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Why the world is coming undone...

[Jan 16,2005 2:10am - ArrowHead ""]
You're an idiot, guy.

1) When exactly did all the races live happily in segregation? Never. Africans were enslaving their own people before whites ever even set foot in their land. Where do you think we got the idea? Jews have been persecuted infinitely, being chased from their own land by their own blood. Asians fought bloody feudal wars between their own neighbors and kind before they'd ever even set eyes on another race. Your facts are poor.

2) "Races in genereral and when I say "in general" I mean for the most part think in different ways, act in different ways, and will ALWAYS be different." -- No. Different CULTURES think, act, and integrate differently, not races. Pit bulls are over one hundred pounds of bred muscle and teeth, fine tuned killing machines. That's race. A well raised one can be loving, faithful, and protective of it's providers. That's culture. The difference is education, discipline, and assimilation, something even your precious Jews could learn from.

Don't worry about being labeled racist. I wouldn't give you credit for being able to differentiate the breeds well enough. As for me, I come from a line of society and education that dates back to the bibles first man (my surname is Adams) and I take pride in being able to compare and contrast myself against the heritage and cultures of others. This, buddy, is racist - and it's not neccesarily a bad thing to know which packs to run WITH and which packs to run FROM.

As far as your anonimity, I'd just assume it was blatant evidence of how unsure you are of your own half-assed reasoning.
[Jan 16,2005 2:18am - ArrowHead ""]
Oh, by the way, there's no such thing as multiculturalism, get that goddamned word out of your head. This is america. You live here, be an american. Live by the standards of american culture. Assimilate. You want to retain laws and customs from your heritage, that's fine, but they should NEVER supercede the culture and law of the land where you live. If they do, then get on a boat and go the fuck home.
[Jan 16,2005 8:49am - the truth  ""]
to be continued...
[Jan 16,2005 9:44pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
There are intelligent people in every race just as there are stupid people in every race. Race has nothing to do with anything. It's very easy to blame problems on one particular group of people. I have tried to do it myself. I have come to the conclusion, however that races aren't the problem. It's the species itself that is the problem. The main problem with the world today is overpopulation. Humanity has become just a number. Humanity has decided that because it is the most intelligent species, it should multiply and control the world. Natural selection and such. But now the world is on the brink of destruction so what do we do? Fuck racism, it's humanity as a whole that is the problem. And this problem will be taken care of during all of our lifetimes most likely.
[Jan 16,2005 9:48pm - eddie ""]
i blame the irish
[Jan 16,2005 9:59pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the irish built this country, haha
[Jan 16,2005 10:02pm - dread_104 ""]
the many races of the word aren't the problem. the two things that will lead to the end of this system of things are money and pride.
How come gender doesn't fit into your equation anywhere?
MAN's dick problem is has ruined everything, not "niggers and jews"
[Jan 16,2005 10:06pm - eddie ""]
(previously a gay post)
[Jan 16,2005 11:50pm - Anthony ""]
I didn't even bother to read the first post entirely, but I got the jist.

This thread is a waste of whatever the internet is made of.
[Jan 16,2005 11:50pm - Anthony ""]
[Jan 19,2005 2:20am - The truth  ""]
[Jan 19,2005 2:22am - The truth  ""]
The girl above was murderered in the name of multiculturism... If the nigger was never here she'd still be alive and that is the TRUTH!!!
[Jan 19,2005 8:51am - RustedAngel ""]
plenty of whitey's have killed little girls and more in the name of retardation. If they weren't here those people would be alive too.
[Jan 19,2005 8:59am - the_reverend ""]
if it weren't for this dirty fucking nigger:
my great grandmother(drunk driving crash in the 30's or 40s) and great grandfather wouldn't have die so young.
my grandmother might actually be alive (drunk driving crash in the 50's).
my grandfather might actually be alive (instead of dying in the 80's).
my uncle and cousin would be alive (drunk driving crash in 91).

fuck you alcohol, the cause of a solution to most of our problems.
[Jan 19,2005 9:01am - RustedAngel ""]
amen brother.
[Jan 19,2005 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
d00d, you're all about the brews so..
[Jan 19,2005 9:03am - RustedAngel ""]
i'll take a brew anytime, make it a root.
[Jan 19,2005 9:06am - the_reverend ""]
youre gonna rot your teeth out.
[Jan 19,2005 9:10am - succubus ""]
not if he drinks sugar free...
[Jan 19,2005 9:12am - the_reverend ""]
he doesn't
[Jan 19,2005 9:13am - the_reverend ""]
take all this bs back.
here's the thing that is destroying this world:
[Jan 19,2005 9:14am - the_reverend ""]
Wo kann man technotazen?
Bei heir, nein!
[Jan 19,2005 10:34pm - retzam ""]
Hahaha I love how no one agrees with him and he realized how completely fucking stupid he is and left. I wish more anonymous posters did this.
[Jan 20,2005 8:44am - Mike Proteus  ""]
the truth said: In this country, we are living in an age of chaos. In a time quite some time ago the races of man were isolated from each other. There was black people in their lands with their set of beliefs, caucasians in their lands with their set of beliefs, jews in their lands with their set of beliefs, arabs, asians, indians, etc. Things were much different... Their was less confusion and chaos. In this day and age we are immersed in chaos. There is always a conflict on a massive scale and degeneracy grows year after year.
The races of man are different beyond skin pigmentation. It goes far beyond the difference in appearance. Each race has it's unique characteristics. Each race is better off on its own. This is of course an opinion of the individual. Races think in different ways. As a point I wish to make in order to avoid the "ignorant" label which I am sure people on this board will jump to conclude I will say that there is always an exception to the rule but make no mistake about it that exception is very few and far between. There are very few "free thinkers" out there. Most follow whatever is fed to them and mortified of the thought of any sort of "non conformist" attitude that might earn them a label "politically incorrect" label. To the very few that think this way I commend you but I fear that most will not even have a clue as to what I am talking about.
I'd rather not come off as some sort of "be all end all" pompous asshole looking to boost one's ego and if I was I would post my name. My name is of no concern to any of you. I only seek to express a point most probably don't think about. A point that might contain the reason why things will only continue to go downhill in this country and anywhere.
History is "enlightenment". The history of the races of man is enlightenment. I already know what your thinking. This must be some sort of racsist manifesto... Propagnada right? That is surely what some people will label this as. The fact is multiculturism causes rascism. Multiculturism causes racial tension. It is natural, it is the law of nature. Races in genereral and when I say "in general" I mean for the most part think in different ways, act in different ways, and will ALWAYS be different. This is exactly why it will never work, never has worked, and continue in the destruction of this society...
Like I said before history is enlightenment. Whites (or Aryans) and Asians for the most part are similiar (but different) in a number of ways. Both of these races have always excelled in creating their own civilizations for their own people. Common characteristics of these races are a high intelligence level, a sense of pride in accomplishing tasks that don't come easily, creating societies that are successful and productive, and a sense of family and who you are as a race. This has always worked for them. Wars and in fighting are inevitable with every race of people but in the long run it always worked for them and ALWAYS will.
Let's move on... Jews. Since the history of time they have been the most mistrusted and hated race of people that ever walked the earth. They have been kicked out of every country they have ever set foot in. Many call them a "parasite" race. One that attatches themselves to a host nation and corrupts it in order to do their bidding. Like Asians and Aryans they too have a very high intelligence level for the most part, but like any other race have ALWAYS and always will regard themselves as different from other races. In Europe they were the ones that assimilated into Aryan society (it was easier for them because of white skin) and created Communism which Eastern Europe is still suffering from. Jews have holy doctrines which regard anyone that is non jewish as inferior and beneath them. Hebrews (jews that wrote the bible) claim that Jews are God's chosen people. The USA gives the most money every year to Israel but what does Israel do for the United States in return??? Osamah Bin Laden claims his attacks for 911 is directly because of the USA's support for Israel (the most hated country in the world by far). Hollywood is owned and operated by Jews. The US media for the most part is owned and operated by Jews. The newspapers for the most part is owned and operated by Jews. The prostitution slave trade in Eastern Europe where Russian and Ukrainian girls are kidnapped and forced into prostitution decepetively through newspaper ads is run by jews. The record labels that fund "anti white" rappers are run by jews. The NAACP (National association for the advancement of colored people) was not even formed or funded by black people it was funded by jews. I guess this is where your cue comes in to scream, rant, and rave ANTI SEMITE!!!! RACSIST!!!!
Let me ask all of you one question... Is anti semetism ever the result of jewish behavior????

A lot of people share this view, that the Jews have all these phantom operations going on under everyones noses. Most of these people also believe the Jews are going/trying to take over the entire world. Anyones guess these days... We're living in the same world where people either believe our President is doing everything right or he was the true perpetrator of 9/11. "Trust no one"
[Jan 20,2005 9:04am - the_reverend ""]

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