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mercyful fate...

[Aug 16,2004 6:54pm - vivi ""]
black metal?

'who cares' doesnt count as an answer.
[Aug 16,2004 6:57pm - NINKASZI  ""]
eh, for the time yes. "mlp", "mellisa", and "dont break the oath" are more evil than most "black metal" albums these days. they are a heavy metal band, and probably the darkest traditional metal ever.
[Aug 16,2004 7:21pm - vivi ""]
when i was little my mom had pictures of king diamond all over her room. she totally fucked him too. (he could be my dad. thats my claim to fame). i always think of mercyful fate as black metal because it used to scare me when i was little. and having an atmosphere and heaviness to scare children is a good quality of bm.

but i guess their just awesome evil metal with the best front man ever \m/
[Aug 16,2004 7:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
king diamond is the fucking man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 16,2004 7:21pm - Jellyfish ""]
i dont really categorize them. If asked what they are, i usually respond 'awesome'.
[Aug 16,2004 7:30pm - vivi ""]
Jellyfish said:i dont really categorize them. If asked what they are, i usually respond 'awesome'.

awesome is a category, poser. just kidding.... yeah man i get fucking heated when people talk shit on the king.

the only reason i ask peoples opinions here is because i get in constant arguments over it.

sort of like. is kiss metal? which is a whoolle another topic.
[Aug 16,2004 9:57pm - dreadkill ""]
king diamond was my best halloween costume ever. i idolize that man. i like these threads you've been starting vivi. first the rush one and now this. you're on a roll. keep it up.
[Aug 16,2004 10:00pm - Blue ""]
king diamond owns. not bm to me.

kiss owns. theyre hard rock.
[Aug 16,2004 10:49pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
vivi, let me know if you ever try to find your father, and if you get positive DNA results and have a reunion, invite me over, i wanna jam with the king
[Aug 16,2004 11:33pm - Abbath ""]
mercyful fate isn't black metal but played a HUGE role in inspiring some of the biggest black metal bands that started the genre
[Aug 17,2004 12:03am - Bradness  ""]
King Diamond sucks
Pink Diamond is more like it
[Aug 17,2004 12:04am - Blue ""]
you suck brad.
[Aug 17,2004 12:07am - Bradness  ""]
Blue said:you suck brad.

no, i don't. i speak the truth. HE SUCKS!
[Aug 17,2004 12:08am - Jellyfish ""]
[Aug 17,2004 1:24am - vivi ""]
what part of king diamond sucks? how hes totally evil or how his music is totally brutal? i guess we will never know.
[Aug 17,2004 7:48am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Aug 17,2004 8:46am - moran ""]
Bradness said:Blue said:you suck brad.

no, i don't. i speak the truth. HE SUCKS!

Don't let Beakey hear you say that.
[Aug 17,2004 9:06am - Beakey ""]
Too late.
[Aug 17,2004 9:12am - Bradness  ""]
i'm more trying to piss of Mark "the drunk guy" Kevorkian, but Beakey will do.
Hi Beakman, how you been?
[Aug 17,2004 9:36am - christraper ""]
King Diamond is the King. Theres just no way around it. We as metalheads owe him our allegeance. He calls us to the sabbath so we can go into the coven and dance the witches dance with the ghosts of Melissa, Abigail, and Grandma while Satan takes his toll.

HAIL TO THE KING BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 17,2004 9:57am - vivi ""]
trivia: what/who is melissa?
[Aug 17,2004 10:00am - vivi ""]
and no searching the internet for the answer!!! you either know or you dont know muhfuckas
[Aug 17,2004 10:12am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Anyone that doesn't like King Diamond or Mercyful Fate isn't metal. Fuck you Brad!!!!!!!!!! Don't Break the Oath fucking rules you cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 17,2004 10:14am - armageddonday ""]
I'm not trying to piss off Mark more than schmoozing with Brad, but I agree with Brad.
[Aug 17,2004 10:17am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Anne, I hate you!!!!!!!!!!! I got those pictures for you. I'll see you Friday motherfucker.

SUCK OFF A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 17,2004 10:18am - armageddonday ""]
I'll give you a call this afternoon....
[Aug 17,2004 10:22am - litacore at work  ""]
vivi said:trivia: what/who is melissa?

she was a witch.

[Aug 17,2004 10:23am - vivi ""]
nooope. your possibly thinking of abigail.
[Aug 17,2004 10:24am - christraper ""]
vivi said:trivia: what/who is melissa?

oooooooooooh she was a witch ooooooooooooh why did they take you awaaaaaaaaaaaay oh melissa.......

[Aug 17,2004 10:25am - christraper ""]
armageddonday said:I'm not trying to piss off Mark more than schmoozing with Brad, but I agree with Brad.

ANNE!!! Say it ain't so!!!

[Aug 17,2004 10:26am - vivi ""]
mellisa is the name of the mic that the king uses! thats where it came from!
[Aug 17,2004 10:50am - Mary ""]
I'm with Brad and Anne on this. King Diamond is cheesy as fuck.

Although nothing is funnier than Dwyer doing his K.D. impression.

[Aug 17,2004 10:50am - christraper ""]
Hey vivi, do you know where he got those bones from on his mic?
[Aug 17,2004 10:59am - vivi ""]
ahh it escapes me right now but i know their real because i remember reading in grimoire about how they wouldnt let them into south america because of it and i think he had a goatskull too and he wouldnt pretend they were plastic because hes brutal. refresh my memory.
[Aug 17,2004 11:03am - christraper ""]
He stole them on a funfilled night of grave digging when he was about 18. Id be willing to bet that the name on the gravestone was Melissa, hence the name of his mic and the constant credit he gives her.
[Aug 17,2004 11:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
"Grandmaaaaaaaaaaaa, welcome hoooooooooooome"!
[Aug 17,2004 11:05am - vivi ""]
ahh! i fucking knew that dude. that is on the very first KD video i ever got where hes yelling at his band for objectifying women and then hes making out with like 9 chicks at once
[Aug 17,2004 11:08am - christraper ""]
you wouldnt by any chance be able to make a copy of this for me would you?
[Aug 17,2004 11:09am - christraper ""]
Vivi you should come hang out with my band sometime. youve never seen so many die hard king diamond fans. its actually kinda ridiculous
[Aug 17,2004 11:10am - vivi ""]
um. i dont really know how to record videos but i think if i hook a camcorder up to a vcr that will do it right? ill see if i can swing that. i also have a couple grimoire kd videos but their kinda short. there is one cool one where hes talking about the church. ill see if i can put it all on one tape. message me with your address
[Aug 17,2004 11:11am - vivi ""]
ive been really wanting to see horn of valere i here nothing but positive things about them
[Aug 17,2004 11:12am - Mary ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:"Grandmaaaaaaaaaaaa, welcome hoooooooooooome"!

hahahaha!! Yeah!!!
[Aug 17,2004 11:14am - vivi ""]
woah wait arent you playing with bloodstorm (im going on the fact your in that band cos of your profile)...if so...dude ill def be there..bloodstorm is one of my fav bands of all time
[Aug 17,2004 11:14am - KING NOOSEBOMB  ""]
[Aug 17,2004 11:47am - christraper ""]
vivi said:woah wait arent you playing with bloodstorm (im going on the fact your in that band cos of your profile)...if so...dude ill def be there..bloodstorm is one of my fav bands of all time

yea both my bands are playing that show. youre gonna have a seriously drunk christraper that night....
[Aug 17,2004 12:00pm - vivi ""]
who could rape christ sober? i wouldnt lay a finger on that fithy fuck unless i was intoxicated. thats what hatchets are for :queue cannibal corpse:
[Aug 17,2004 12:06pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
to all those people talking shit about King Diamond. FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's no presents for christmas for you fags
[Aug 17,2004 12:08pm - christraper ""]
vivi said:who could rape christ sober? i wouldnt lay a finger on that fithy fuck unless i was intoxicated. thats what hatchets are for :queue cannibal corpse:

i figure as long as he doesnt enjoy it:spineyes:
[Aug 17,2004 1:18pm - armageddonday ""]
Mark, I better have a present for Xmas, like maybe a Mercyful Fate CD or something like that....not that I couldn't get one myself
[Aug 17,2004 1:39pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
You fucking rule anne. You may have whatever you like.

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