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Ha, there was a shooting in a mall...in Utah

[Feb 13,2007 11:41am - HailAtWork  ""]
Awesome...I think they should arm sweatshop workers and let them loose in the Gap, or better yet, a walmart...now that would be entertainment.
[Feb 13,2007 11:45am - powerkok ""]
Ya awesome!!
Shut the fuck up, you stupid cunt.
Why cant these idiots shoot the people who really deserve it, like people who think its 'awesome'.
[Feb 13,2007 11:49am - HailAtWork  ""]
It is awesome, it's a great example of how fucked up our society has become, and it's finally happened in the heart of blind comsumerism and capitalism, a mall...let the fun begin.
[Feb 13,2007 11:51am - INFECT ""]
most people in malls are brain-dead anyway, they just need to be put out of their misery...
hahahahah kudos
[Feb 13,2007 11:52am - powerkok ""]

do yourself a favor and shut up.

[Feb 13,2007 11:54am - powerkok ""]
Most people in malls are .......
Are you fucking joking?

Talk about some blind fucking idiotic sheep, as you accuse others of being!!!

The American 'Mall' is possibly one of the most diverse populus you could get!!!!!!

[Feb 13,2007 12:21pm - sxealex ""]
powerkok is partial to malls i guess.


[Feb 13,2007 12:24pm - Anthony nli  ""]
awesome? maybe not so much. post a news article?
[Feb 13,2007 12:28pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Teen gunman kills 5 in Utah mall rampage
[Feb 13,2007 12:31pm - zipperhead  ""]
this shit needs to happen more often. especially to little faggots at the mall. little faggot 80 year old dip shits that don't walk fast enough. little faggot 15 year old girls that you see run past you 10 time the 5 minutes you're in the mall.
[Feb 13,2007 12:34pm - Dissector ""]
zipperhead said:little faggot 15 year old girls that you see run past you 10 time the 5 minutes you're in the mall.

I love when that happens.
[Feb 13,2007 12:36pm - zipperhead  ""]
yes, that part is actually pretty good
[Feb 13,2007 12:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Food fun and fashion, the mall has it all!
[Feb 13,2007 12:40pm - INFECT ""]
sxealex said:powerkok is partial to malls i guess.



yea seriously, i must have struck a nerve
just to reiterate: MALLS SUCK and so do the people that inhabit them
but most of all, people who virulently defend them on the internet
[Feb 13,2007 12:40pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 13,2007 12:49pm - anonymous  ""]
INFECT said:
MALLS SUCK and so do the people that inhabit them
but most of all, people who virulently defend them on the internet

so the rev and succubus suck because they go to malls to shop sometimes?

[Feb 13,2007 12:51pm - zipperhead  ""]
anonymous said:INFECT said:
MALLS SUCK and so do the people that inhabit them
but most of all, people who virulently defend them on the internet

so the rev and succubus suck because they go to malls to shop sometimes?

shoot yourself
[Feb 13,2007 12:51pm - eddie(nli)  ""]
yes, the rev and succubus suck because they go to malls and shop sometimes...
[Feb 13,2007 12:59pm - sxealex ""]
i think most everyone goes to malls sometimes to purchase stuff... doesnt make them strikingly diverse
[Feb 13,2007 1:05pm - zipperhead  ""]
sxealex said:i think most everyone goes to malls sometimes to purchase stuff... doesnt make them strikingly diverse

you sound a little feminine? are you gay?
[Feb 13,2007 1:06pm - anonymous  ""]
well from mr. infect's post, he's insisting that people who inhabit them, suck. which includes people who's asses you've probably kissed.
[Feb 13,2007 1:09pm - zipperhead  ""]
your mom's?
[Feb 13,2007 1:28pm - powerkok ""]
Exactly, Im not defending fucking shopping malls, nor do I give a shit about who inhabits them, because it dosent affect me.
Do I think these people deserved to be killed? Absolutely not.

[Feb 13,2007 1:28pm - powerkok ""]
Eat shit also.
And Live.
[Feb 13,2007 1:32pm - powerkok ""]
sxealex said:powerkok is partial to malls i guess.

Youre missing the point.
Malls, schools, any mass populus. Dosent matter.
How can that be 'Awesome'??

That just plain pisses me off, thats all.
[Feb 13,2007 1:40pm - W3 nli  ""]
i think she means its awesome cause were supposed to be this big safe country where nothing bad happens to regular joes.

esp while shopping for nike's at a mall.

so yeah it is pretty awesome when it happens in a place like utah cause those people take off the blinders are try to get some laws passed.

maybe making it a lil harder for crackheads to go buy guns.

but hey i dont know nothing about no nothing i just know I LOVE MALLS.


fuck yeah !!!!!
[Feb 13,2007 1:46pm - CNV  ""]
There is a quote somewhere that says- A society gets all the criminals it deserves

[Feb 13,2007 1:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
empires dont last forever, it was a good run.
[Feb 13,2007 1:54pm - HailAtWork  ""]
It's really funny when people who back violence against other countries are outraged when I find it amusing that people got shot in a mall...in Utah, on the day that Romney announces he's running for president...come on, what's more amusing than that?
[Feb 13,2007 1:58pm - W3 nli  ""]
a cylinder truck filled with flaming dirty diapers falling out of an airplane onto you.
[Feb 13,2007 2:01pm - CNV  ""]
It made me chuckle
[Feb 13,2007 2:01pm - HailAtWork  ""]
where's that flying train I ordered...fuckers
[Feb 13,2007 2:02pm - W3 nli  ""]
HailAtWork said:where's that flying train I ordered...fuckers

i told you, youre hiring the wrong people and you tell me youre doing it.

so i just call INS and then poof no more train or boats, get union people bitch.

america fuck yeah !!!
[Feb 13,2007 2:06pm - CNV  ""]
I need to get some automatic weapons cuz when it hits the fan

New Hampshire will be mine, ALL MINE!!!!!

(insert evil laughter)
[Feb 13,2007 2:17pm - W3 nli  ""]
CNV said:I need to get some automatic weapons cuz when it hits the fan

New Hampshire will be mine, ALL MINE!!!!!

(insert evil laughter)

dood let me tell you forever ive been very antiguns, until i just moved back to va and got to hold an ak and a shotgun.

went out to pungo to fire off some rounds.

besides getting more ink, def saving up for some david koresh type shit.
[Feb 13,2007 2:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 13,2007 2:37pm - powerkok ""]
HailAtWork said:It's really funny when people who back violence against other countries are outraged when I find it amusing that people got shot in a mall...in Utah, on the day that Romney announces he's running for president...come on, what's more amusing than that?

Listen, cunt, dont pretend you know me or what I am thinking.
You make me sick, go do something productive, like the fucking dishes, you douchebag.
[Feb 13,2007 3:06pm - Murph nli  ""]
There are some stores at the mall I really like. I love clothes, shoes, and especially Dave and Buster's. Kickass.
[Feb 13,2007 3:08pm - W3 nli  ""]
Murph nli said:There are some stores at the mall I really like. I love clothes, shoes, and especially Dave and Buster's. Kickass.

murph, i am going to gun you down. :gun:
[Feb 13,2007 3:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Murph nli said:There are some stores at the mall I really like. I love clothes, shoes, and especially Dave and Buster's. Kickass.

the dumpsters out back are a good place to get drugs and hookers
[Feb 13,2007 5:06pm - HailAtWork  ""]
fuck malls, and the spawn that falls out of them
[Feb 13,2007 5:07pm - W3 nli  ""]
HailAtWork said:fuck malls, and the spawn that falls out of them

malls can breed now.
[Feb 13,2007 5:10pm - pam ""]
HailAtWork said:It's really funny when people who back violence against other countries are outraged when I find it amusing that people got shot in a mall...in Utah, on the day that Romney announces he's running for president...come on, what's more amusing than that?

I think it's funny when people so vehemently against war are so amused by innocent people being gunned down at a mall for no fucking reason. I think you're an asshole and wish you'd stop giving liberal a bad name by calling yourself one. I hope someone you love is gunned down trying to buy some pants and we can see how "awesome" it is then you fucking hypocrite.
[Feb 13,2007 5:12pm - pam ""]
Oh my god, people shop at malls for goods...they obviously deserve to be murdered because they shop at malls. Obviously they must be terrible people deserving of death because they like to buy certain brands of clothing.
[Feb 13,2007 5:33pm - Murph nli  ""]
W3 nli said:Murph nli said:There are some stores at the mall I really like. I love clothes, shoes, and especially Dave and Buster's. Kickass.

murph, i am going to gun you down. :gun:

Yeah, gun me down to rob my sweet shoes.

[Feb 13,2007 6:09pm - W3 nli  ""]
Murph nli said:W3 nli said:Murph nli said:There are some stores at the mall I really like. I love clothes, shoes, and especially Dave and Buster's. Kickass.

murph, i am going to gun you down. :gun:

Yeah, gun me down to rob my sweet shoes.


[Feb 13,2007 7:00pm - anonymous  ""]
pam said:HailAtWork said:It's really funny when people who back violence against other countries are outraged when I find it amusing that people got shot in a mall...in Utah, on the day that Romney announces he's running for president...come on, what's more amusing than that?

I think it's funny when people so vehemently against war are so amused by innocent people being gunned down at a mall for no fucking reason. I think you're an asshole and wish you'd stop giving liberal a bad name by calling yourself one. I hope someone you love is gunned down trying to buy some pants and we can see how "awesome" it is then you fucking hypocrite.

It would've been better if a walmart had blown up, and if the rest of you weren't amused by news like this then the evening news would have no ratings, you just never admit it. It's the same shit that makes you slow down and stare at a car wreck. I never called myself a liberal, I donno where you got that from, and since I don't go into malls I don't see how I'm a hypocrite.
[Feb 13,2007 7:29pm - W3 nli  ""]
uh oh the underground patrol
[Feb 13,2007 7:32pm - Lamp ""]
People who slow down and look at car wrecks are stupid, I've got somewhere to go, I don't care who's dead just get the fuck out of my way.

The Weather Channel > the evening news
[Feb 13,2007 7:36pm - W3 nli  ""]
everyone please stop the killings and go masturbate to this....


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