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I love it, thrash is coming back

[Oct 6,2005 11:39pm - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:this kid needs some attention bad.

you start with me all the time and then wonder why i fuck with you
what the fuck is your problem!
[Oct 6,2005 11:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
try to make some good points instead of just running around in circles kid!
[Oct 6,2005 11:42pm - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:try to make some good points instead of just running around in circles kid!

why dont you go reread this thread and see if you can tell me that anything ive said isnt a good point
[Oct 6,2005 11:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
i like pissing all over your hopes and dreams. you should just log in, instead of being scared.
[Oct 6,2005 11:51pm - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:i like pissing all over your hopes and dreams. you should just log in, instead of being scared.

well, like i've said in the past,you do know me,and i know the fencejumping poser that you are,so go ahead "piss on my hopes and dreams" i'm laughing at your expense every time i'm here
[Oct 6,2005 11:52pm - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:try to make some good points instead of just running around in circles kid!

i'm still waiting for you to show me the flaw in anything i've said!
who's running around in circles now?
[Oct 6,2005 11:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
none of that is nearly as cool as you constantly trying to take me down on the internet. your supposed to log in instead of changing names everynight, maybe then i'll take you seriously, maybe.
[Oct 7,2005 12:01am - BornSoVile ""]
i already did that when i called you fashion thrash, swift guy!
[Oct 7,2005 12:02am - anonymous  ""]
i've never cast the first stone at anyone on here! including you,and as far as trying to" take you down on the internet " goes,give me a break your doing a good job of that all by yourself! and oh yeah,i'm still waiting...
[Oct 7,2005 12:06am - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:i already did that when i called you fashion thrash, swift guy!

fashion thrash? lets talk about fashion for a minute in the early 90's you were all about deathmetal,then the black metal thing happened and you were all about that and now it's thrash,i commend you for getting in on this one a little earlier it was almost an original thought on your behalf.
you are exactly the type of person i was talking about in the beginning of this thread
[Oct 7,2005 12:10am - BornSoVile ""]
anonymous posts = nothing
your lucky i'm bored and I have time to spare to own your ass in retarded internet arguements everynight. the best part is that you think your a hero for being a complete idiot.
[Oct 7,2005 12:11am - BornSoVile ""]
i wasn't even listening to death metal in the early 90's!
[Oct 7,2005 12:16am - anonymous  ""]
i'm not trying to be a hero,but you can continue to mock me and pick fights with me,i know what you are and i'm not the first of your"friends" to say it. and i'm STILL waiting for a good point from you,you've got yourself going in circles againand by the way,i'm working and being paid"ridiculously" to have these internet arguments with you,unfortunately,you suck at internet fighting,dave from the grave is much better at this than you!
[Oct 7,2005 12:17am - anonymous  ""]
if you don't mind, could we get back to talking about thrash instead of you fragile ego?
[Oct 7,2005 12:20am - BornSoVile ""]
nevermind you fucked it all up when you didn't realize the whole fashion thrash thing, then you said you knew me b and said I was listening to death metal in the early 90's, but that ain't true. you failed again. i'm putting a another point on the board for myself. i'm going to bed, see you on here next monday? 10:30??
[Oct 7,2005 12:22am - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:nevermind you fucked it all up when you didn't realize the whole fashion thrash thing, then you said you knew me b and said I was listening to death metal in the early 90's, but that ain't true. you failed again. i'm putting a another point on the board for myself. i'm going to bed, see you on here next monday? 10:30??

you've lost another round, but yeah i'll give you ANOTHER crack at the title on monday... til then,,try to think for yourself, i know it's hard but i think you can do it!
[Oct 7,2005 1:22am - BornSoVile ""]
Pathos needs to carry some more thrash. I need that Rigor Mortis disc.
[Oct 7,2005 1:40am - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:Pathos needs to carry some more thrash. I need that Rigor Mortis disc.

look who's back!!!
if your interested,i'll be aquiring all the terrorizer demo's this weekend!
but i don't know how i could give em to you without ruining my anonymity!
[Oct 7,2005 1:46am - BornSoVile ""]
anonymous said:BornSoVile said:Pathos needs to carry some more thrash. I need that Rigor Mortis disc.

look who's back!!!
if your interested,i'll be aquiring all the terrorizer demo's this weekend!
but i don't know how i could give em to you without ruining my anonymity!

that's to bad, i have this thing in between my legs that doesn't make me scared, it's called a cock and balls. you should get some.
stop trying to ruin the thrash thread.
[Oct 7,2005 1:49am - THE THRASH POLICE  ""]
[Oct 7,2005 2:45am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
My band plays speed/thrash with a style firmly rooted in the classics but a little lyrical progression (as in, unlike Toxic Holocaust I used song titles that haven't been done 500 times, etc.) I just play it because it's what I loved growing up....but I've been there since thrash was first even called that name so I don't see a problem, it's always been around in a myriad of forms (death metal came from thrash, black metal, from thrash, yes, etc). I don't do it to be retro because to me it wasn't something I got into retroactively. I understand what / is saying and that I have other projects which I play to do more unusual/progressive ideas with music. Besides, almost every band when you get down to it comes from a previous sound/idea/concept, you just may not have heard it before (but trust me, it probably existed).

Thrash is what I've always wanted to do though and just never had the people to play it with. Now I'm enjoying, and really could give a fuck if it's trendy again or 2,000 other bands are doing it now all of a sudden.
[Oct 7,2005 3:25am - ArrowHead ""]
I think I got a different definition of thrash then you guys. When you say "thrash", I think of early metallica, megadeth, anthrax (up until state of euphoria), MOD, Artillery, Defiance, Overkill (sorta), etc...

If that's what you guys mean, please tell me what new bands are playing this kind of stuff, because I'll go download every goddamned cd. I love this type of music.
[Oct 7,2005 3:30am - ArrowHead ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard: I agree wholeheartedly with you. Ever notice that every band starts out with an ad or flyer saying what influences the band has, but then most bands form and then spend tons of energy trying to tell people how much they DON'T sound like those very influences?

I was once in a band that I heard about through a flyer at a music store. The ad said that Tool was a big influence, and I love tool. They bought every tool cd. We went to a bunch of tool concerts. We all loved tool. (wow, that sounds wicked gay). Then we wrote songs, played a bunch of shows, and recorded a demo. Every time people compared us to tool though, they'd deny it! They'd claim how original we were, or say how our real influences were a bunch of super obscure "underground" bands like Dog Fashion Disco, or Mudvayne (not very popular at the time), etc....

It's like when Wretched Asylum gets pissed at people for comparing them to marilyn manson.
[Oct 7,2005 9:11am - Anthony nli  ""]
ArrowHead said:I think I got a different definition of thrash then you guys. When you say "thrash", I think of early metallica, megadeth, anthrax (up until state of euphoria), MOD, Artillery, Defiance, Overkill (sorta), etc...

If that's what you guys mean, please tell me what new bands are playing this kind of stuff, because I'll go download every goddamned cd. I love this type of music.

pick up the newest Exodus CD "Shovel Headed Kill Machine" which came out this week. Also, the one before that "Tempo of the Damned"

Also, get the new Municipal Waste "Hazardous Mutation" that came out this week and their previous record also, "Waste Em All"

And while you're at it, go ahead to http://www.crypticwarning.com and buy "Sanity's Aberration" hahaha, (shameless plug)

also Destruction's three most recent records are awesome, buy those
[Oct 7,2005 10:00am - babyshaker ""]

lol i read a good part of this thread wondering when the thrash police where gonna make an apperance....come on man we could start a nasty band we'll where police shirts with the sleeves cut off and high top sneakers we'll be thrash as hell

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