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Ever done coke?

[Jul 19,2007 12:57pm - Niccolai ""]
You'd be a lot cooler if you did.
[Jul 19,2007 1:00pm - RichHorror ""]
I never have.
[Jul 19,2007 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
thou art gay.
[Jul 19,2007 1:08pm - sxealex ""]
yea for like an hour.
[Jul 19,2007 1:08pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Cook it up!!
[Jul 19,2007 1:09pm - Niccolai ""]
RichHorror said:I never have.

HAHAHA and I suppose you never go to peewee football games and hide in the locker room, right?
[Jul 19,2007 1:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Bible Study class keeps me pretty busy.
[Jul 19,2007 1:18pm - archaeon ""]
hellva drug
[Jul 19,2007 1:42pm - timjohn  ""]
[Jul 19,2007 1:53pm - the_reverend ""]
coke? hello! people still do that? 1983 just called, they want their drug back.
[Jul 19,2007 2:05pm - murph nli  ""]
the_reverend said:coke? hello! people still do that? 1983 just called, they want their drug back.

[Jul 19,2007 2:05pm - slow  ""]
come on reverend, it's not like qualudes (can't spell it). coke is fuckin thriving in 2007.
[Jul 19,2007 2:13pm - TheFilthyFrenchman ""]
[Jul 19,2007 2:24pm - sxealex ""]
my friend just got out of rehab for coke.
[Jul 19,2007 2:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just the chronic
[Jul 19,2007 2:27pm - Whoremastery ""]
[Jul 19,2007 2:42pm - Ryan_M ""]
I drink Coke, am I still cool?
[Jul 19,2007 2:47pm - yummy ""]
I hate the cola more than the drug. But, both are overrated.
[Jul 19,2007 2:49pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
[Jul 19,2007 3:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
More than meets the eye!

[Jul 19,2007 3:19pm - c.dead  ""]
"coke is fuckin thriving in 2007. "

haha, i don't think their was ever a year in where it was out of style. However, a couple drugs i used to see all the time but never do anymore include X and special K. I never hear about that shit, and i never even did either. Well, i think i did X once maybe
[Jul 19,2007 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
you're right. some drugs come and go, but others are in it for the long run.

MARIJUANA goes in the top drawer.
COCAINE and SPEED in the second,
the HEROIN in the bottom.
Always separate the drugs.
[Jul 19,2007 3:30pm - Aegathis ""]
tried it once, didnt do anything.
[Jul 19,2007 3:40pm - slow  ""]
c.dead said:haha, i don't think their was ever a year in where it was out of style. However, a couple drugs i used to see all the time but never do anymore include X and special K. I never hear about that shit, and i never even did either. Well, i think i did X once maybe

i hear K & X and (gulp) GHB are readily available in high schools and college. I think we don't see it cuz we're old and so are our drug dealers who know the real money is in the dope weed and coke. I'd go make friends with college kids but their shrill annoying voices hurt my ears so no fancy drugs for me. :BANGHEAD:
[Jul 19,2007 3:48pm - c.dead  ""]
AH, i remember GHB, never did that either. I remember doing alot of mail-order drugs when it was still legal. That was in high school, like DXM, DMT (whata fucking trip that shit was), and AMT.
[Jul 19,2007 4:13pm - aaron_michael ""]
Yeti said:you're right. some drugs come and go, but others are in it for the long run.

MARIJUANA goes in the top drawer.
COCAINE and SPEED in the second,
the HEROIN in the bottom.
Always separate the drugs.

[Jul 19,2007 4:31pm - Kinslayer (aka d.cead)  ""]
[Jul 19,2007 4:38pm - Lamp ""]
The effects don't sound like anything that can't be achieved through good ol' manic depression. :D
[Jul 19,2007 4:51pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
2006 has been the biggest year for coke since the 80s. It's making a strong come back.

It r00lz d00dz.
[Jul 19,2007 4:52pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Lamp said:The effects don't sound like anything that can't be achieved through good ol' manic depression. :D

I have manic depression and bi-polar. Coke is still better than that.
[Jul 19,2007 4:53pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Nothing to see here.
[Jul 19,2007 4:57pm - mOe forgot his PW  ""]
DeRtOxIa said:[img]

this shit is hardcore...burns going down and will keep you up all night
[Jul 19,2007 5:11pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
c.dead said:AH, i remember GHB, never did that either. I remember doing alot of mail-order drugs when it was still legal. That was in high school, like DXM, DMT (whata fucking trip that shit was), and AMT.

DMT is the most amazing thing i've ever experienced

[Jul 19,2007 9:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm kinda all set - had so many friends get just lifewrecked on that shit before I ever had occasion to try it that I gave it a pass. To each their own, though.

Plus when I was 12 my one friend's uncle could stick a pencil almost entirely up his nose. Kinda makes it look not so attractive.
[Jul 19,2007 10:11pm - xanonymousx ""]
after seeing some of my close friends and family go through what they did because of this drug
i would never want to put anyone through what they put us through.
[Jul 19,2007 10:23pm - Hungtableed  ""]
the_reverend said:coke? hello! people still do that? 1983 just called, they want their drug back.

hahahahaha, right? Coke is fucking gay and is for the same type of homo that still thinks ecstasy is cool.

Hahahahaha, I love this Leary skit....
[Jul 19,2007 10:28pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Hungtableed said:

Hahahahaha, I love this Leary skit....

I am in fucking stitches watching this shit right now....
[Jul 19,2007 10:33pm - yummy ""]
I have a feeling I'd rather hear Timothy Leary's vision of drugs.
[Jul 19,2007 10:34pm - yummy ""]
although, this is amusing even after these decades go by.
[Jul 19,2007 10:35pm - Hungtableed  ""]
yummy said:I have a feeling I'd rather hear Timothy Leary's vision of drugs.

Fuck that fag, he was involved with studies that "investigated" the sexual nature of children. That homo-pedo raped kids and I hope there's a hell so queers like him burn in it.
[Jul 19,2007 10:38pm - yummy ""]
your opinion has never mattered to me.
[Jul 19,2007 10:49pm - Hungtableed  ""]
My opinion has no bearing on the fact that he was involved with studies that involved performing sexual acts with children to determine when a humans sexuality develops. That, by it's very nature, is pedophilia. End of story. It is in my opinion (here's the only part of what I said that doesn't matter to you) that he is a faggot and that I hope there is a hell for queers like him to burn.
[Jul 19,2007 11:44pm - timjohn  ""]
you're very articulate, jeff.
[Jul 20,2007 2:09am - Lamp ""]
For some reason I've been craving weed lately. I find this weird just because I haven't smoked since early March and the last couple times I did it, I hated it.

[Jul 20,2007 11:05am - pam ""]
I did coke 3 times, it sucked all three times, it's fun for like 20 minutes and then it's over and you feel crappy. The only thing worse than doing it, is having to listen to someone who is on it. But to each his own. I'll stick with pot and beer.
[Jul 20,2007 11:23am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i saw the most coked out dude ever at this dive bar called stinky pete's in dartmouth last night

oh yea, that reminds me, stay far away from that place if you know what's good for ya

p.s. coke is for losers
[Jul 20,2007 11:25am - RichHorror ""]
haha, that place is pretty amazing. Everytime I go in there I feel like Eddie Murphy in that cowboy bar scene in 48 Hours.
[Jul 20,2007 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
ever do coke.... ON WEED?!?
[Jul 20,2007 11:26am - pam ""]
I think the question to focus on here is...why the hell were you at Stinky Petes in Dartmouth and not at Metal Thursday? hmmmmmm?
[Jul 20,2007 11:30am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
cuz im working at UMASS dartmouth for the next few weeks and had no way up there

obviously you didn't get the memo

also, stinky pete's is far worse than any cowboy bar, and the karaoke sucks too. dude only had like 200 songs to pick from and they all sucked
[Jul 20,2007 11:32am - pam ""]
If you're going to be in Dartmouth for a few weeks, you need to come to Miller's for karaoke with us.
[Jul 20,2007 11:32am - the_reverend ""]
those songs don't suck if you are a cowboy, tinear.
[Jul 20,2007 11:33am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
pam said:If you're going to be in Dartmouth for a few weeks, you need to come to Miller's for karaoke with us.

when and where?
[Jul 20,2007 11:34am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the_reverend said:those songs don't suck if you are a cowboy, tinear.

i was gonna do unchained melody by the righteous brothers, but then the asshole played the actual song while i was outside smokin a butt

my sister and i totally rocked the humpty dance though
[Jul 20,2007 11:38am - pam ""]
SacreligionNLI said:pam said:If you're going to be in Dartmouth for a few weeks, you need to come to Miller's for karaoke with us.

when and where?

not sure, I'll let you know.
[Jul 20,2007 11:38am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
please do. do they have faith no more?
[Jul 20,2007 12:06pm - infect sli sli sli  ""]
the_reverend said:ever do coke.... ON WEED?!?

never, ever, never ever,
[Jul 20,2007 12:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 20,2007 12:10pm - Anthny  ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:just the chronic

[Jul 20,2007 12:13pm - yummy ""]
It is in my opinion (here's the only part of what I said that doesn't matter to you) that he is a faggot and that I hope there is a hell for queers like him to burn.

I hope so too, okay? Ya got me.
[Jul 20,2007 12:16pm - lbprovidence ""]
[Jul 20,2007 12:23pm - xmikex ""]
What you get and what you see
Things that don't come easily
Feeling happy in my vein
Icicles within my brain
[Jul 20,2007 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
she dont like
she dont like
she dont liiiiiiiike

[Jul 20,2007 12:50pm - sxealex ""]
bow now neow... neow.... neow... bo-dee-dee-dee-dee-nyew-nyew.. boo-boo-dee-dee-dee-dee-nyew-nyew
[Jul 20,2007 1:24pm - pam ""]
SacreligionNLI said:please do. do they have faith no more?

The lady who does it just went out on her own so I'm not sure, but she did have Epic before.
[Jul 20,2007 1:39pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
[Jul 20,2007 1:41pm - Kinslayer  ""]
anyone that never has, feel free to come by my place tonight...
[Jul 20,2007 5:10pm - VEIN_WATER  ""]
one of my best friends was just busted for selling coke and illegal possesion of fire arms. Watch your back these days.
[Jul 20,2007 5:41pm - Niccolai ""]
the probably would have let the coke slide if he didn't have an illegal gun on him..
[Jul 20,2007 6:00pm - Dankill  ""]
Did it. Nothing special.
[Jul 21,2007 11:31am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
i stick to one recreational opiate, and thats opium. its barely ever around so its impossible to get addicted to unless you move into an opium den in asia somewhere
[Jul 21,2007 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
Special K used to be popular cause you could buy it in vials from japan over the net
[Aug 27,2007 3:16am - niccolai ""]
Like hookers?
[Aug 27,2007 4:50am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Hookers come in vials nowadays?
[Aug 27,2007 7:51am - Brad Weymouth  ""]
smoke it!
get high!
[Aug 27,2007 8:14am - the_reverend ""]
if I only did coke, that's atill like being straight edge, right? I mean I don't have to cover up my XXX tats right?

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