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New maudlin of the Well free for download

[May 14,2009 7:42am - archaeon ""]

haven't listened yet. Probably amazing.
[May 14,2009 9:02am - sinistas ""]
It's really cool how this album was made. Downloading now.
[May 14,2009 11:14am - Martins ""]
Already, holy shit. They're still pressing it right? That poker guy gave enough money for recording and pressing, right?
[May 14,2009 11:31am - arilliusbm ""]
is it still avantgarde? or have they watered down their experimentation (for lack of a better word)?
[May 14,2009 11:53am - dreadkill ""]
i think it's rerecordings of old songs, so they probably didn't water it down.
[May 14,2009 12:33pm - sinistas ""]
From what I was reading, it's more like adaptations of stuff they had worked on but not released over the years.
[May 16,2009 10:39pm - archaeon ""]
[May 16,2009 11:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
just donated 10 bucks. haha. haven't listened yet
[May 16,2009 11:35pm - spaldino  ""]
its soooo good
[May 17,2009 1:50am - Martins ""]

archaeon said:[img]

Ah, now I get it.
[May 19,2009 8:06am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
This gets my approval.
[Aug 3,2009 10:32am - darkwork  ""]
[Aug 3,2009 10:40am - arilliusbm ""]
I was listening to this again last night. Really like the 1st song a lot.
[Aug 3,2009 10:44am - dreadkill ""]
if you're enjoying this stuff, go check out baliset at metal thursday this week!
[Aug 3,2009 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]
this could honestly pass as a legit movie soundtrack. If only most of the people in Hollywood got their head out of their asses when it came to soundtracks..
[Aug 3,2009 11:01am - archaeon ""]
This band is the best.
[Aug 3,2009 12:29pm - MikeOv  ""]
Powerful album, brilliantly composed. This is what Kayo Dot should now sound like.
[Aug 3,2009 1:06pm - martins ""]
Kayo Dot sucks and this album is nowhere near as good as their last two albums. There's some great parts but it's missing that maudlin feel that kicked my ass the first time I heard them.
[Aug 3,2009 1:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
it's way more mellow. more classical inspiried composition; piano, violin (btw, she's slammin' hot), etc. way less metal-inspired parts than earlier Maudlin.
It's a nice listen when you're craving something to relax you.

Also, that bass part is great!
[Aug 3,2009 1:10pm - martins ""]
It's good definitely but not great, which is what I expected.
[Aug 3,2009 1:12pm - arilliusbm ""]

martins said:It's awesome definitely but not metal, which is what I final fantasy 11 sucks.
[Aug 3,2009 1:13pm - martins ""]
Never played 11 so no care and I don't listen to metal much these days.
[Aug 3,2009 1:34pm - arilliusbm ""]

martins said:Never played 11 so no care and I don't listen to metal much these days.

I know, just trying to be a dbag. But not listening to metal much these days? Once a metalhead, always a metalhead. I primarily listen to metal, but listen to just about every other type of music, mostly 70s stuff. I would never disband metal.
[Aug 3,2009 1:37pm - martins ""]
I still do but not as much. I'm mostly disenchanted. I can't find anything interesting/different. Which is why I started that new music thread. I'm going to try to round off my Zappa collection until I find some out of this world metal. I'm excited for NEDF though because Orgone is playing and they're easily one of my favorite extreme metal bands.
[Aug 3,2009 1:46pm - dreadkill ""]
zappa > metal
[Aug 3,2009 1:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'd say hit the pipe. you'd find music way more interesting.

[Aug 3,2009 2:12pm - arilliusbm ""]

martins said:I can't find anything interesting/different.

You don't listen to a lot of black metal, right?
[Aug 3,2009 3:31pm - Yeti ""]

martins said:I still do but not as much. I'm mostly disenchanted. I can't find anything interesting/different.

i'm feeling the same way. i've been venturing out of metal because i'm so bored with it, and i'm sick of the bullshit within it. Aril peaked my interest in prog, and i'm finding so much enjoyment out of it.
[Aug 3,2009 3:36pm - arilliusbm ""]

Yeti said:
martins said:I still do but not as much. I'm mostly disenchanted. I can't find anything interesting/different.

Aril peaked my interest in prog, and i'm finding so much enjoyment out of it.

I did? haha, sweet.
[Aug 3,2009 3:37pm - darkwork  ""]
i seperated myself from the bullshit within metal by starting a metal band.
[Aug 3,2009 4:11pm - MikeOv  ""]
Glad I got to see these guys live.
[Aug 3,2009 4:25pm - archaeon ""]

MikeOv said:Glad I got to see these guys live.

SO jealous
[Aug 3,2009 6:25pm - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:
martins said:I can't find anything interesting/different.

You don't listen to a lot of black metal, right?

Not a lot and not the "grim" stuff. I love Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord.
[Aug 3,2009 7:00pm - aril on the commuter rail  ""]
You should delve into the more avantgarde type black metal if you're looking for something interesting.
[Aug 3,2009 7:07pm - Martins ""]
name it and I can tell you if I've listened to it or not. sometimes I'm not sure what's considered black metal. Like, is Sigh BM?
[Aug 3,2009 11:39pm - MetalThursday ""]
Listened to this and the baliset album last night... made me feel like a terrible musician.
[Aug 4,2009 3:03pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
Fans of muadlin should come check out Baliset at Metal Thursday this week. Greg Massi of motW plays guitar and the band is pretty much his own little brainchild.
[Aug 4,2009 3:18pm - MikeOv  ""]
Is Baliset also an amalgamation of metal mixed with orchestral arrangements? This thread forced me to bust out my Maudlin CD's, plus Toby Driver's In the L..L..Library Loft.
[Aug 4,2009 3:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Chances are I will be at the MT this week to see this. But It's always a pain getting home at 3AM and getting up a few hours later
[Aug 4,2009 3:22pm - MikeOv  ""]
Yeah, I think I'm going as well.
[Aug 4,2009 3:23pm - Beorht-Dana ""]

MikeOv said:Is Baliset also an amalgamation of metal mixed with orchestral arrangements? This thread forced me to bust out my Maudlin CD's, plus Toby Driver's In the L..L..Library Loft.

Nope. Greg wanted to go in a different direction with this. Certainly influenced by his time in motW but saying we sound like them would be a very big stretch.
[Aug 4,2009 3:24pm - MikeOv  ""]
Awesome. No need to rehash old ideas, right? I'm looking forward to hearing some fresh new ones.
[Aug 4,2009 3:24pm - Metal Meister  ""]
^^^ this is metal
[Aug 4,2009 3:28pm - brian_dc ""]

Beorht-Dana said:
MikeOv said:Is Baliset also an amalgamation of metal mixed with orchestral arrangements? This thread forced me to bust out my Maudlin CD's, plus Toby Driver's In the L..L..Library Loft.

Nope. Greg wanted to go in a different direction with this. Certainly influenced by his time in motW but saying we sound like them would be a very big stretch.

Greg and I had the same guitar teacher in college...different years, but same fella. My teacher was always saying that Greg just wanted to do a more traditional prog-metal sort of thing.Always was waiting for something like Baliset to get started from him.
[Aug 4,2009 3:42pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
Baliset is still looking for a second guitarist BTW so if anyone is interested let me know!
[Aug 4,2009 3:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm listening
[Oct 21,2009 8:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
This album is definitely top 10 2009.
[Oct 21,2009 9:40pm - Martins ""]
You really think so? It has it's cool parts and great production value but it doesn't hold a candle to Leaving Your Body Map
[Oct 21,2009 9:53pm - Martins ""]
wait, I guess that's not what you were saying. I guess I'd have to agree.
[Oct 21,2009 10:29pm - aril commuter rail blows  ""]
While I had wished they had heavier parts like the old stuff, I view this album differently.
[Oct 21,2009 10:30pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Considering what Toby has been doing with Kayo Dot and his other projects, I'm not surprised at the way it turned out.
[Oct 21,2009 10:47pm - Martins ""]
God, I hate Kayo Dot. Like a slap in the face.
[Oct 21,2009 11:05pm - aril commuter rail blows  ""]
Way to talk trash about local bands
[Oct 21,2009 11:08pm - Martins ""]
lol. are you really still on the commuter rail? Sucks. I'm going to sleep.

Kayo Dot is all the bad parts of Maudlin of the Well put together to make a whole lot of bad music.
[Oct 21,2009 11:13pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

aril%20commuter%20rail%20blows said:Way to talk trash about local bands

Let alone a musician with artistic credibility, that talentless people accuse of composing pretentious nonsense.
[Oct 21,2009 11:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
He's my second favorite Toby.
[Oct 22,2009 1:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Oct 22,2009 2:00am - Archaeon ""]
Toby Driver <3
[Oct 22,2009 4:57am - deadlikemurf ""]
this is fucking awesome.
[Oct 22,2009 7:47am - Martins ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:
aril%20commuter%20rail%20blows said:Way to talk trash about local bands

Let alone a musician with artistic credibility, that talentless people accuse of composing pretentious nonsense.

What does it matter if they're local? They're still a band just like any other band, open for scrutiny.

And besides, I fucking love Maudlin of the Well. That lovable faggot Grant wouldn't even know MotW if it weren't for me, haha. I've gotten a legion of my sister's male friends into MotW, and they also happen to like Kayo Dot and all the other MotW spawn.
[Oct 22,2009 8:15am - MikeOv  ""]
Call me crazy, but I sensed that the SM was in full effect, in aril's post above.
[Oct 22,2009 8:17am - Martins ""]
I was responding more to the response to aril's comment.
[Oct 22,2009 8:17am - aril commuter rail blows  ""]

Martins said:

What does it matter if they're local?

Internet sarcasm.
[Oct 22,2009 8:18am - MikeOv  ""]

Martins said:I was responding more to the response to aril's comment.

Haha, I know, that's why I said what I did.
whcih was now confirmed.
[Oct 22,2009 8:24am - aril commuter rail blows  ""]
I was responding to the initial response to your other response to mikeov's sarcastic response, but my response wasn't directed at your response per se; rather the initial concept of responding to responses, martins.
[Oct 22,2009 8:53am - MikeOv  ""]
[Oct 22,2009 8:55am - Martins ""]
I'm gonna respond all over your face when I respawn.
[Oct 26,2011 7:44am - MetalThursday ""]
Bump for being brilliant.
[Oct 26,2011 8:31am - arilliusbm ""]

MetalThursday said:Bump for getting them to play metal thursday.

[Oct 26,2011 8:35am - MetalThursday ""]
I'll work on that.
[Oct 26,2011 8:43am - arilliusbm ""]
if at all possible, that'd be awesome.
[Oct 26,2011 9:17am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 26,2011 9:23am - Spaldino  ""]
i am still in love with this band. so good. bath/leaving your body map are masterpieces imo.
[Oct 26,2011 11:44am - ark  ""]
absolutely motherfucking brilliant.
[Oct 27,2011 10:44am - Yeti ""]
[Oct 27,2011 10:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
finally starting to delve into this project.

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