzero ""]

ouchdrummer said:
largefreakatzero said:
ouchdrummer said:
largefreakatzero said:Hmmm, I'll have to try the Prep H wipes. Ever tried topical Ibuprofen for joint/muscle pain? SciFit makes something called SPR Joint Balm that works sweet.

yes, and it helped, but not noticeably better than the oral ibuprofen.

Yeah, the benefit of topical Ibuprofen is that it works faster and doesn't muck up your liver - I know my liver deserves a rest whenever possible. But the topical does wear off quicker and doesn't come in a "PM" variety. Now that I have to take a break from smoking, I have to take 2 Advil PMs to even have a shot at sleeping.

What have you been doing to quit smoking? Cold turkey? Gum? Patch? I've been trying to quit for about a year now, and keep failing. I hate it, any advice you can give?

No, I didn't mean cigarettes, I have to give the herbals a break - in anticipation of a possible piss test.
However, I did quit cigs about three years ago (though I have been sneaking one here and there as stress level builds). I used those crappy inhalers for a couple of weeks and then just cold turkey from there. You just need to have that talk with yourself everytime you want one - its not easy.
[Apr 22,2010 10:03am - pam nli  ""]
this thread is SEXY.
[Apr 22,2010 10:18am - ouchdrummer ""]

pam%20nli said:this thread is SEXY.

moms r sexy
[Apr 22,2010 10:31am - the_reverend ""]
yes, mom's are sexy. all that extra skin.
[Apr 22,2010 10:31am - sigh  ""]
Thread title is very deceiving by the way.
[Apr 22,2010 11:25am - ouchdrummer ""]

sigh said:Thread title is very deceiving by the way.

[Apr 22,2010 1:30pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Sorry panzer I'm a big fail in itself.

Moms are hott.
[Apr 22,2010 1:35pm - Yeti ""]
wow, you guys aren't aging gracefully. i'm 29 and have no greys, no sign of thinning, no back hair, no real problems at all aside from my lower back aching almost constantly. before it was just from strain, but now it hurts all the time no matter what i do. i will agree with the farting, i fart with much more frequency and ferocity than before.
[Apr 22,2010 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I farted while reading this thread.
[Apr 22,2010 1:40pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Ever fart and accidentally let a spud hop out, but then quickly catch it before it reaches linen? I haven't, but would be damn near fracking hilarious too see someone complete said scenario.
[Apr 22,2010 1:42pm - Le Donk  ""]
NOt a single fucking tit in this thread! FAIL!
[Apr 22,2010 1:44pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Type in YouTube. "boobies, kitties"
[Apr 22,2010 1:55pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Yeti said:wow, you guys aren't aging gracefully. i'm 29 and have no greys, no sign of thinning, no back hair, no real problems at all aside from my lower back aching almost constantly. before it was just from strain, but now it hurts all the time no matter what i do. i will agree with the farting, i fart with much more frequency and ferocity than before.

listen asshole, i'm only 28, and only started noticing aging recently. You're going down, and the more you drink like you have been, the sooner, and harder you're going to go.

BEOTCH! (pwnd)
[Apr 22,2010 2:09pm - the_reverend ""]
29 year old yeti

actual footage from yeti's 30th birthday

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