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[Apr 22,2010 2:14pm - RichHorror ""]
Mark this down in your calendars, Aaron finally made a funny post.
[Apr 22,2010 3:36pm - Yeti ""]

ouchdrummer said:
Yeti said:wow, you guys aren't aging gracefully. i'm 29 and have no greys, no sign of thinning, no back hair, no real problems at all aside from my lower back aching almost constantly. before it was just from strain, but now it hurts all the time no matter what i do. i will agree with the farting, i fart with much more frequency and ferocity than before.

listen asshole, i'm only 28, and only started noticing aging recently. You're going down, and the more you drink like you have been, the sooner, and harder you're going to go.

BEOTCH! (pwnd)

us Yeti-folk are a hearty breed. we are steadfast in our adaptability. just look at my brethren on Kashyyyk and Hoth. Wookies are highly sought after by the Empire.
[Apr 22,2010 3:38pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah, as slaves.
[Apr 22,2010 3:40pm - Yeti ""]
their reason for being there is inconsequential. the Empire recognize how valuable they are.
[Apr 22,2010 3:57pm - the_reverend ""]
the older I get, the more moments I have where I sit down and air puffs out of my clothing and I think "what is that horrible smell".
[Apr 22,2010 4:14pm - Nilla Please  ""]
[Apr 22,2010 4:16pm - the_reverend ""]
with that, you could have analsex litterally ANYWHERE!
[Apr 22,2010 4:28pm - xgodzillax ""]
the youngest member of intheshit has the most grey hair and largest receding hairline out of the band
[Apr 22,2010 4:33pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I dont recover from hangovers very well.

I find myself wanting/needing naps by like 3pm almost daily (probably from partying/lack of sleep)

I never feel like I'm done peeing even when nothing is coming out anymore...

[Apr 22,2010 4:34pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I will be 37 this year, but getting older never bothered me like it does most people. Who gives a fuck really. I have some grey hairs popping up but I don't give a fuck.
[Apr 22,2010 4:56pm - arktouros ""]

AndrewBastard said:I find myself wanting/needing naps by like 3pm almost daily (probably from partying/lack of sleep)

I never feel like I'm done peeing even when nothing is coming out anymore...

the 3pm crash is worldwide. i'm the only one that hasn't passed out by 3pm at work yet. it's why most of the world has something called a 'siesta' which strangely enough there's no word in english for.

as for the second part, see a penis doctor.
[Apr 22,2010 4:58pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
doing coke every day for 2 solid years did NOT help my health, weird huh?
[Apr 22,2010 5:20pm - SkinSandwich ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:doing coke every day for 2 solid years did NOT help my health, weird huh?

How is this possible!?
[Apr 22,2010 6:28pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Clearly unpossible.
[Apr 22,2010 8:09pm - pam ""]

the_reverend said:yes, mom's are sexy. all that extra skin.

Better than your rank ass/feet.
[Apr 23,2010 12:36am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

SkinSandwich said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:doing coke every day for 2 solid years did NOT help my health, weird huh?

How is this possible!?

i exaggerarated

but, from march 2006 to august 2006, thee is ONE week where I didnt' use that shit. Before that it was every weekend and scattered throughout most weekdays. I kept it very well hidden, just the band guys knew, they were doing it too. Not the proudest moment of my life, but, what can ua do. Move on and stay clean
[Apr 23,2010 12:39am - the_reverend ""]

pam said:
the_reverend said:yes, mom's are sexy. all that extra skin.

Better than your rank ass/feet.

vaginal area becomes vagina-ish area... i think it used to be right around here. hm.. maybe not.
[Apr 23,2010 12:41am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:
pam said:
the_reverend said:yes, mom's are sexy. all that extra skin.

Better than your rank ass/feet.

vaginal area becomes vagina-ish area... i think it used to be right around here. hm.. maybe not.

LOL! my wifes vag changed it's angle. Like, before we could doggy alll night long, now I smash into her cervix.
[Apr 23,2010 12:42am - the_reverend ""]
when i stopped shaving my face, i stopped trimming everything (exxcept armpits) and now when it's a little cold, i try to just whip the dick out to pee, but there a forest tangled around the head. so i either have to tug hard and hide winching in pain or fiddle with it to get it out. this must be how mark fucking richards has felt every day since 13.
[Apr 23,2010 7:30am - Yeti ""]
why do i not have you blocked?
[Apr 23,2010 7:26pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Apr 23,2010 8:04pm - arktouros ""]

Yeti said:why do i not have you blocked?

This is an adult thread for adult problems son!
[Apr 23,2010 8:27pm - the_reverend ""]
my big toe on my left foot hurts almost constanty. i think it is "turf toe" from working out. it's sort of like a cramp.
[Apr 23,2010 10:11pm - SkinSandwich ""]

the_reverend said:my big toe on my left foot hurts almost constanty. i think it is "turf toe" from working out. it's sort of like a cramp.


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