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Cryptopsy newer track, actually isn't bad.

[Aug 14,2012 12:15pm - MikeOv  ""]
I prefer Jouhou as well, but just slightly.
[Aug 14,2012 12:21pm - Lamp ""]
The thing that makes DA even harder to put in a place is that when you really listen to the riffs, they use odd chords, but it seems like a lot of the riffs are very simplistic aside from that... technical? Maybe?
[Aug 14,2012 12:32pm - MikeOv  ""]
This is what matters to me at 12:30 this afternoon


+ 324's Customized Circle
[Aug 14,2012 12:32pm - MikeOv  ""]

[Aug 14,2012 12:33pm - MikeOv  ""]
That's more like it.
[Aug 14,2012 12:41pm - The_Rooster ""]
This is actually pretty rad. Happy to hear it's not just the fucking "Flo Show" anymore.

Lord Worm is awful. DiSalvo was the shit. I know that's not the popular viewpoint, but "Whisper Supremacy" is one of the most insanely brutal albums ever, and his vocals are a big part of that, IMO.

None So Vile would be at least 10% better if Worm wasn't howling over those riffs. haha.

I don't really listen to Cryptopsy, or much Deathmetal at all these days, but NSV, and WS are unfuckwithable.
[Aug 14,2012 12:51pm - zyklon ""]
This shit sucks
[Aug 14,2012 1:34pm - ark in ur base  ""]
DEP - Calculating Infinity, it's grind, it's tech, and pretty far from the death metal spectrum.
[Aug 14,2012 1:35pm - ark in ur base  ""]
also there's that word "deathgrind" which i would lump certain cannibal corpses into. hey, it's a valid subgenre.
[Aug 14,2012 1:39pm - Lamp ""]
Dillinger Escape Plan is NOT grind, okay!
[Aug 14,2012 1:40pm - ark in ur base  ""]
right, it's not, because of like, what they stand for, man.
[Aug 14,2012 1:41pm - Lamp ""]
DEP falls into that math/jazz metal category, nothing to do with grind. Blast beats does not equal grind.

Death grind = Death metal bands who can't write long songs and fall back on "grind" so they can get away with their own incompetence.
[Aug 14,2012 1:42pm - ark in ur base  ""]
i guess my point is death metal and grind reciprocate influences and sound from each other. cryptopsy has grind elements...right?
[Aug 14,2012 1:44pm - ark in ur base  ""]
your first sentence was fact, second sentence was opinion
[Aug 14,2012 1:47pm - Lamp ""]
I don't think Cryptopsy's riffing and song structures bear much resemblance to grind at all, just because aside from the drumming (Flo Mournier is above grindcore drummers with his level of ability, btw) that grind is a primitive genre and always has been.

Perhaps guys in that band listen to what I would consider "true" grind, but just because a band has slight hints of that in their sound doesn't mean it's what a band is. My band has blast beats and it's debatable that we have touches of old Napalm Death, but we're not a grind band.
[Aug 14,2012 1:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lykathea Aflame:

spiritual death metal with melodic metal influence but GRIND elements all throughout. Tomas Corn from Garbage Disposal drummed on Elvenefris. If you disagree, you are WRONG.
[Aug 14,2012 1:50pm - Lamp ""]
And I'll say once again, just because a band has elements of a certain genre doesn't mean they are a certain genre.
[Aug 14,2012 1:51pm - ark in ur base  ""]
[Aug 14,2012 1:53pm - Lamp ""]
There are plenty of grind bands out there that have death metal or perhaps more overt punk influence that I wouldn't consider those other genres too. Whole lot of "grindviolence" out there these days. The Magrudergrind/ACxDC school of such piss didn't really age so well to me, just sounds diluted.
[Aug 14,2012 1:58pm - Mark_R ""]

arilliusbm said: Tomas Corn from Garbage Disposal drummed on Elvenefris. If you disagree, you are WRONG.

This is kind of a funny sentence, out of context. You should angrily yell that in someone's face randomly on the street.

On a side note, where can I get the re-release of this
[Aug 14,2012 2:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 14,2012 5:27pm - Dertoxianli  ""]
This thread is bananas.
[Aug 23,2012 9:38pm - pink shark  ""]
3 new cryptopsy tunes alone slaughter the new nile album hands down. Yeah, I've gone there! Can't wait 4 the full album!
[Aug 23,2012 9:42pm - FUNAKI ""]

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