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[show listing]  ____________________________________________________
[Feb 11,2008 10:19am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]



[Feb 11,2008 10:23am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
[Feb 11,2008 11:14am - craig nli  ""]
oh snizzle. dysentery is playing this? i did not know that. sick
[Feb 11,2008 12:01pm - blue nli  ""]
[Feb 11,2008 2:33pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
hey craig hows that eye doing?
[Feb 11,2008 2:45pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
quick question...if the cost is beer and I don't drink what do I have to pay?
[Feb 11,2008 3:42pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
This is going to be a good ass show, make sure you are all trashed for Dave & Steve... they fucking own.
[Feb 11,2008 3:43pm - cav nli  ""]

Fuck_Logging_In_NLI said:quick question...if the cost is beer and I don't drink what do I have to pay?

bring weed?
[Feb 11,2008 3:44pm - Lamp ""]

SlyATNFAC said:This is going to be a good ass show, make sure you are all trashed for Dave & Steve... they fucking own.

I agree, I saw these guys in Fancy Fest 2005 in Providence and keep missing their rare shows ever since, they ruled so hard and I need to see them again damnit!
[Feb 11,2008 3:46pm - SlyATNFAC ""]

Fuck_Logging_In_NLI said:quick question...if the cost is beer and I don't drink what do I have to pay?

There is no cost but if you drink bring your own beer/booze/weed or whatever. Tentatively i don't think I'll be getting a keg this time around. cash is kinda tight right now although that might change as the show gets a bit closer.
[Feb 11,2008 4:44pm - Blue ""]

cav%20nli said:
Fuck_Logging_In_NLI said:quick question...if the cost is beer and I don't drink what do I have to pay?

bring weed?

if you're going you'd better.

do we need a flyer for this?
[Feb 11,2008 5:14pm - cav ""]
im gonna try my best to make it. we have practice that night and are doing some recording the next day. so i might try to catch up on my sleep. hopefully ill be able to convince one of the guys to give me a ride to come chill for a little bit.
[Feb 11,2008 5:27pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

Blue said:
cav%20nli said:
Fuck_Logging_In_NLI said:quick question...if the cost is beer and I don't drink what do I have to pay?

bring weed?

if you're going you'd better.

do we need a flyer for this?

Ya blue...you think you could make one for this?
[Feb 11,2008 5:28pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
BRUTAL #2 has landed an exclusive endorsement with MR Jack Herer, whose attendance will be present at this phiesta of phiestas....BRING YOUR IRON LUNGS DOUCHEFAGS!!!!
[Feb 11,2008 5:30pm - paul 2  ""]
Ill attend this. Actually i plan on being carried out of this or sleeping on the front lawn.
[Feb 11,2008 5:46pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

paul%202 said:Ill attend this. Actually i plan on being carried out of this or sleeping on the front lawn.

you better mark your territory quick. Pretty sure the supply of lawn will be far superseded by the demand :whipper:
[Feb 11,2008 6:02pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
i promise you can smoke weed and maggot will not yell at you haha
[Feb 11,2008 6:18pm - Blue ""]
[Feb 11,2008 6:29pm - bradmann ""]
fail on missing this. BAH
[Feb 11,2008 6:40pm - Blue ""]
flyer up! hope you like intestines and pink butterflies!

[Feb 11,2008 6:55pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
j.herrer is a good shit, i will bring some trainwreck for ultimate salad.
[Feb 11,2008 7:32pm - paul 2  ""]
Last time I was drunk in winthrop I got taken home in a police cruiser. Nice this party is going to be brootal
[Feb 11,2008 7:39pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
oooooo shhhit meng.....me love headie salad, perhaps it is time to call upon the other strands that lurk within the mason jars
[Feb 12,2008 12:41pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
this type of thing needs to happen more often!
[Feb 12,2008 2:04pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
ya it does!! is there going to be epic nordic swordfights again during ATNFAC???
[Feb 12,2008 9:59pm - Jack Herer  ""]
[Feb 13,2008 12:09am - SlyATNFAC ""]

Septic%20Mountain%20Fountain said:ya it does!! is there going to be epic nordic swordfights again during ATNFAC???

no nordic sword fights this time we are filming our set this time. so if your a ham and i know a couple of you are nows your chance.
[Feb 13,2008 6:47am - corpus_colostomy ""]
herrer is the don! sick pic!
[Feb 13,2008 12:18pm - craig nli  ""]

SlyATNFAC said:
Septic%20Mountain%20Fountain said:ya it does!! is there going to be epic nordic swordfights again during ATNFAC???

no nordic sword fights this time we are filming our set this time. so if your a ham and i know a couple of you are nows your chance.

oh no sly. cameras? im hamenstein. i smell a reunion.....anyways, my eye is doing better brian. haha i was really shitty that night. down was suprisingly awesome
[Feb 13,2008 2:11pm - bradmann ""]
last time i was at this terrible house i remember watching the front door get covered in Raid and then feeling anxious about going inside for fear of ingesting fucking Raid. and Abnormality and TTOS slayed.
[Feb 13,2008 2:57pm - deathchick ""]
I love death metal house parties.
[Feb 13,2008 3:50pm - cav nli  ""]

SlyATNFAC said:i promise you can smoke weed and maggot will not yell at you haha

ok ill come
[Feb 13,2008 4:15pm - Joshtruction ""]
maybe I will go o I cna hang out with all you guys and have a good time. I had a great time last time I was there.
[Feb 13,2008 7:37pm - Blue ""]
yeah, you should finally come out.
[Feb 14,2008 1:31am - ANUBIS ""]
hope everyone's bringing their smoking jackets..
[Feb 14,2008 9:50am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
i'm coming equipped with both my smoking jacket and my steel toe drinking boots
[Feb 14,2008 11:35am - craig nli  ""]
my jacket is always smoking because im the metal equivalent to Pigpen. so brian, any winesoaked tampons making an appearance at this show?
[Feb 14,2008 12:37pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

craig%20nli said:my jacket is always smoking because im the metal equivalent to Pigpen. so brian, any winesoaked tampons making an appearance at this show?

If you're referring to me, I'm Jason---there is no "Brian" you speak of. As for the wine tampons, you're gonna have to sit tight in the smoking jacket of yours, and see.
[Feb 16,2008 10:32am - craig nli  ""]
damn it. i knew your last name and figured id take a stab at your first name. whatever, this was on page 5. bump!
[Feb 16,2008 5:49pm - archaeon ""]
what time dysentery going on? i have work and don't want to get there after shits over.
[Feb 17,2008 3:41am - craig nli  ""]
[Feb 17,2008 8:06am - corpus_colostomy ""]

archaeon said:what time dysentery going on? i have work and don't want to get there after shits over.

skip work.
[Feb 17,2008 8:54pm - archaeon ""]
[Feb 18,2008 9:45am - SlyATNFAC ""]
the bands are going to start at 9:00, the line up will be Brutal No. 2, ATNFAC, Dysentery then Dave&Steve.
[Feb 18,2008 11:12am - archaeon ""]
alright i should be fine then, thanks
[Feb 19,2008 3:24am - craig nli  ""]
skip work anyway
[Feb 19,2008 11:17pm - craig nli  ""]
you all suck at bumping. im barely on this site and im still keeping better track. get into it!
[Feb 20,2008 11:45am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
Congratulations, you are hereby "official" thread bumper.
[Feb 20,2008 12:06pm - xmikex ""]
I wish Dysentery would play my house.
[Feb 20,2008 2:06pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
BBA, DYS show @ your house Mike..

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